Killsquad Update Patch Notes (Official) – January 13, 2022

Killsquad update is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Killsquad game patch notes, the latest update a bunch of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a big update added a long list of quality of life improvements and fixes. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. Killsquad patch will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Killsquad Patch Notes (January 13, 2022)


Major Issues

· Fixed a major bug where some enemies appear out of the map playing Colosseum and the player can’t go on the contract.
· Fixed a major bug where “ABOMINATION” leg colliders do not disappear when the player defeats playing Colosseum.
· Fixed a major bug where “GORUS” spawns minions and chest behind the barrier.
· Fixed a major bug where clients can’t see “DRIFT MAW” ball attack playing the contract “OVERPROTECTION”
· Fixed a major bug where the perks “MakeItHard” and “KeepItSimple” do not work playing Cass.
· Fixed a major bug where Kosmo “TURBO WHIRLWIND” skill do too much damage spinning after doing the first slam.
· Fixed a major bug where the contract “CLEANING IS MY THING” does not count towards the “Jeep Lover” achievement.
· Fixed a major bug where Cass shuriken first hit finish the skill cooldown even though there are another enemy target available.
· Fixed a major bug where input sometimes gets blocked opening the Quest “HATCH GUY’S VERY SPECIAL… “SOUP””.
· Fixed a major bug where a player can’t achieve the quest of complete de Veteran Colosseum in 26 minutes or less and he does not get any reward.


· Fixed a bug where the Leaderboard badges have not any border.
· Fixed a bug where the Leaderboard values are duplicated if the player scrolls quickly.
· Fixed a bug where Legendary Weapons are not invisible when Cass use “PHASE SHIFT”.
· Fixed a bug where destroyable boxes in the first area of contract “OVERPROTECTION” do not replicate correctly their state between players.
· Fixed a bug where Police Turret Elite is too big in Colosseum.
· Fixed some localization issues.

Download free Killsquad patch on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.