Helldivers 2 Update 1.002.101 Patch Notes for PS5 & PC

Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101 is available to download on PS5 and PC. According to the official Helldivers 2 version 1.002.101 patch notes, the latest update brings major balancing changes, bug fixes, and stability improvements. The gas effect duration is increased, Helldivers can now jog with two-handed items, and FRV handling is improved. Apart from this, Helldivers 2 patch 1.002.101 also resolves various crashes and matchmaking issues.

Previously, a minor Helldivers 2 version 1.000.200 added new environmental hazards and weapon adjustments. Unfortunately, since the release, players are experiencing several issues. The upcoming Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101 will address the remaining issues and bugs.

Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101 Patch Notes – February 4, 2025

Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101
Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101

Balancing Changes


  • Increased gas status effect duration from 6 to 10 seconds for spray weapons.
  • Illuminate dropship wreckages now despawn over time to prevent obstruction.


  • Helldivers can now jog while carrying two-handed items like barrels and SEAF Artillery Rounds.

FRV (Vehicle Adjustments)

  • Grenades and stratagems can now be deployed while leaning out of the FRV.
  • Improved FRV handling for better cornering.


  • Starting magazines increased from 2 to 3.
  • Spare magazines increased from 4 to 5.

Weapon & Stratagem Adjustments

TX-41 Sterilizer

  • Removed crosshair drift recoil.
  • Decreased camera climb recoil.
  • Gas status effect duration increased from 6 to 10 sec.

Armor Passives

  • Siege Ready Armor Passive bug left unchanged – continues to provide extra ammo for all magazine-based weapons.

Backpacks – AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath Rework

  • Now conserves ammo by prioritizing enemies unaffected by gas.
  • Targeting logic improved – drone targets from Helldiver’s position instead of itself.
  • Targeting range increased from 10m to 20m.
  • Gas effect duration increased from 6 to 10 sec.


MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield
  • Cooldown reduced from 180s to 120s.
  • Damage increased from 350 to 700.
  • Mines spread increased by 20% to reduce chain explosions.
MD-I4 Incendiary Mines
  • Cooldown reduced from 180s to 120s.
  • Damage increased from 210 to 300.
  • Mines spread increased by 20% to reduce chain explosions.
MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines
  • Cooldown reduced from 180s to 120s.
SH-20 Ballistic Shield Backpack
  • Now blocks melee attacks until broken.

Fixes & Improvements

Top Priority Fixes

  • Helldivers can now emote while falling or ragdolling.
  • Illuminate spawner ship shields now take grenade damage.
  • Fixed collision gaps in Illuminate spawner ships.
  • Health packs now fully restore all stims.
  • Hellbombs now detonate when hit by high-damage weapons.

Crash Fixes & Stability

  • Fixed multiple crashes related to mission aborting, hot-joining, reloading, and returning to the ship.
  • Reduced crashes caused by fire and heavy projectile fire.
  • Fixed soft-lock issues during drop-in and session disconnects.

Social & Matchmaking

  • Improved matchmaking logic to prioritize players from nearby regions.
  • Better lobby difficulty matching based on selected difficulty.
  • Fixed chat history clearing issue when returning from a mission.

Weapons & Stratagems

  • Arc weapons now reliably hit the Impaler’s tentacles.
  • Fixed anti-tank emplacement armor penetration display.
  • Stratagem turrets no longer target Illuminate Tesla Towers.
  • Fixed B-1 Supply Pack issue, now properly provides stims to teammates.

FRV (Vehicle Fixes & Adjustments)

  • FRVs reinforced to prevent catastrophic explosions from minor impacts.
  • Improved FRV camera to avoid underground clipping.
  • Reduced instances of FRVs landing on rooftops when deployed.
  • Fixed FRV movement key bindings for non-QWERTY keyboards.

Helldiver Fixes

  • Fixed ragdoll physics that could launch FRVs into space.
  • Helldivers can now climb and vault over civilian cars.
  • Fixed issues causing Helldivers to slide after explosions.

Enemy Fixes

  • Fixed Stalker’s tongue visual glitch.
  • Enemies now react to missed projectile or melee attacks.

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • Fixed floating head issue with AC-2 Obedient armor.
  • Weapons now deal correct damage based on armor penetration.
  • Dead enemies now sink into the ground near terminals/extraction points to prevent blocking.

Download free Helldivers 2 update 1.002.101 on PlayStation 5 and PC.

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