Leaf Blower Revolution update 2.5.0 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Labyrinthine patch notes, the latest update resolves various bug fixes and gameplay changes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Labyrinthine patch 2.5.0 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Labyrinthine Patch Notes – December 7, 2021
- New material: [spoiler]Dark Essence, new recipe[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Tools, Pets, Unique Leaves max level increased to 100 (all upgrades have a hard limit at level 10 but blower damage increases with each level, giving another bonus each 10 levels)[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Upgraded Unique Leaves gather materials automatically. Once the material counter hits 10 materials, they’re gathered automatically (see notification)[/spoiler]
- New artifact: [spoiler]Wind[/spoiler]
- New challenge: [spoiler]Claw%[/spoiler]
- New pets: [spoiler]The Cursed Cheese, Toucano[/spoiler]
- New shop: [spoiler]Ancient Shop[/spoiler]
- New tools: [spoiler]Trout, Hightech Trout, Nuclear Trout[/spoiler]
- Added many new upgrades
- Some Christmas feelings added (Thanks, Kairi!)
- [spoiler]Additional Ancient Leaves add 1% to pyramid rewards[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Vortex changed to teleport to [max floor OR all-time highest floor] – 1[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Cancelling brews return resources and materials[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Autobrew recipes[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Multiple Orbs of BLC can be used at once[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Reroll Crafted Leaves Props available via Alt+Right Click (shortcuts moved to the top help button)[/spoiler]
- Skins can be used in challenges (skins taken from main game)
- Hotkeys added for [spoiler]Ancient Shop + Alchemy[/spoiler]
- Bingo challenge print leaves of type x fixed
- Dialog error message changed to notification (caused after uploading save failed)
- Dig crash fixed
- Material decimal bugfixes (should always be rounded)
- Material gain per hour reflects the correct amount
- Scrolls menu order fixed
- Total challenge time displayed in the challenge menu