Lost Ark October 12 Update Patch Notes

A new Lost Ark update is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Lost Ark patch notes, the latest October update added Ark Pass Season 2 to the game. Apart from this, the Lost Ark September 21 update also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a Lost Ark update added the Vykas Legion Raid, the Kungelanium Guardian Raid, the solo Thronespire Dungeon, a new event island, new cosmetics, and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Lost Ark patch will address a few of these issues.

Lost Ark Patch Notes – October 12, 2022

  • Ark Pass Season 2 is arriving! Beginning on October 12th, players can complete missions in-game to earn rewards including honing material selection chests, pirate coins, and pheons! Players can also exchange Royal Crystals for the Premium Ark Pass, which will include additional rewards such as the Icebloom Deer Selection Chest, or the Super Premium Ark Pass, which includes the Respite and Glory Skin Set.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus value to be set to an invalid number on some characters. In cases where this is occurring, the Rest Bonus has been rounded up to the nearest 10.
  • Withheld gold spent to craft items in the Stronghold will now be refunded as withheld gold if crafting is cancelled. This only applies to withheld gold spent; if non-withheld gold is spent to craft an item which is later cancelled, it will be refunded as non-withheld gold.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “/groupinvite” chat command to not function.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the cutscene shown at the end of Naruna Hot Springs to repeat.
  • During this time, the second round of server merges will also take place. Downtime for regions experiencing server merges is expected to take longer than our standard maintenance, with an estimation of up to 12 hours.

Currently, Lost Ark servers are down for maintenance. Read Lost Ark downtime details here.

Download free the latest Lost Ark patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.