Lost Ark July 2 Update Patch Notes – July 2, 2022

A new Lost Ark July 2 update is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Lost Ark patch notes, the latest various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a major update added the Vykas Legion Raid, the Kungelanium Guardian Raid, the solo Thronespire Dungeon, a new event island, new cosmetics, and more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Lost Ark patch will address a few of these issues.

Lost Ark Patch Notes – July 2, 2022

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear when launching Lost Ark using Windows 7.
  • Lowered the time it takes to complete each daily quest on Heartbeat Island from 3 minutes to 30 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue causing PvP ranks to be reset in the Europe West Region.
  • Expired Feiton Powerpasses will no longer be sent to players after completing the quest “Will”. Additionally, players that redeemed their Feiton Powerpasses from their inventory prior to June 30th will now be able to use them until July 20th. Please note that redeemed Feiton powerpasses show an “Expiration: No Limit” message in-game, but these will expire after July 20th.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some players from completing weekly content such as Weekly Una’s Tasks and Weekly Stronghold Quests. Although players will still appear to be locked out of Weekly Guild Tasks, players who fulfill the task requirements will have their rewards delivered after the next weekly maintenance.

Currently, Lost Ark servers are down for maintenance. Read Lost Ark downtime details here.

Download free the latest Lost Ark July 2 patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.