Lost Ark Patch Notes (New Update Today) – Official – Feb. 17, 2022

A new Lost Ark update is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Lost Ark patch notes, the latest update added a bunch of bug fixes, gameplay optimizations, and improvements.

Currently, Lost Ark servers are down for maintenance. Read Lost Ark downtime details here.

Recently, the game was released with positive reviews. A day one patch was also released with various fixes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Lost Ark patch will address a few of these issues.

Lost Ark February 17 Update Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where Royal Crystal refunds can get stuck pending when using the currency Exchange.
  • Fixed an issue where Procyon’s compass schedule could show an incorrect time for Adventure Islands.
  • Fixed an issue where dyeing the Northern Lawmaker skin on any Warrior sub-class would prevent the skin from displaying properly.
  • Fixed an issue where emoticons would be displayed as text when two players with different language settings were chatting.
  • Fixed an issue with DX11 where the UI Scale becomes offset for after changing from native resolutions while in Full Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where players were getting booted from the game while playing in the Central Europe region.
  • Implemented the groundwork for a new region to host servers in Europe, called “Europe West.” While you will be able to see this region selection tab after the maintenance is complete, these servers will not be available to players immediately.

Lost Ark February 16 Update Patch Notes

Addressed server instability issues on the EU region.

Lost Ark Update Patch Notes – February 14, 2022

  • Added stability improvements for EU Central servers.
  • Fixed an issue where dying the Northern Lawmaker skin on any Warrior sub-class would prevent the skin from displaying properly.

Lost Ark Update Patch Notes – February 13, 2022

Addressed an issue with infinite loading screens.

What is fixed in Lost ARK February 11 Update?

  • The area chat will now allow all players to talk to other players in a given area.
  • Fusion Material rewards from the Welcome Challenge increased to better support player progression.
  • Mari’s Secret Store will now display the regional server time instead of UTC.
  • Addressed quest dialog UI to avoid text overlap on certain 4K resolutions.
  • Player names will no longer be shown as “Unknown Player” in Voice Chat UI.
  • The words “Royal Crystals” and “Crystalline Aura” are now displaying in non-English languages in the Steam overlay when finalizing a transaction.
  • Addressed the title “Nightmare” which was displaying as blank.
  • World bosses now drop the proper gear for the Martial Artist classes.
  • Added an option for Voice Over on the Character Selection screen.
  • Sorceress audio now plays when playing in a non-English language.
  • All classes now have audio when using voices 2, 3, or 4 in a non-English language.
  • VO is now present in the “Stronghold Ceremony” quest cinematic.
  • VO has been added for Kazeros in the “With Gratitude” quest cinematic.

Download free the latest Lost Ark patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.