Lost Ark Update Patch Notes (Official) – February 23, 2022

A new Lost Ark update is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Lost Ark patch notes, the latest hotfix addressed issues related to matchmaking, crashes, and Battle Item Bundle.

Currently, Lost Ark servers are down for maintenance. Read Lost Ark downtime details here.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Lost Ark patch will address a few of these issues.

What is new in Lost Ark February 23 Update?

Addressed the following issues.

  • Applied a fix to help address matchmaking issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the Launch Event showing an item level 1420 Rapport Chest as the Day 15 reward.
  • Fixed an issue where the [Weekly] Battle Item Bundle stated it can be claimed 10 times. This has been changed to reflect the actual purchase limit of once a week.
  • Fixed an issue with the 10 day Attendance Event on the Europe West region. The Day 3 reward has been changed to Una’s Tasks [Daily] +1 x10, and the Day 6 reward is now Rare Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x10.

Download free the latest Lost Ark patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.