Humankind Patch Notes (Metternich Update) โ€“ Nov. 9, 2022

Humankind update (Metternich Update) is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Humankind patch notes, the latest update added a new expansion pack, changes and balancing. Additionally, the Humankind game patch also includes stability fixes.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Todayโ€™s Humankind patch will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Humankind Patch Notes โ€“ November 9, 2022

ADDITIONS โ€“ Together We Rule Expansion pack

  • New feature: Inter-empire Forum: Congress of Humankind
  • New Currency: Leverage
  • New Quarter: Embassy (unlocking new interactions with other empires)
  • New Unit Family: Agent
  • 6 New Cultures with a New Affinity: Diplomatic
  • 6 New Wonders
  • 15 New Narrative Events (including 4 inter-empire events)
  • 7 New Independent People
  • New In-Game Themed Music Tracks composed By Arnaud Roy


  • New stealth system! Stealth units are now concealed until their stealth value reaches zero in enemy territories.
  • Third party reinforcement! You can loan your armies to help your allies in battle.
  • New Independent People system! You can now sign treaties with Independent People.
  • Updated main screen UI! A few UI elements have been moved around the main UI for a clearer experience.


  • Independent People now spawn Armies less often on Hamlet, Town and Metropolis difficulties.
  • Modified the formula to lower Civic Enact costs when many Civics had already been enacted (average reduction of -50% to costs).
  • Lowered the Influence gains of the Aesthete โ€œCulture Bombโ€ ability, especially on territories with many neighboring territories.
  • Reworked the effects of the Authority domestic ideology to provide extra Stability on Garrisons (instead of deprecated โ€œDetection Rangeโ€).
  • New Effects for the โ€œColonizationโ€ Civic: Vassal Colonies choice now gives bonus Money and Industry on cities founded on a new Continent, while the Naturalized Colonies choice gives bonus Stability on cities founded on a new Continent.
  • Aztec Jaguar Warriors can now be upgraded from Swordsmen.


  • Made adjustments to how the Wonder-Full achievement unlocks. Players are now asked to build 22 wonders.
  • Fixed an issue where on rare ocassions, points of interest could spawn on Natural Wonders.
  • Fixed a few instabilities that could lead to indefinitively pending turns.
  • Fixed an issue where some FIMS previews on infrastructures were not working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the โ€œ[Enacted]โ€ civics tag wasnโ€™t translated in languages other than English.
  • Fixed Issues that were sometimes occuring when launching a nuclear strike on multiple locations during the same turn.
  • Fixed some localization issues that where occuring with the Empires names in the Megalomania grievance.
  • Fixed an issue where the Assyrian Raidersโ€™ Pillager ability only mention Outposts and Independent Camp.
  • Fixed an issue where the โ€œShare mapsโ€ treaty causes both empires to be first when discovering a natural wonder.
  • Fixed an issue where the Roman Emblematic Unit (Praetorian Guards) tooltip for Tactical Superiority was misleading.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong tutorial text would display for breaking treaties.
  • Fixed an issue where an inaccurate โ€œNo line of sightโ€ debuff was appearing when attacking with torpedo boats.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could have access to shared projects outside of their territories.
  • Fixed an issue where loading custom maps were not properly displayed in the Caps section.
  • Fixed an issue where the Culinary Trend narrative event was triggered too early.
  • Fixed an issue where luxury resource deposit could spawn on a Natural Wonder tile.
  • Fixed an issue where Debug text was displayed in the Event โ€œLeft Outโ€.
  • Made the difference between linking a Steam account to G2G and connecting to G2G in game clearer.


  • Fixed an issue where the Land Rights and Knowledge Authority civics were not unlocked correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Jaguar Warriors made Great Swordmen seem obsolete.
  • Fixed an issue where animals could reinforce each other.
  • Fixed an issue where on rare occasions, armies would not execute an attack from an elevated position.
  • Fixed an issue where Garrisons were exploiting tiles around them.
  • Fixed an issue where instant war support was not being calculated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Narrative Event โ€œJustice for Allโ€ might not trigger properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the โ€œYou successfully plunderedโ€ in Ransack Successful! notification was not informative enough.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder text is sometime displayed in the grievance โ€œThwarted our occupation ofโ€.
  • Fixed an issue where eliminated empires have the โ€œJoiningโ€ status during multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where slots occupied by eliminated empires appear as available inside the โ€œJoin Gameโ€ menu.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder text is displayed in the description of the Mingโ€™s emblematic quarter.
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial about Deployment was not showing up.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed in the Battle Result.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed when attacking wood wall with artillery.
  • Fixed multiple missing or incorrect texts displayed in the help layer.
  • Fixed an issue where no grievance or War Support changes happened when a tile has been ransacked.
  • Fixed an issue where the civics osmosis refusal penalty had the same duration for all game speeds.
  • Fixed some debug text appearing if the city targeted by โ€œThe Human Cost IIโ€ event gets destroyed before the event is triggered.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes keep making demands each time the player had refused another demand.
  • Fixed an issue where tutorial windows and tooltips can display severe flickering in specific situations.
  • Fixed an issue where Exploitation Tiles had a health bar in the tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the โ€œA Totem for the Tribeโ€ Narrative Event was triggered by another empireโ€™s Army.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid characters were allowed when saving a custom map inside the map editor.
  • Fixed an issue where false information was displayed when an opponent refused a Crisis Defusal proposal.
  • Fixed an issue where the event โ€œPropaganda Machineโ€ wasnโ€™t triggered when meeting the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldnโ€™t buy ressources through world map on the turn you signed a trade treaty.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for non-district tiles claimed to have +1 vision.
  • Fixed an issue where โ€œUnder One Bannerโ€ displayed an incorrect duration.
  • Fixed an issue where grievances were triggered because of stopped trade agreement after vassalage is enforced.
  • Fixed an issue where the narrative event โ€œAn Envious eyeโ€ was triggered incorrectly for players first in fame.
  • Fixed an issue where the Neolithic Legacy Trait Narrative Event did not trigger if the Knowledge star is earned on Turn 1.
  • Fixed an issue where Unit industry cost reduction structures show no gains in Infrastructure Effects.
  • Made the message that appears when attempting to use a missile on units that are in a battle between other empires clearer.
  • Fixed an issue where false information was displayed when attempting to break a treaty after recently signing one.
  • Fixed an issue where the help layer UI button could get misaligned with the rest of the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Latin America DLC Culture โ€œCaralansโ€ showed up as โ€œNorte Chicoโ€ in the Polish language.
  • Enacting the โ€œPublic Happinessโ€ Civic choice in the โ€œFundamental Valuesโ€ now correctly reduces the production cost of emblematic districts that โ€œcount asโ€ Public Order districts.


  • Fixed an issue where the Terra incognita stayed undiscovered during battles.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could disappear and potentially crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect FIMS preview for Commons Quarter appeared when placing it next to most base quarters.
  • Fixed an issue where demanded territories could not be obtained with war resolution.
  • Fixed an issue where on rare occasions, the game could crash when exiting Diplomacy Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where players could encounter a large number of unexpected notifications.
  • Fixed an issue where Spymasters did not cost population.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could become stuck if an embassy was lost before an agreement is signed.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when switching tabs in Diplomacy Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spy, Spymaster, and Envoy Units did not get a bonus for attacking from high ground.
  • Fixed an issue where Expansion pack name was wrong.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.