KOF XV Update 1.21 Patch Notes (KOF 15 1.21) – Official

The King Of Fighters XV (KOF XV) update 1.21 patch notes released for PS4, PC and PS5 (1.002.001) players. According to the official KOF XV 1.21 patch notes, the latest update resolves game crashing issues and added Omega Rugal changes. In addition, the latest KOFXV patch 1.21 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major update 1.20 added a free DLC Character OMEGA RUGA with new content like his special costume, a new stage, and new music.

Unfortunately, some players are facing kof xv unable to login issues. Today’s KOF 15 patch 1.21 will fix a few of these issues.

KOF 15 Update 1.21 Patch Notes – April 23, 2022


Game Crashes

  • Resolved an issue that could cause the game to crash when joining a lobby from a link invite or friends menu in the Steam version.

Starting Round Positions

  • Resolved an issue where under certain circumstances, the characters would start the round in unintended positions.



  • Increased total recovery frames by 3. (Because there were significantly fewer unfavorable frames than normal

Gigantic Pressure (MAX)
↓↘→↘↓↙←+LP HP

  • Shortened the cancel window into CLIMAX Super Special Move for the second hit. (This is to resolve an issue when canceling into the CLIMAX Super Special Move under a certain timing, which would result in the opponent not being able to move.)

Dread Fatal Wave
↓↙←↙↓↘→+HP HK

  • Resolved an issue where if the opponent is hit with a projectile as this CLIMAX Super Special Move is active, then regardless of their distance, the CLIMAX Super Special Move would land.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the opponent’s neck to look off during the
    zoomed in cinematic.

The King Of Fighters XV (15) patch 1.21 for PS4 is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.