Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Update 1.06 Patch Notes

Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning update 1.06 is now rolling out for PS4, PC, and Xbox One players. According to the official KOA Re-Reckoning 1.06 patch notes, the latest update added various quality of life improvement. Apart from this, Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning version 1.06 will also add general stability improvements.

Previously, a patch fixed disappearing enemies and Quest loot related issues. The patch also addressed invisible player character and problem with the submenu.

Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues with the game. Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning update 1.05 will fix a few of these issues.

What is fixed in Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning 1.06 patch notes? (June 21, 2021)

  • Issues that could lead to broken Quests fixed.
  • Controller Sensitivity improved.
  • Stability improvements.
  • Graphical glitches fixed.
  • Loremaster Achievement fixed.
  • Native 4k resolution when running on PS5.

Download free Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning update 1.06 on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.