M&B 2 Bannerlord Update 1.08 Patch Notes (v1.1.0)

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord update 1.08 (V 1.1.0) is now available to download on PS4. According to the official Bannerlord 1.08 patch notes, the latest update adds a long list of bug fixes. Apart from this, Bannerlord patch 1.08 also includes quality of life changes and improvements.

Previously, a big update added quality of life changes and improvements. Unfortunately, players are facing several issues. Today’s Mount and Blade Bannerlord patch 1.08 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord 1.08 (1.1) Patch Notes – March 1, 2023



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clearing a rival alley in a civilian mission while there was an alley attack event ongoing.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player initiated an alley fight right after clearing and occupying one.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading the game.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player sallied out while besiegers were under attack by a friendly party.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the crafting screen when using the confirm shortcut.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while the player was in an army and peace was declared.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the banner editor screen if the player had a heraldic armour equipped.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if a party had no leader starting a siege.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a bug related with notables not being in a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a bug related with the scene empire_village_h.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while saving the game.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clearing a rival alley in a civilian mission while an alley attack event was ongoing.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player encountered a settlement under siege by an allied army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving an alley empty and claiming another alley.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while playing animations with certain blend values.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the athletics perk “Mighty Blow” to reward more hit points than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Radagos to disappear in the hideout tutorial quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the siege engines in the Order of Battle UI to be interactable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the heroes to not appear in the commander pool during the Order of Battle phase if their assigned formations were removed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented companions from being assigned during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused formation weight and troop count display issues during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented shortcuts from appearing after selecting orders during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the act of selecting siege engines during the Order of Battle phase to also issue orders.
  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes to not appear correctly in the Order of Battle’s hero assignment pool.
  • Fixed a set of bugs that prevented renown and influence from being gained in battles.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the leading parties from showing up on the sally out battle menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the scroll bar handle to be smaller than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troops that were replaced with banner bearers to be counted as routed troops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes’ names to only display titles in non-English languages.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented agents from throwing boulders at the enemy in the gatehouse.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to enter the lord’s hall fight without selecting all of the required troops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troops to spawn in buildings in Pen Cannoc.
  • Fixed a bug that caused armours to not take banner tableaus in missions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a slow-motion animation and recurring sounds to play during mounted training.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the weight of crafted items to double when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get wounded in simulation battles.
  • Fixed memory leaks that occurred after a new sandbox/campaign game or when loading an old one.
  • Fixed stability issues that occurred during longer gameplay sessions.
  • Chinese localization fix.
  • [PS5 & Xbox Series S/X] Fixed a bug that prevented sounds from playing in combat after a while.


  • Added support for armour piece banners in the save load screen. This will cause your save character to not appear until you save again.
  • Re-enabled the campaign.multiply_campaign_speed cheat but capped its maximum value to 15 and changed its name to set_campaign_speed_multiplier.



  • Fixed a client-side crash that occurred when someone picked up a weapon from a corpse.
  • Fixed a server crash that occurred due to a wrong state calculation for missile position sending.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from logging into the lobby.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Khuzait Conscript perk to reduce damage by 50% instead of 5%.


  • Added logging improvements.


  • Fixed the Items.xsd to again allow the addition of multiple weapon components to an item.

Initial Beta Changelog



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when equipping an incorrectly specified banner item called campaign_banner_small.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during siege due to an AI formation not being positioned correctly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when many units died simultaneously.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the AI general being assigned before the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the keep battle due to reinforcement deployment planning not being done correctly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during siege when the defenders opened the gates to meet the attackers.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the Order of Battle phase when a mounted companion was assigned to lead an empty formation and then ordered to dismount.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the governor of a town.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after selecting an heir.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after disbanding an army from the Kingdom screen.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the unintended ability to enter settlements under siege.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when dying from fall damage inside a castle keep.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after completing a battle.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to enter the keep after a siege battle.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a town while being taken captive.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to engage a party that had no troops.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the save/load menu.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when sallying out from a neutral settlement that is under siege.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the siege menu.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when taking the Spy Party quest from a hero in an army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning captains to formations during combat.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when player characters changed while leading an army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player assisted a lord in battle while having an active vassalage offer from that lord.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a clan left its kingdom.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the board game, Seega, when the player or the opponent won by forming a barrier.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a besieger party or an army encountered a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when additional parties from different factions joined a siege as attackers and the diplomatic state of any attacker faction and besieger faction changed.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a non-attached army member joined a map event while being attached to the army at the same time.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after completing the Army of Poachers quest with persuasion.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when switching menus during an ongoing encounter.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the Merchant Caravan quest caravan joining a siege.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while starting a new campaign or loading an existing one. (This may resolve crashes even after complete cleanup/reinstalling for some players.)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred because of bandit parties.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading the game due to party visuals.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a besieger party was destroyed.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to leave a faction while being in an army with the faction leader.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save while a voiceover file was still playing.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on a marriage offer notification.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a hero that had been sent to solve an issue was wounded in the process.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when making peace during a siege.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the main storyline when the conspiracy was activated.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if a decision was cancelled before the voting stage started.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting a leader after the ruler clan of a faction was eliminated.
  • Fixed a console-specific crash that occurred when there was an empty tooltip on the Clan or Kingdom screens.

Save & Load

  • Optimised the save system to reduce the total size of the save file.
  • Save file sizes now increase linearly. (They used to double over time.)
  • Reduced the save time.
  • Fixed a bug with older save files that have clans with no leaders.


  • Minor text fixes and localisation updates.


  • Added a new Empire plate vest armour.
  • Added a new Khuzait heavy armour.
  • Added three scenes to the custom battle (Sanala, Ataconia Castle and Mecalovea Castle).
  • Arena spectator characters are now normal agents with new animations instead of meshes.
  • Male characters can now wear female clothing without clipping issues.
  • Added a horse trader to the Khuzait town (b) scene.
  • Improved various materials.
  • Sturgia town (g) siege layer improvements.
  • Vlandia castle (c) siege layer improvements.
  • Empire town (l) siege layer improvements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused siege tower orientation to be broken in some locations of Empire town (f).
  • Fixed a bug that caused ballista covers to appear on mangonels at Varnovapol.
  • Fixed a bug that caused agents to fall through and get stuck in walls at Epicrotea.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troops to spawn in buildings at Varcheg.
  • Minor scene fixes to Jaculan.
  • Fixed a bug that caused gaps to appear between the handle and the blade of crafted weapons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Old Fur Coat to have missing textures.


  • Fixed bugs related to the “What have the Romans ever done for us”, “This is our land” and “Explorer” achievements.


  • Added missing voiceovers for Aserai, Khuzait and Sturgia.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the campaign map music to continue in hideout battles.


  • Party Screen Troop Sorting:
    • Players can now sort both rosters in the party screen by troop Type, Name, Count and Tier.
    • The last selected sort type is remembered and applied on every party screen initialisation.
    • By default, heroes are grouped together at the top of the roster.
    • This change also includes a troop-type rundown added to the party screen. Players now can see how many Infantry, Archers, Cavalry and Horse Archers they have at a glance.
  • Implemented a Fog of War feature for heroes:
    • Players now need to meet heroes to unlock some of their critical information.
    • Skills, traits, family, and owned settlements information are hidden until you meet that hero.
    • This change affects tooltips, portraits and information shown in the encyclopaedia.
  • Added new tutorials to help new players:
    • Upgrading troops, choosing perks, distributing attribute and focus points, getting companions, ransoming prisoners, civilian equipment, party speed, army cohesion, creating an army, order of battle, crafting and crafting orders, banner item in the inventory, crime, assigning roles in the clan screen, and raiding villages.
    • Improved some of the existing tutorial trigger conditions and texts.
  • Added a tooltip to the disabled “Leave kingdom” button in the Kingdom screen while in an army.
  • Improved rotation in the character creation and weapon smithy screens for gamepads.
  • Added the ability to open the encyclopaedia from the upgrade and recruit pop-ups in the Party screen.
  • Added a new map event icon on settlement nameplates to show the sally out stage.


  • Fixed a bug that caused banner effects to show incorrect values in tooltips.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “tournament active” icon to stay on the settlement nameplate after a tournament was cancelled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the scoreboard to open with the TAB key while in photo mode.
  • Fixed a bug that caused formation indicators to show incorrect positions after issuing an order in Order of Battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Order of Battle screen to work incorrectly after starting the battle while the order UI was active.
  • Fixed a bug which hindered the ability to view a troop’s encyclopaedia page from the upgrade pop-up of the Party page.

Battles and Sieges

  • Implemented the sally out ambush mission. Players can now initiate this mission to destroy the besieger AI’s siege engines.
  • Added banner effects to Custom Battle. Custom Battle commanders will now have default banners.
  • Newly spawned reinforcement troops will now prioritise empty formations if they cannot find a suitable formation that matches their troop class. When this happens the empty formation will auto-switch to AI control (delegate order).
  • Defender agents in most scenes would be too late to meet enemies attacking over ladders or towers due to their waiting position being too far away. Logic was added to anticipate the enemy being close to attacking to compensate for this situation.
  • The attacking side in sieges now uses only one of the available lanes if their numbers are too few.
  • Logic was added to make nearby formations take control of siege weapons in the event that they are closer than the reinforcements from the initial formation.
  • Improved party AI calculations for siege scores for settlements that had a besieger and got attacked by a party.
  • Added improvements to prevent troops from falling from castle walls due to overcrowding when teleporting during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused square and circle formation previews to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused reinforcement troops to spawn on top of their formations when they could not find a valid spawn position. They will now spawn on deployment positions specified in the scene.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troop transfers between formations that were applied due to a previously saved battle configuration, triggering player order animation and sound effects.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented captains from spawning with their formations when a previously saved battle configuration was loaded during deployment.
  • Fixed a bug that caused formation deployment positions to be placed on positions without an underlying navmesh.
  • Fixed various bugs with the Order of Battle deployment phase when more than two forces participated in battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Charge order to teleport all troops to a single position during the Order of Battle phase. Formations that are given a Charge order will now stay put and will charge the enemy once the mission starts.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the attacker AI in siege to stall due to a failed transfer operation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the attacking large formations to hesitate when deciding to attack enemies or control the walls in siege.
  • Fixed a bug that caused range units in a circle formation to position themselves outside of the protected centre.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ranged units to moonwalk towards siege engines while being locked onto a distant target.
  • Fixed a bug that caused defending agents on top of walls to try climbing down the ladders to fight attackers and occasionally fall off.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the defending side not to counterattack even after most of the enemy started fleeing.
  • Fixed a bug that caused attacking agents to get stuck and walk into walls when issuing a Charge order in sieges.
  • Fixed a bug that caused agents to move incorrectly due to the navigation mesh used for the breached state of walls remaining active.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ranged formations to move too close to the enemy when skirmishing before stopping to shoot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the enemy assault potential with a siege tower to be calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI-controlled ranged siege engines to target enemy engines that had already been destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI agents to immediately return to their formation position after walking up to and opening the siege tower.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI archers to attempt to use positions with no cover (merlons were destroyed).
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some mounted agents from accelerating to gallop.

Character Development System

  • Added a new settlement near Lageta named “The Retreat” in which the player can approach a new NPC “The Hermit” and decide to retire from their current campaign either moving on with one of their heirs or concluding their journey completely.
  • Added a new window where players can see their progress through their campaign at the end of it, presenting many statistics such as their kill count, play time, number of troops recruited etc. Players can reach this window; when their clan is destroyed, they decide to retire or when they complete the main storyline.
  • Perk Overhaul
    • All perk descriptions have been rewritten to improve clarity.
    • Some perks saw improvements to functionality and some had minor tweaks for balance and clarity (Swift Strike, Fleet of Foot, Arrow Deflection, Keep at Bay, Drills, Merry Men, Well Prepared, Throwing Competitions, Strong Arms, Tactical Mastery, Fleet Footed, Forgivable Grievances, Make a Difference, Lead by Example, Trusted Commander, Talent Magnet, Forced Labor, Metallurgist).
    • 15+ perks saw name changes.
    • Trade tree saw bigger changes:
      • Reordered some perk effects to make it so that the early game benefiting perks can be unlocked earlier.
      • Changed the primary perk effect of the “Silver Tongue” perk.
      • Skill descriptions have been rewritten for clarity.
      • Changed how the “effect type” is shown on the perk description tooltip.
    • Changed the description of the Partners in Crime perk.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented XP gains during multiple mission fights.
  • Fixed a bug that caused crime rating to be applied incorrectly in some cases.

Clan and Party

  • Redesigned and reimplemented Alley mechanics. Players are now able to claim alleys after clearing them. They can do so by assigning a clan member who has suitable traits and roguery skills.
    • Player-owned alleys provide gold and bandit troops for the player but also generate some crime rating.
    • Alleys will be attacked by neighbouring gang leaders, and players must respond to those attacks to keep the alley.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented wanderers from spawning until the next game load after dismissing a companion.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parties to go in and out of a village if they were willing to stay in the village, causing their visuals to be enabled and disabled, making them non-interactable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wage limit to be unlimited after setting it to 2000 in the Clan screen.
  • Fixed a bug that teleported governors to multiple settlements.


  • Reworked the village raid system. Instead of rewarding just through the inventory and recruitment pool of the village, village raids now primarily rely on the amount of hearth damage done to the village during the raid.
    • Rewards come in three categories – Denar, various everyday goods and the main production of the village.
    • The combined value of the loot is usually higher than f.e. attacking caravans but the weight can be rather high – especially while raiding villages that produce low-value but a high volume of goods like hardwood and grain. Raiding for commercial gain as such requires returning to towns to sell the loot more often. Alternatively, the player can do it for strategic reasons, forgoing the income.
    • Increased the recovery time for villages.
    • Forcing supplies and recruits are now also based on village hearths.
    • After being forced to give supplies or recruits a village will generate less loot through raiding for a while.
    • If a raid is completed successfully, it no longer gives the disorganised state. That only happens if you leave mid-raid.
  • Added troop selection to keep battles. (For modding: You can now initialise battle simulation with selected troops.)
  • Rebalanced renown and influence bonuses for multiple battle missions (when multiple missions are opened for that battle).
  • The player’s army will now disband when there is no other party in the army except the player.
  • Factions will not create armies if they don’t have any enemy that has at least one settlement.
  • The game will now pause and a menu text and menu button conditions will refresh after the siege leader party leaves the map event.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed player army leaders to leave besieged settlements without consequences by disbanding their army.
  • The AI of parties that are targeting a siege event will be reset when the siege event ends. This fixes the double siege event problem in the same settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused army influence to be -2000000.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled siege menu buttons due to the player not being recognised as the siege leader.
  • Fixed a menu text bug that occurred when a higher-ranking lord joined the player’s siege event.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player’s siege to advance to the keep battle even if the player retreated in the mission.
  • Fixed a bug that gave prisoners to militia parties after sallying out which caused some prisoner heroes to not be found in settlements.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented attackers from reconsidering multiple siege battle missions after they fled from the battle mission when the player was defending.
  • Fixed an issue with influence cost calculations of siege aftermath options.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy

  • Fixed a bug that allowed minor factions to join a kingdom with which they should always be at war with (by design).

Economy and Trade

  • Fixed a bug that caused hero tooltips to show incorrect workshop ownership.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

  • Changed the wanderer life cycle. Players can now find at least 1 of each wanderer type in the world at all times.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed a clan member to be invited to play a board game in an incorrect location.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player party to be ejected from their current settlement due to an unrelated peace between other factions.

Quests & Issues

  • Added exclamation marks to “Spy Among Us” and “Inn and Out” quest menu buttons and agents.
  • Updated the consequences of criminal actions towards the quest giver’s clan’s villages. This now causes a 5 relationship penalty with the quest giver and a 50 experience penalty to the honor trait.
  • Lord needs Tutor success consequences changes:
    • Players will gain 25 relation with the quest giver instead of 15.
    • Players will gain 15 relation with the pupil hero.
    • Players will gain 5 renown.
  • Headman Needs Grain timeout consequences changes:
    • 5 relation penalty with the quest giver.
    • 3 relation penalty with other notables in the quest village.
    • Changed the issue frequency to rare from common.
  • Escort Merchant Caravan
    • Updated the caravan destroyed by the main hero quest log text.
    • Changed the attacking quest caravan consequences:
      • 10 relationship penalty with the quest giver.
      • 10 power penalty to the quest giver.
      • 80 honor experience to the main hero.
      • 20 prosperity penalty to the quest giver’s settlement.
    • Updated the cancel by war quest log text.
    • Fixed a bug that caused tracks from bandit parties to be removed immediately.
    • Changed the timeout consequences:
      • 5 power penalty to the quest giver.
      • 5 relation penalty with the quest giver.
      • 20 honor experience penalty to the main hero.
      • 20 prosperity penalty to the quest giver’s settlement.
  • Train Troops
    • Added a success log for an alternative solution.
    • The game now pauses when the decision pop-up is opened to complete the quest.
    • Fixed the bug that prevented troop counts in the quest log from being updated.
  • Village Needs Grain
    • The issue now only appears in villages whose type is “Wheat Farm”.
    • Changed the issue frequency to rare from common.
    • Added a relation penalty with other notables in the issue village if the quest fails.
  • Escort Merchant Caravan
    • Updated the war declaration against the quest giver’s kingdom consequences.
    • Various quest log updates.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the quest bandit party to be immediately untracked.
  • Improved the quest progress updates for the Headman Needs Grain Seeds quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused guards to spawn behind the gate during the Gang Leader Needs Weapons quest at Syronea.
  • Fixed issues that occurred during the main storyline when the player became the leader of an existing faction.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a quest to be incorrectly cancelled upon the conquest of a settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect journal log to appear during the Art of the Trade quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Conquest of a Settlement quest to not reward a correct amount of gold.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest dialogue to get stuck in a loop.
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies for the required troop tiers of alternative solutions.
  • Fixed minor issues with a variety of quests.

Conversations & Encounters

  • Made various improvements to conversations by reviewing and reassigning poses & expressions based on the animation content introduced in recent patches. These were also used in updated default poses for NPC encyclopaedia entries.
  • Fixed a missing text in bandit encounter conversations.


  • Added crowns to the starting rulers.
  • Added a concept page for crime and caravans.
  • Updated the length stats of all mounts to highlight the characteristics of different breeds.
  • Rebalanced shoulder armour pieces and weapons used in tournaments.
  • Increased the base settlement prisoner limit to 60 from 30 and bonus from each wall level to 30 from 10.
  • Fixed various horse behaviour problems encountered during the mounted training tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from restarting a particular section (like melee training) of the training field tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug that caused shields to enlarge after being dropped.
  • Fixed a bug that caused banners to be incorrectly shown in some settlements.
  • Fixed a bug that duplicated heroes in missions if the main agent changed locations through doors.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the last-seen info from being updated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused notables to stand on a chair at Lycaron.
  • Fixed a bug that caused no recruits to spawn in Tevea when starting a new game.



  • Fixed a network-related crash that occurred when an agent position was outside of network limits.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the intermission due to long map names.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash on custom servers if they didn’t have the “MultiplayerForcedAvatars” folder created.

Design & Balance

  • Lances can no longer be used to knockdown/dismount players.
  • Increased all javelin weights by 25% and decreased melee damages by 20% (except for Captain mode). This also results in a slight decrease in throwing damage.


  • Improved database performance of the lobby server.

Server & Network

  • Linux server files & hosting a server on Linux are now available (since v1.0.3).
  • Improved the custom server join performance.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from joining a custom server after getting kicked due to inactivity.


  • Fixed various text areas where some characters would show up as squares (killfeed, server names etc.).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the gold label in the lobby to not be updated correctly after a match.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the report player button to be disabled incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused cosmetic items to get sorted incorrectly in the Armory tab in Lobby.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the intermission screen to not work properly in some instances.



  • Fixed a crash that occurred in relation to reversed animations’ sampling.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an agent died while using a machine.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in relation to item attack usages (especially if using mods).


  • Fixed a bug that prevented water collision sounds from working.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mangonel reloading sound loop.


  • Several performance improvements were made for both battles and the campaign map.
  • Fixed finalisation order of mission behaviours to prevent certain memory leaks.


  • Improved computations of physical forces for ragdoll when an agent dies with an instant ragdoll kill.


  • Polearms (including javelins) with a length of 1.2 metres or less, no longer make mounts rear.
  • Fixed a bug that caused weapon attacks that were blocked by a shield to be considered a shield strike.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the inflicted damage to not be set when an alternative attack (kick or shield bash) was blocked by a shield.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect highlighting of objects when DLSS was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to swivel the camera into their own heads.
  • Fixed a bug that caused achievements on Epic Games to not work after some time.


  • Improved scene checker code (editor) to detect various spawn path placement issues.
  • Separated the map camera implementation from the map screen code.
  • A new attribute is_moving was added to the monster usage system. It allows specifying different actions in moving or stationary situations.
  • Enabled the ability to give banner tableaus to armour pieces. It works the same way as for shields, banner bearer items etc.
  • Fixed a bug that caused issues with asset importing if there were two modules with the same ID.
  • Fixed a bug that caused SpCultures default XML to throw warnings when it has no defined cultures.
  • Animation clips can now be searched by their flags in the resource viewer.
  • Increased the ModifiedDamage compression info limits from 500 to 2000 and clamped the out-of-limit damage numbers to the min/max values.
  • AddGameMenu and GetGameMenu are now public.
  • Game menu options can now work with related objects.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if the main hero spoke with a hero that did not have any conversation lines. They now say a default conversation line instead.

Download free Bannerlord patch 1.08 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.