Gloomhaven Update 26086 Patch Notes – March 18, 2022

Gloomhaven update 26086 is now available to download on PC. According to Gloomhaven patch notes, the latest update added new changes and bug fixes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Gloomhaven patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Gloomhaven March 18 Update?


Added – A House Rule for Summons dropping gold
Added – A ‘Retry scenario’ function (Players can retry a scenario from the results screen without loading back to map)
Updated – Better GUI for Scenarios 88 & 69, players now able to see which merc is carrying the [spoiler]The Lurker claw & The Doll[/spoiler]
Updated – Better GUI for Reputation unlock [spoiler]Sunkeeper (+10) & Nightshroud (-10)[/spoiler] now better explained when they occur
Updated – When a Merc levels up they have the Merc’s name not the Player’s
Updated – Some personal quests that previously unlocked the [spoiler]Sunkeeper[/spoiler] class, have been changed to unlock [spoiler]Sawbones[/spoiler] or [spoiler]Berserker[/spoiler]. This change will apply retroactively to your save file if you’ve completed those personal quests so you may find these characters are now unlocked when loading on the latest version.


Fixed – Issue with Scenario 81 [spoiler]Boss, The Colorless, spawning incorrect Night Demon Elite[/spoiler]
Fixed – Softlock that could be caused by Spellweaver’s Mystic Ally
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 34 [spoiler]Elder Drake’s dark pits[/spoiler] not displaying correctly
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 36 [spoiler]Prime Demon not spawning correctly past Round 9[/spoiler]
Fixed – Multiplayer desync caused by Players being able to click on actions while another Player is acting
Fixed – Multiplayer desync that could be caused by BG selection while other players still catching up to loadout screen
Fixed – Crash & softlock that could happen in specific cases with Mindthief’s [spoiler]Phantasmal Killer[/spoiler]
Fixed – Multiplayer issue that could lock a party slot if players switched same class merc in this slot a certain way
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Nightshroud’s Smoke Step[/spoiler] to correctly add bonus
Fixed – Some issues with the Personal Quest GUI not tracking progress correctly
Fixed – Ability card Mindthief’s [spoiler]Many as One[/spoiler] to correctly apply bonus for allies
Fixed – Issue with Undo / Skip regarding some Scenario Special Rules [spoiler](Forgo top/bottom half)[/spoiler] that could cause a crash
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Beast Tyrant’s Soaring ally Loot Command[/spoiler] so it correctly now loots
Fixed – Issue with element not correctly being consumed with Item [spoiler]Robes of Evocation[/spoiler]
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Doomstalker’s Predator & Prey[/spoiler] now applies correct bonus to attacks on Doomed enemy
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Elementalist’s Shaping the Ether[/spoiler] now grants Push correctly (not twice)
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Enhancement for Soothsinger’s Knimble Knife Top[/spoiler], now correctly adds additional Bless if enhanced with Bless
Fixed – Issue where it was possible for allies to move through enemies in doorways
Fixed – Issue with a certain Boss counting towards a Personal Quest [spoiler]Perfect Poison & Giant Ooze[/spoiler]
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Plagueherald’s Spread the Plague[/spoiler] incorrectly poisoning its user
Fixed – Multiplayer desync that could occur using Brute’s [spoiler]Skewer Top[/spoiler] with consumed element
Fixed – Issues that could cause error & desync with [spoiler]Quartermaster’s Continual Supply & Refreshment[/spoiler]
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 71 [spoiler]Windswept Highlands, where enemies would not correctly wake up from sleep condition when they are moved by the scenario rule[/spoiler]
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 68 [spoiler]where special rule would cause an error when the tree takes damage[/spoiler]
Fixed – GUI for multiple scenarios such as 22, 52 & 75 [spoiler]where the ‘Forgo action’ button would incorrectly display even if Merc was not adjacent to the target[/spoiler]
Fixed – Issue with skipping the first Push on an AoE Attack in which all targets should be pushed, incorrectly skipping all pushes
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Nightshroud’s Spirit of Night Top[/spoiler] that would not behave correctly when Disarmed and an element was consumed to make it a ‘Kill’ ability
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 79 relating to [spoiler]The Betrayer’s mind control ability[/spoiler]
Fixed – Ability card Cragheart’s Dirt Tornado Top + Consumed element
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Elementalist’s Volatile Consumption[/spoiler] sometimes causing an error
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Doomstalker’s Sap Life Bottom[/spoiler] where the session could get stuck requiring reload
Fixed – GUI getting stuck on screen sometimes when failing to join a multiplayer session
Fixed – Multiplayer issue in card selection phase that could happen when using [spoiler]Berserker’s Unstoppable Destruction[/spoiler]
Fixed – XP rewarded for Scenario win when changing difficulty before loading in
Fixed – Multiplayer issue with Scenario 22 that could incorrectly affect Monster’s stats when Client’s re-joined
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Plagueherald’s Virulent Strain[/spoiler] not correctly applying damage
Fixed – Issue with a specific combo using [spoiler]Berserker’s Bone Breaker Bottom + Stun[/spoiler] when a monster has Flying and is on same hex as a Trap
Fixed – Ally Summon focus issue in Scenario 48 [spoiler]Shadow Weald, where summons would incorrectly focus the ‘invisible’ (but teleported out) Dark Rider boss[/spoiler]
Fixed – Multiplayer issue buying items in ‘Shared gold’ Guildmaster mode
Fixed – Unlimited movement bug with [spoiler]Berserker’s Careless charge[/spoiler] when used in combination with a certain Item [spoiler]Battle Axe[/spoiler]
Fixed – Ability card [spoiler]Sawbone’s Triage[/spoiler] could cause an issue while Long resting
Fixed – Issue skipping the [spoiler]Sawbone’s Triage[/spoiler] ability incorrectly ending the turn even if actions were available
Fixed – Multiplayer issue that could result in an error due to a duplicate item in ‘shared gold’ Guildmaster mode
Fixed – Multiplayer issue that could result in a desync using Cragheart ability [spoiler]Clear the way Top[/spoiler]
Fixed – Multiplayer issue when using [spoiler]Soothsinger’s Song – Power Ballad[/spoiler] with a summon controlled by another player
Fixed – Multiplayer issue regarding ‘Mind Control’ abilities that could result in a desync
Fixed – The hover UI to display the correct sell prices for Enhancements in the Enchantress screen
Fixed – Issue with Scenario 26 [spoiler]Skipping the ‘Cleanse pump’ action[/spoiler] would skip Merc’s entire turn incorrectly
Fixed – Possible sofltock when levelling up a Mercenary
Fixed – Tooltip that displays when using [spoiler]Doomstalker’s Frightening Curse Top – ‘Transfer Doom'[/spoiler] tooltip now displays better
Fixed – Issue where discarding a card during card selection to give a total of 2 discarded cards would still not allow Long Rest
Fixed – Issue with a specific combo [spoiler]Beast Tyrant’s bear with a command action killing an enemy affected by Doomstalker’s Detonation doom ability[/spoiler]

Download free Gloomhaven patch on PC(steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.