Lost Ark September 28 Update Patch Notes

A new Lost Ark update is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Lost Ark patch notes, the latest September update added new changes, fixes and improvements. Apart from this, the Lost Ark September 21 update also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a Lost Ark update added the Vykas Legion Raid, the Kungelanium Guardian Raid, the solo Thronespire Dungeon, a new event island, new cosmetics, and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Lost Ark patch will address a few of these issues.

Lost Ark Patch Notes (September Update) – September 28, 2022



Players will receive a Punika Powerpass after completing Punika’s quest “Berver’s Friend”. To access this quest, players must first complete all Adventure Quests (marked by purple exclamation marks) on Punika to collect stamps and become a citizen. Once the final quest in this chain, “Honorary Punikan” has been completed, you can talk to Nia in Nia village to start “Berver’s Friend.” If you’ve already finished the quest before the update, you’ll get the Powerpass when the event starts! This Event Powerpass will be delivered via in-game mail.

The Punika Powerpass will function like the North Vern Powerpasses available to players in the launch version of Lost Ark— once you’ve completed the storyline through that continent, you can use it to bring an alternate character to that point in the game. With the Punika Powerpass, you’ll receive Item Level 1302 gear. This is an event Powerpass, and will expire on October 26.


Similar to an Express Event, you can designate a character between item Level 1302 and 1415 on your roster to participate in the Special Event Missions, where they’ll earn honing materials to quickly level up to 1415. Defeat Guardians, Abyssal Dungeons, and reach Item Level thresholds to earn impactful honing material rewards. The Special Event Missions will stay active until November 23.

We’re excited to see the new alternate characters roaming Arkesia as players experience different playstyles or quickly level up a brand new Mechanist. Both of these events are available for a limited-time— so make sure you take advantage and use them while you can!


  • The first round of server merges will begin after the regularly scheduled downtime.
  • Updated and refreshed the daily login bonuses reward track.
  • Updated the Fever-time event system to allow for new types of Fever-time events. The first new event will take place during the final week of Arktoberfest from September 30 to October 3. In this event, each day, rewards can be claimed through the button normally— but a special track will also be active that grants a bonus prize. This extra reward track can be progressed through by logging and playing for 30 minutes each day. Once you meet the daily requirements, the next prize is reached. You only earn one prize, claimable at the end of the event, based on the number of days you met the requirements.
  • The Growth Support Effect has increased from 1370 to 1415 to help new players reach their friends in the T3end-game.
  • The level 22 (Legendary Engraving Selection Chest) and 25 (Lv. 3 Gem Box) rewards from Thronespire now have Item Level requirements (1445 and 1460 respectively) to open.
  • Updated the Item Level requirement for “Legendary Class Custom Engraving Recipe Chest” available from the vendor found on Anguished Isle to require Item Level 1445 or higher.
  • Added an option to report mail received from other players.
  • Added 6 additional character slots, to increase the previous max of 18 to 24.
  • AFK kick has been removed.
  • Additional items have been added to the Event Guardian Raid vendor, including:
    • Legendary Card Pack (1 roster limit)
    • Petit Saydon Pet Chest (1 roster limit)
    • Legendary Rapport Selection Chests (2 roster limit)
    • Event Tome of Enhancement books (3 roster limit for weapon books, 15 for armor)
    • Regulus’ Light Currency Chest (10 weekly roster limit)
    • Vitameow (5 weekly roster limit)
    • Leap’s Essence (3 weekly roster limit)
    • Basic Life Energy Potion (2 weekly roster limit)
    • Daily Una Instant Completion Ticket (6 weekly roster limit)
    • Daily Una +1 Task Ticket (1 weekly roster limit)
    • Creation Fragment (5 weekly roster limit)
    • Added Solar Grace, Solar Blessing, and Solar Protection honing materials.
    • Doubled the previous amount of Destruction and Guardian Stones received. The price remains the same.


  • Addressed a bug causing background audio to be missing in various cutscenes.
  • Addressed a bug causing unintended text to appear in the Achievements menu in non-English languages.
  • Addressed a bug causing the color options to not appear in the settings window for the Attack Direction Indicator.
  • Addressed a bug causing the identity tooltip setting to not function while using certain classes.
  • Addressed a bug allowing HTML formatted text to be sent via guild group chat notices.
  • Addressed a bug causing a cutscene to be skipped when completing certain quests in Anikka while in a party.
  • Addressed a bug causing the Pheromone Bomb to not last for 30 seconds if used on Night Fox Yoho before becoming invincible.
  • Addressed a bug causing the virtual keyboard to be shown when changing tabs in various menus while using a controller.
  • Addressed a bug causing the incorrect weekly reset time to be shown in the Stronghold Activity Notebook.
  • Addressed a bug where sever effects granted by the “Strange Movement” Tripod for the Destroyer’s “Earth Smasher” skill were not applied as described.
  • Addressed a bug causing guild chat messages to occasionally not appear.
  • Addressed a bug causing various chat tab settings to be reset.
  • Addressed a bug causing text to be reversed on one side of the Wingsuit Bike mounts.

Currently, Lost Ark servers are down for maintenance. Read Lost Ark downtime details here.

Download free the latest Lost Ark patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.