Mojang has released Minecraft update 1.19.30 changelog details for PS4, PC, and Xbox players. According to the official Minecraft 1.19.30 patch notes, the latest update brings Vanilla Parity changes and fixes. Apart from this, Minecraft Bedrock update 1.19.30 also includes various other bug fixes and improvements.
Previously, a big Minecraft update 1.19.1 (Wild Update) added new features like the mangrove swamp biome to the game. Recently, update 1.19.10 was also released with various tweaks.
Unfortunately, players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Minecraft patch 1.19.30 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.
What is new in Minecraft Update 1.19.30?
Vanilla Parity
- Endermen no longer get angry at Creative players.
- Modified the fireball entity’s collision box to match Java Edition
- The Enchanting Table now produces a sound when enchanting an item
- Amethyst blocks no longer produce sound when jumping off of them
Deep Dark
- Increased Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Sensor generation rates in Deep Dark and Ancient Cities to better match Java Edition.
Melon Block
- Fixed the bottom texture of the Melon block to match the top texture.
- Modified the Cat’s head position while sitting to match Java Edition.
User Interface
- The item stack popup animation will now only play when a new item is added to the stack.
- If a Villager has a Nametag, it is now displayed along with their trade tier.
Spectator Mode (Experimental)
- Endermen no longer become angry at players in Spectator Mode.
- Players in Spectator Mode can no longer interact with Sculk Sensors by swimming in water or lava.
- Players switching into Spectator Mode will unhook any fish hooks attached to them
- Players in Spectator mode can no longer be pushed by explosions.
- Powder Snow no longer emits particles when spectators move through it.
- Big Dripleaf no longer tilts when touched by players in Spectator Mode.
- Players in Spectator Mode now keep their inventories and equipped items on death.
- Spectators can no longer attract mob’s attention when holding their favorite.
- The /testfor command can now target spectators.
- The Spectator game mode can no longer be entered via the /gamemode 6command, only via /gamemode spectator
- Spectators using touch controls can no longer break Boats and Minecarts.
- Pufferfish no longer react to nearby spectators
Features and Bug Fixes
- Mud Brick Slab can now be placed as a top slab via commands.
- Piston’s animation when extending and retracting is now smooth .
Border Block
- Border blocks should now prevent passage at all heights
- Mangrove, Crimson, and Warped Planks can now be used to repair Shields.
The “Cannot connect to Marketplace” error will no longer be erroneously read by the Text-To-Speech reader
- Fixed a bug causing Leads to break with Allays after the owner player changes dimensions.
- The Goat’s ram animation was modified to slowly lower their head when preparing to ram.
- Fixed a bug that rarely caused the Villager’s bounding box to become desynced with the server when sleeping
Dedicated Server
- Added server property ‘disable-custom-skins’ to block untrusted skins on a server wide level
Stability and Performance
- Fixed a bug causing an occasional crash when loading players in beds
User Interface
Fixed a UI bug where enchanted leather items would have parts of the texture not displaying the glint animation.
- Added new disconnection error messages to better highlight the area in which the disconnection occurred
- Raid bar no longer becomes stuck after breaking Beds to cancel a raid.
Technical Updates
Actor Properties
Numerical actor properties (float and integer) will now always clamp their values into the range of values specified
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- minecraft:instant_despawnno longer affects players
- Command selector now gets the same position for the player that the command origin player position gets
Fixed a bug where the text-to-speech feature would read the entire “My Content” page, both highlighted and non-highlighted items
Experimental Features
- The “/execute if block” command now displays integer values for block positions.
GameTest Framework
- Vector
- Fixed a bug wherefunctionlength would return undefined
- Added functionlengthSquared– Returns the squared length of the vector
- AddedstackOverflowas a possibleWatchdogTerminateReasonfor thebeforeWatchdogTerminateevent
- IRawMessage – Interface object representing a message
- rawtext : (string | IRawMessage)[] – (optional) A list of text objects used to build a message
- text : string – (optional) A string containing plain text to display directly. Only valid when used as a sub member in a parentrawtextorwithmember
- translate : string – (optional) String representing a translation identifier to translate text in the player’s selected language
- with : (string | IRawMessage)[] – (optional) A list of text object arguments used to fill values in thetranslatetext. Ignored whentranslateis not present
- say(string | IRawMessage) – Used to broadcast a message to all players
- tell(string | IRawMessage) – Send a message to a player
Fixed a bug where Dynamic Properties would not persist when using worlds hosted on Bedrock Dedicated Server or Realms
Pack dependencies on native modules can be declared using the module name without the need to specify a UUID, using the “module_name” attribute. The module name matches the import statement (e.g., “mojang-minecraft”)
- Removed mojang-gametest module version 0.1.0; packs using “mojang-gametest” specific APIs must be updated to use GameTest version 1.0.0-beta
- The “mojang-gametest” module 1.0.0-beta requires “mojang-minecraft” module 1.0.0-beta
- Removed usage ofminecraft:unwalkableblock component and added block creative group and category to the block description
What is Minecraft 1.19.30 Released Date?
Minecraft update 1.19.30 is expected to roll out in the mid of September 2022. The exact release date will be available soon.
Download free Minecraft 1.19.30 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.