Len’s Island Update 0.5.055 Patch Notes – Jan 25, 2023

A new Len’s Island update 0.5.055 is available to download on PC. According to the official Len’s Island game patch notes, the latest update adds a new save file backup system, XP for catching fish, and much more.

Previously, a major update was released which added a new Pagoda building style, a new lantern, a long list of bug fixes, and gameplay changes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Len’s Island patch 0.5.055 will fix a few of these issues.

Len’s Island Update Notes – January 25, 2023

New additions

  • Added new save file backup system, there are now temporary backup files that get stored alongside save files to help restore corrupt saves.
  • Rewrote part of the saving/loading system to make it more robust and able to rebuild files if computer crashes
  • Added Xp for catching fish
  • Added fog effect at the edge of the world so it’s more obvious where the map boundary is

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with Sugar High, Catch of the Day, and Collector achievements not working
  • Fixed removing wood storage piles sometimes not refunding stored items
  • Fixed Oil and Lightstone Dust stack sizes being capped at 25 when outputting in a refinery
  • Changed size of beds so you can walk around them in small 1×1 sized rooms
  • Fixed mesh & fading issues with alchemy table and void chest
  • Fixed footstep sound bug on boats
  • Fixed play button staying in main menu after backing out of character creation
  • Fixed bug that didn’t close blackjack games when talking to the pirate
  • Levelled bumpy terrain under building plot 2
  • Fixed pickup items falling through some cave entrances
  • Fixed issues not being able to edit some pagoda stairs
  • Fixed issues building floors & roofs above garden beds
  • Fixed many spelling and grammar errors across item descriptions
  • Fixed several areas in the dark forest dungeons with bad collision and places to get stuck
  • Fixed several areas in the desert tombs with bad collision and places to get stuck

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.