Jedi Survivor patch 1.000.010 details released for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S players. According to the official Jedi Survivor 1.000.010 patch notes, the latest update added quality-of-life changes. In addition, Jedi Survivor version 1.000.010 also includes gameplay performance improvements.
Previously, a major Jedi Survivor update 1.003.000 added various tweaks and changes. Unfortunately, since the release, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game.
Today’s Jedi Survivor update 1.000.010 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
Jedi Survivor 1.000.010 Patch Notes

- Fixes for creature & vehicle animations
- Fix for binocular beacons not working when ray tracing is disabled
- Quality improvement for reflections when ray tracing is disabled
- Various crash fixes across all platforms
- Fix for bounty hunters not spawning
- Fix for an issue where Caij would become invisible
- Fix for occasional issue where “Find the Gorge’s Secret” Rumor could not be completed
- Collision improvements
- Improved blaster handling
- Fixes for Photo Mode
- Wind puzzle on Jedha fixed
- Updates to the holomap map data
- The training dummy on Jedha was sneaking around. It has now been immobilized
- Various bug fixes & Improvements
The following issue was fixed previously.
Here are the fixes you can expect with this patch:
- (PC only)Updated occlusion behavior for raytracing, reducing idle time stalls.
- (PC only)Updated streaming budgets that will help alleviate traversal hitching.
- (PC only)Performance improvements for some VFX.
- Coming soon to console
- (PC only)Updated data handling when toggling raytracing, improving non-raytraced performance.
- (PS5 only) Fixed an HDR value mismatch that would cause HDR setups to display incorrectly for PS5 users.
- Fixed various save state errors.
- Fixed a streaming issue that causes some streaming scenarios to end on a black screen.
- Fixed an issue where one of the vents did not properly activate in Stone Spires.
- Audio fix for a narrative moment where music was behaving incorrectly.
- Fixed lightsaber marks not displaying correctly in some scenarios.
- Fixed a scenario where the player could enter a progression blocked state in the Lucrehulk.
- Fixed an elevator to prevent the player from falling through it and entering a progression blocked state.
- Fixed a bug where Rayvis would become unbeatable.
- Fixed a severe animation issue that would break a late game narrative sequence.
- Fixed a collision bug where players can get stuck inside a Meditation Chamber.
- Added a note explaining that some of BD-1’s abilities are not available while in combat.
- Improved text scrolling.
- Minor text translation fixes.
- Various crash fixes.
- Multiple crashes fixed across PlayStation and Xbox Series X|S and various areas of the game.
- Fixed crashes that were tied to skipping cinematics.
- Performance improvements across PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
- Fixed an issue with dynamic cloth inside the Mantis.
- Fixed various rendering issues.
- Fixed an issue with registered Nekko colors not saving.
- Fixed an issue with registered Nekko disappearing from the stable.
- Fixed issues with cinematic dialogue overlapping.
- Fixed various collision issues.
- Fixed an issue with enemy AI remaining in T Pose during photo mode.
- Fixed a freeze that occasionally occurred while talking to Doma.
- Fixed a bug where the BD-oil VFX did not properly render.
- Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck inside the Chamber of Duality if you didn’t save after leaving the chamber and die.
- Added various stability fixes.
- Added performance improvements.
- Other minor fixes.
Download free Jedi Survivor update 1.000.010 on Sony PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.