HALO Infinite Update Patch Notes – March 15, 2023

Halo Infinite update details for PC and Xbox. According to the official Halo Infinite patch notes, the latest update contains fixes for the 120Hz option on Xbox Series consoles, Armor Hall stability, and more.

Previously, a minor hotfix added changes to skill jumps, weapons jamming, and the “tank gun” glitch. Unfortunately, players are experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Halo Infinite patch will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Halo Infinite Patch Notes – March 15, 2023


Season 3 introduces a new 100-tier Battle Pass with over 180 rewards. Purchasing the Premium Battle Pass is required to earn all rewards, but all players will be able to unlock free tiers that include rewards like Credits, Weapon Coatings, Emblems, and customization items for one of the two new Armor Cores: MIRAGE IIC.


New Premium Battle Pass Perks

Players who purchase either the Season 3 Premium Battle Pass or the Premium Pass Bundle will now earn bonus Match XP for every Multiplayer match completed during Season 3. The bonus Match XP for purchasing either Season 3 offer is awarded no matter what Battle Pass you have equipped. This bonus Match XP will end alongside the end of Season 3 and launch of Season 4.



Steel Armor Coatings

As mentioned in the “Season 3 Customization” blog on Halo Waypoint, three new Armor Coatings are now available for free on all seven Armor Cores:

  • Steel Blue
  • Steel Red
  • Steel Sage

New Cadet Coatings

Two new Cadet Coatings have been added to all seven armor cores: Cadet Red and Cadet Olive. As with the Steel Armor Coatings and the existing Cadet Coatings, these Armor Coatings are available to all players on all Armor Cores for free.

Because the Cadet Red Armor Coating is now available, the following Armor Coatings have been updated:

  • Scarlet Empress
  • Scarlet Skies
  • Scarlet Wake


All players who sign into Halo Infinite during Season 3 will receive the following helmet attachments for free:

  • MK62 CBRN/ISES helmet attachment, which is compatible with the following MARK VII helmet:
  • UA/TYPE O5 helmet attachment, which is compatible with the following MARK V [B] helmets:
    • Mark V [B]
    • CQC
    • HAZOP
    • Air Assault
    • JFO
    • ODST
    • Recon

How to equip a helmet attachment?

  1. Navigate to the Customize tab of the main menu.
  2. Select Armor Hall.
  3. Select your preferred Armor Core then select the Core’s helmet slot.
  4. While viewing your equipped helmet, use the shortcut listed along the bottom of the screen to enter the Inspect menu.
  5. On the Inspect menu, use the shortcuts underneath the helmet’s name to switch to the Attachments tab.
  6. The Attachments tab shows all helmet attachments that are compatible with the currently selected helmet. Use the arrows next to the attachment tiles to navigate between locked and unlocked attachments. Use the Equip button to apply your preferred attachment.


When activated, the Shroud Screen equipment launches a spherical, holographic cloud of smoke that obstructs the view of players both inside and outside its area of effect. Much like the Threat Sensor, the Shroud Screen serves as a projectile that players can fire wherever they want. When looking into or out of the Shroud Screen’s hologram, players’ reticles will not turn red to indicate that an enemy is in their line of sight.



The M392 Bandit is a new Kinetic weapon available for players to use in Halo Infinite matchmaking, Custom Games, Forge, and Academy. The Bandit is a semi-automatic tactical rifle that’s most effective during mid-ranged encounters.



Escalation Slayer

Escalation Slayer is a brand-new multiplayer mode available for all players via Matchmaking and Custom Games. Mode variants for Escalation Slayer include Arena, Free-for-All (FFA), and Big Team Battle (BTB).

The final weapon level for Escalation Slayer is the Oddball.

Game Mode Rules:

  • In Escalation Slayer, two teams of four players work to eliminate members of the opposing team and work their way up a ladder of weapon loadouts.
  • Eliminating an enemy team member rewards 100 XP towards the next weapon loadout. Each team’s progress towards the next weapon loadout is tracked on a pair of bars located near the bottom center of the screen. Once 500 XP is earned by a team, all team members will level up to the next weapon loadout displayed by their progress bar.
    • Players are given a 10-second window to either manually level up to the next weapon loadout by hitting the designated button/key or they will automatically level up after the 10 seconds have passed.
  • In total, your team is required to get 55 kills over the course of 11 weapon loadouts. The first team to get 5 kills with the final weapon loadout wins the match.


Arena: Chasm

A new Arena multiplayer map, Chasm, is now available in Custom Games and various matchmaking playlists. In Chasm, players will battle across a long, suspended walkway deep within a Forerunner complex.

Screenshot of Spartans battling on Chasm.

Arena: Cliffhanger

A new Arena multiplayer map, Cliffhanger, is now available in Custom Games and various Matchmaking playlists. On Cliffhanger, players will fight in an asymmetrical ONI outpost, hidden atop a snowy cliffside.

Screenshot of Spartans battling on Cliffhanger.

Big Team Battle (BTB): Oasis

Oasis, a new Big Team Battle (BTB) multiplayer map, is now available via Custom Games and various matchmaking playlists. On Oasis, players will compete in an asymmetrical UNSC outpost located in a remote, desert landscape.

Screenshot of Spartans battling on Oasis.

For more information on the design of these new maps, visit the“Season 3: Maps & Modes Previews” blog on Waypointor view the video below for a flythrough of each new map:


Editing 343 Industries Maps (Beta)

Players can now edit their own custom versions of Multiplayer maps developed by 343 Industries using Forge. By removing certain obstacles on these maps, players can open up new areas and pathways that weren’t available in the default versions.

Bug Fixes

  • While playing on PC at 60 frames per second (FPS), players using a controller will now experience haptic feedback (controller rumble) while sliding.
  • Improvements to online service connections after re-entering Halo Infinite from a suspended state or via Quick Resume on Xbox Series X|S consoles. Players should see more stable reconnections to our services.
  • Players can now pause cinematic cutscenes during both Campaign and Academy.



  • The Weapon Racks in both the Recharge and Detachment maps now spawn the correct Power Weapons. Both maps have returned to the Ranked Arena playlist alongside the Season 3 update.
  • Players can no longer continuously revive each other inside the Danger Zone during an Elimination match.
  • The level geometry of the map Aquarius has been adjusted so that players can no longer see through some walls.
  • Players are no longer able stand on top of invisible ledges in the Breaker map.
  • Players can no longer shoot rockets through the bottom of the maintenance door in the Launch Site map.
  • Players can no longer throw grenades through the ground while playing in the Yard area of the map Live Fire.
  • Improvements have been made to weapon, enemy footstep, and environmental audio during multiplayer gameplay.
  • Multiple networking improvements have been made to address desync during online Multiplayer sessions:
    • Rubberbanding is less likely to occur when moving or sprinting immediately after a match starts.
    • Ammo, Equipment, and Grenades counts are more consistent after entering and exiting a vehicle.
    • On the map Behemoth, players are now less likely to experience rubberbanding while using the Grappleshot to pick up a weapon from a Power Weapon pad.
    • Vehicles are now less likely to desync when players use the Repulsor against them.
    • Melee attacks are now more likely to register while holding a Power Seed.


  • The Oddball now appears consistently when using the “Oddball Champion” Stance.
  • The animation for charging a Plasma Pistol shot is no longer delayed compared to the charge meter on the reticle (crosshairs).
  • Improvements have been made to the intro and outro of both the Argyle and Detachment Multiplayer maps.
  • The health bar now consistently appears at the top of the player’s HUD after joining a game of Tactical Slayer that is already in progress.
  • Players will no longer experience extremely bright lighting while playing on the multiplayer maps Argyle and Detachment.
  • The damage and explosion visual effects for the Ghost have been improved to now better reflect the vehicle’s state at further distances.
  • After loading into a Forge map in Custom Games with dark lighting, any reflective objects spawned on the map will now have consistent lighting effects.
  • While playing Custom Games in split-screen, lighting effects for Forge maps now appear correctly on both players’ screens.
  • When playing Custom Games across multiple different Forge maps, objects used on an earlier map will no longer maintain their swatch and color on the next map.


  • The volume of other players using a nearby Kinetic Launcher or Gravity Lift has been increased.
  • Voice lines and other players firing weapons now have less of an impact on the volume of firing your own weapon.
  • The volume of both projectiles barely missing the player and the volume of projectiles impacting a nearby surface has been increased.
  • Slight adjustments to various sound effects for the following weapons and equipment:
    • Cindershot
    • Plasma Pistol
    • BR75 Battle Rifle
    • VK78 Commando Rifle
    • Sidekick
    • Heatwave
    • Repulsor
  • Voice lines now have less of an impact on the volume of melee and grenade explosion sound effects.
  • Sound effects for nearby but non-damaging explosions are now slightly more detailed.
  • To provide flanking players with more confidence that their footsteps are not revealing their location to others, the following adjustments and improvements have been made to traversal sound effects:
    • Reduced the max distance at which players can hear enemy footsteps.
    • The volume of nearby enemy footsteps has been increased.
    • Enemy footsteps are now affected by a “Focus” feature. This Focus feature will allow for out-of-sight enemies to have a better chance at flanking players.
    • Enemy footsteps now sound more muffled when obstructed from the player’s point of view. Additionally, the volume of obstructed enemy footsteps has been adjusted to better reflect when enemies are at a different height (i.e. a lower or higher floor of the space).
    • New sound effects for obstructed footsteps have been added to provide a more realistic sense of whether enemies are in another room.
    • Additional surface sound effects have been implemented so that enemy footsteps are less repetitive.


  • After enabling Speech to Text (STT), the chat window will always display the most recently sent message.


  • After being promoted to Fireteam Leader, the new leader will now be able to select a Playlist on the Multiplayer menu without backing out and re-entering the menu.
  • If an XP Grant is active, the correct amount of additional XP will be visually shown on the Reward screen.
  • Players’ selected customization items now appear correctly in the Multiplayer menu after finishing a matchmaking or Forge session.
  • Players on Xbox consoles can now view the Gamertags and profile information of creators responsible for Forge content, such as Maps, Prefabs, and Game Modes.
  • The amount of time it takes to load into the Battle Pass, Multiplayer, Armor Hall, Weapons Bench, and Shop menus has been reduced.
  • If an XP Grant is active, the correct amount of additional XP will be visually shown on the Reward screen.
  • When purchasing a Battle Pass, the confirmation screen now properly distinguishes which version is being purchased, either the Premium Battle Pass or the Premium Pass Bundle.
  • If the player uses more XP Grants than necessary to reach level 100 on any Battle Pass, an error message will appear explaining that fewer XP Grants should be used.

Custom Games

  • When the Fireteam Leader selects a player in the Custom Games lobby menu, they are now able to promote or boot the player via the Player Options menu.
  • After rejoining a Custom Game, players will no longer have their first-person model spawn in a different location than their third-person model.

Custom Game Browser

  • Multiple improvements to the Base Map and Base Mode filters, such as:
    • If players use the Base Map or Base Mode filter to modify the Custom Game Browser, then refresh the results, the Base Map and Base Mode filters will no longer revert back to their default state.
    • Using the Base Map or Base Mode filters in the Custom Game Browser menu will now return sessions with edited versions of a selected map or mode.
    • The Base Map and Mode Filters now appear in the Customs Browser menu while Halo Infinite is installing.
  • Players are now able to join sessions via the Custom Games Browser more consistently.
  • When joining a Custom Game Browser session after the match has ended, players will now be taken to the Custom Game lobby of that session, instead of remaining in the Custom Game Browser menu.
  • In the Customs Browser menu, clearing the selected Tags no longer clears the selected Gamertags.


  • The activation sound effect for Active Camo no longer replays after changing camera perspectives in Theater mode.


Edit Mode and Creation Tools

  • During a Forge session, players will no longer be removed from the Fireteam when the Fireteam Leader selects the End Game option from the Pause menu.
  • Improved stability of Forge sessions when players are joining an in-progress session.
  • When previewing a sound for an Audio Emitter object in Forge, the previewed sound will now stop playing when the Object Properties menu is closed.
  • Dynamic objects now retain their selected texture after being duplicated.
  • Players can now swap between transform modes, such as scaling or rotating, while actively editing a selected object.
  • After falling from a tall height in Spartan Play mode, the falling audio no longer plays once players swap to Monitor mode.
  • Scaled objects will no longer revert to their original size when they are being used as part of a saved Prefab object.
  • Forge sessions will no longer crash after players duplicate a Script Brain with a massive number of Node Graphs attached to it.
  • Smaller objects included as part of a larger Prefab object will no longer shift after loading into a map.
  • Improvements have been made to server stability while moving or duplicating Prefab objects that are made up of a large number of smaller objects.
  • When entering Monitor mode, Prefab objects made up of multiple objects will no longer break apart into their individual components.
  • Object textures will no longer turn black while manipulating an object.
  • The Static Object Budget will now appropriately increase when new static objects are placed or duplicated.
  • Objects’ selected Color Spread values now appear consistent across Forge and Custom Games.

File and Map Publishing

  • Collaborators will now consistently load into the latest version of the selected Forge map.
  • Players can no longer bypass Copy Protection when selecting a Prefab object.
  • Screenshots made for Prefab objects in the Details menu now save consistently.
  • Players will now receive a warning message whenever the name or description of their Forge map, mode, or Prefab contains any restricted characters.
  • Players can now consistently remove themselves as a collaborator on another player’s Forge creation.
  • If ownership of a map is given to a new player, they will now be able to consistently manage other collaborators.
  • Forge maps will now save more consistently.
  • When viewing a Bookmarked file, the File Details now display all the relevant information, such as the version number, published state, and creator name.



  • Players can now access Weapon Lockers and Vehicle Terminals after enabling Linear Navigation Mode via the Accessibility tab in the Settings menu.


  • After exiting a Custom Game on an Xbox console and selecting Continue from the Campaign menu, the Campaign difficulty will remain on whichever level the player had selected.

Network Co-Op

  • Multiple networking improvements have been made to address desync during Network Co-Op Campaign:
    • When playing with an unlocked framerate on PC, rubberbanding and teleporting is now less likely to occur in the mission Warship Gbraakon .
    • Players are now less likely to fall through the floor of the gondola in the mission Conservatory.
    • Stuttering and teleporting are now less likely to occur after taking the teleporter to the elevator room in the mission Spire.
    • Rubberbanding and teleporting is now less likely to occur in the Pelican at the end of the mission Outpost Tremonius.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.