Goose Goose Duck Update 1.05 Patch Notes (Official) – Nov 24, 2021

A new Goose Goose Duck update 1.05 released for PC (Steam) players. According to the official Contagion patch notes, the latest update added quality of life changes and fixes.

Since the last patch, players were facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Goose Goose Duck patch 1.05 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Goose Goose Duck Patch Notes – November 24, 2021


– Minor SS Mothergoose graphical update. we moved the ramen

– New Mortician Goose role. The mortician uses their ability on a body. They stand still for 3 seconds and if not interrupted, a success sound effect occurs. When the next meeting is called, the Mortician will see the role of the dead player.

– Detective rework – The ability of the new detective is now that they can investigate once per round, but only see if the investigated player has killed THAT specific round.

– Medium upgrade – A minor upgrade to the medium where they now see the number of ghosts as a fraction of the number of players remaining. e.g. 4/15. This will also help them distinguish if a player has disconnected.

Quality of Life

– Language localizations for a Thai, French, Portuguese, German, Traditional and simplified Chinese, Turkish and Spanish. Players have been incredibly helpful in assisting us with the translations and we have more on the way. If you notice an error, feel free to submit a ticket in the #translations-report channel on the discord. This will be an ongoing process where we will fix outstanding translation issues

– The Host in private games will be able to change maps, and players in the lobby will have the option to follow. this will create a new room with a new code.

– Vertically staggered names on splash screens to prevent overlapping
– New meeting UI
– New text chat UI
– Hotkeys added to expand text chat, as well as the task lists
– Progress bars added to achievements
– If you attempt to join a full game, you will bounce back to the join screen again with the code still inputted
– If you try to join a full public game, the filter will save your settings.
– Clicking on menu items like deafen/PTT/ready up etc. will no longer move your character

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.