Mortal Kombat 11 Update 1.22 Patch Notes

Mortal Kombat 11 update 1.22 patch notes released for PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Mortal Kombat 11 patch notes, the latest update added Femme Fatale Skin Pack, bug fixes and other quality of changes. Apart from this, Mortal Kombat 11 version 1.22 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a big update was released which added the Summer Heat Pack DLC, gameplay changes and more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues while playing the game. Today’s Mortal Kombat 11 1.22 is expected to fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

What is new in Mortal Kombat 11 update 1.22?


Added new MK11 fighter costumes! Femme Fatale Skin Pack!

General Gameplay Adjustments

  • Move list corrections

Character Specific Adjustments

  • Cetrion– Fixed a rare issue that could cause the first hit of Deadly Winds to not be able to trade under certain circumstances
  • Cetrion– Bouncing Boulder no longer has its hit regions removed when it is reflected
  • D’Vorah– Infested Krushing Blow now triggers when hitting Jacqui while she is airborne with Bionic Bounce, (Air) Shrapnel Blast, (Air) Prototype Rocket, and (Air) Grenade Launcher
  • Kitana– Slightly adjusted the hit & repel regions of Square Wave and (Air) Square Wave
  • Kotal Kahn– Mehtizquia Cut Amplify Krushing Blow now triggers when hitting Jacqui while she is airborne with Bionic Bounce, (Air) Shrapnel Blast, (Air) Prototype Rocket, and (Air) Grenade Launcher
  • Sonya– Mortar Strike (K.A.T. Turret) will no longer sometimes fire in the wrong direction under certain circumstances
  • Sonya– Fixed a visual issue with K.A.T. Turret – K.A.T. Tantrum damage effects not looking correct on some characters
  • Shang Tsung– Fixed an issue that was preventing The Essence Thief Brutality from triggering correctly

Bug Fixes

  • Added fixes for some crashing.
  • Added gameplay optimizations.
  • Added performance and stability improvements to the game.
  • Added fixes for stuttering and lag issues.
  • Other minor fixes.

Download free Mortal Kombat 11 patch 1.22 on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.