Humankind Patch Notes (Ibn Battuta Update) – July 28, 2022

Humankind update is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Humankind patch notes, the latest update added the new Empire Name system to the game. Additionally, the Humankind game patch also includes heavily rebalanced cultures, including Militarist Iron Reserves rework, Phoenicians EU becoming naval transport, etc.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Humankind patch will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Humankind Bolivar Patch Notes – July 28, 2022


  • Introduced the new Empire Name system.
  • Heavily rebalanced cultures, including Militarist Iron Reserves rework, Phoenicians EU becoming naval transport, etc.
  • Rebalanced influence costs, especially late game: Enact Civic, Attach Territory and Merge City influence costs grow slower.
  • New Line of Sight calculation (should be more intuitive).


  • New Loading screens.
  • New Loading tips.
  • Borders are now turned off when removing the UI overlay with Shift+F10 (for nicer screenshots!)
  • Civic Bonuses shown in tooltips for locked civics.
  • Improved rotation of quarters, buliding placement in city plans and variety of Commons Quarters to avoid repetitive patterns in large cities.


  • Vassalizing an enemy after they try to break free should now cost 0 war support
  • Fixed several issues with the Wonder-Full achievement not unlocking properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Pacesetter achievement not unlocking properly.
  • Fixed an issue where “Falling Out” achievement was not unlocking correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the “International Trading” civic was not unlocking when the prerequisites were met.
  • Fixed an issue where War Support changes did not match between the battle aftermath and diplomacy screen.
  • Fixed an issue where an AI controlled empire could get stuck in the Neolithic.
  • Fixed an issue with no texture appearing on the Great Zimbabwe wonder.
  • Fixed an issue where the community folder could have too many folders when building mods often.
  • Fixed an issue where Air and Artillery strikes could corrupt a save in very rare occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where units with the Bombard ability could not attack a unit on a tile with destroyed fortifications.
  • Fixed an issue where armies standing on an outpost of an empire that just signed a non-aggression pact would get destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with resource pins not correctly updating when replacing an embematic resource with different types of resource extractor.
  • Fixed an issue where the yields of the Aesthete ability were working differently than described in the tooltip.


  • Fixed an issue where a player who was not the host could change DLC content spawn probability settings in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mississipians’ emblematic quarter wasn’t giving money to adjacent districts.
  • Fixed an issue where resource pins remained on tiles that became Wastelands.
  • Fixed an issue where the “See more” button in the new update panel on the main menu was incorrectly localized in several languages.
  • Fixed an issue where armies could not ransack tiles belonging to one of their vassal empires.


  • [Community] Fixed an issue with the Baira Hunter’s tooltip not correctly showing the Indirect Fire ability.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where the Inca’s emblematic quarter could not be build next to some mountain tiles.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where the Inca’s emblematic quarter could not be built next to mountain natural wonders.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where Sapa Inca Guards had their Anti-cavalry bonus applied twice.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where the Taino emblematic unit did not replace the crossbowmen.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where units minor factions added with the Cultures of Latin America had incorrect art.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where the Machu Pichu wonder would lose functionality after its territory was split, upgraded to a city, then merged.
  • Fixed an issue where bonuses from Machu Picchu also applied to outposts.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.