Final Fantasy 16 Update 1.21 Patch Notes (FF16 Ver. 1.002.001)

Final Fantasy 16 update 1.21 (version 1.002.0001) details released PS5. According to the FFXVI 1.21 patch notes, the latest update adds support for the “Echoes of the Fallen” DLC. Apart from this, Final Fantasy 16 patch 1.002.001 also includes various bug fixes and gameplay changes.


Previously, a major FFXVI update added quality of life changes. Unfortunately, since the release, some players are experiencing issues. Today’s Final Fantasy 16 version 1.21 (1.002.001) will fix a few of these issues. A future FF16 update 1.003.000 will resolve more issues.

Check out more details below.

FF16 Update 1.002.001 Patch Notes – December 8, 2023

About Echoes of the Fallen:

  • A new story chapter featuring Clive and allies investigating mysterious shadowy crystals on the black market.
  • The update includes a fresh storyline, a new replayable stage, upgraded equipment, a higher level cap, and more.

Version 1.21 Changes:

  • Added an Inner Voice option to the Grand Cast menu for character insight. Image
  • Introduced new orchestration rolls, available from in-game vendors post certain story progress.
  • Launched a new leaderboard for recording all post-update scores. Image
  • Enabled access to previous versions’ leaderboards and rankings.
  • Adjusted the difficulty of Ultimaniac stages. Image
  • Updated and expanded explanations of various features.

Changes to Arcade Mode:

  • Introduced a technical bonus feature that boosts battle performance scores.
  • Added new accolades for clearing stages within set times or achieving high performance scores.
  • Adjusted ranking thresholds to allow higher battle performance scores across various stages.
  • Launched a new leaderboard, recording all scores post-update.
  • Enabled viewing of leaderboards and rankings from previous versions.
  • Adjusted the difficulty of Ultimaniac stages.
  • Updated and clarified explanations of various features.

Changes to Training Mode:

  • Added an Immediate Takedown option, affecting enemy gauge reduction.
  • Introduced a Megaflare Level option, allowing customization of the Megaflare level.
  • Added a Zantetsuken Level option, enabling the Zantetsuken level to be set to any value.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where parkour animations did not trigger under certain conditions.
  • Addressed an issue with graphical elements and collision surfaces being incorrect in explorable areas and stages.
  • Fixed a bug causing location names to appear incorrectly in certain areas and stages.
  • Addressed flickering menu screens when the Graphics Settings were set to Frame Rate.
  • Fixed character animation bugs that failed to trigger under certain conditions.
  • Addressed the issue of Active Time Lore elements not updating at the correct times.
  • Fixed menu elements that did not display or update correctly in Vivian’s State of the Realm.
  • Addressed incorrect display and updating of menu elements in Harpocrates’s Thousand Tomes.
  • Fixed a bug where entries in the Thousand Tomes did not update at the right times.
  • Addressed Torgal’s Animal Instinct not functioning correctly under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where graphical elements did not display correctly in Photo Mode.
  • Addressed an issue preventing areas from unlocking on the world map under certain conditions.
  • Fixed text and icon display issues on the world map.
  • Addressed a bug causing the camera to behave incorrectly under certain conditions.
  • Fixed the wireless controller vibration and adaptive triggers not functioning under certain conditions.
  • Addressed the Here Be Rosfelds trophy display issue.
  • Fixed incorrect images and videos appearing in tutorial slides.
  • Addressed an issue with important notifications not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where audio elements did not trigger when expected.
  • Addressed an issue causing the game to freeze under certain conditions.
  • Fixed several minor text issues.

■ Additional Content

In the “Key Persons” section of the Vivienne Report, the “Inner Voice” will be added.

If you press the touchpad on the person icon above the main character, you can see the “inner voice” that is the “voice of the heart” of that person.
Please enjoy the changes in the emotions of the characters as they change with the times.

A new orchestration score will be added.
These items will be unlocked as the story progresses and will be added to local shops.

■ Arcade mode related

In Arcade Mode, Technical Bonuses will be added to increase battle performance.

As you attack enemies or complete battle techniques, your Technical Bonus will increase, and
your Battle Performance multiplier will increase each time you cross a certain threshold.
On the other hand, the Technical Bonus decreases as the player takes damage or the time of the battle passes.

In Arcade Mode, a new Title will be added.
The new Title is awarded for the amount of time it takes to complete each stage, which will have a significant impact on the final battle performance.

In “Arcade Mode”, the evaluation criteria for clearing Legs and Stages will be adjusted.
With the addition of the aforementioned elements, battle performance will be more rewarding than ever before, so
the evaluation criteria will also be revised.

The leaderboard will switch to the new leaderboard.
With the introduction of the aforementioned elements, battle performance after this patch will be recorded on a new leaderboard.

In the Arcade Mode leaderboard and leaderboard, you will be able to view past versions of the leaderboard.

In Arcade Mode, the difficulty of the Ultimaniac Challenge will be adjusted.

In “Arcade Mode”, various explanatory texts will be added and adjusted.

■ Training-related

“Frighten Strong Enemies” will be added to the training options.
In Training Mode, you can instantly put your enemies in a “frightened” or “takedown” state.
If you switch the item to ON, you will be in a frightened state on the first attack and a takedown state on the second attack.

“Mega Flare Gauge Level” will be added to the training options.
In training mode, the Mega Flare Gauge can now be fixed to any level.

The level of the Slashing Sword Gauge will be added to the training options.
In Training Mode, you will be able to lock the Sword Gauge to any level.

■ System-related

The Quick Launch feature is added to Photo Mode.
If you turn on “Quick Launch Photo Mode” > “Game Settings” > the main menu, Photo
Mode will start immediately when you press the touchpad with two fingers.

You will be able to start “Photo Mode” from the pause screen.
This will allow you to activate “Photo Mode” in various cutscenes as well. (Some functions are restricted.) )

In battles with Risky Mobs, Retry on Game Over will be added.
Only if the game is over in a battle with a risky mob can you restart from the point just before the battle.

At the “Relief Goods Window” in Clive’s hideout, you will be able to check the details of the donation items.

On the loading screen of the main menu “System”, a filtering function is added.
Each time you press [□] on the controller, you can filter to “Show All”, “Manual Save Only”, or “Auto Save Only”.

“Credits” will be added to the title screen.
After clearing the main story, you will be able to see the “Credits” from the title screen.

Various UI and menu displays will be added and adjusted.

■ Bug fixes

The following defects are fixed:

In some cutscenes, the graphics are incorrect.
In some quest directions, the detailed performance of NPCs is incorrect.
In some quests, NPCs may not be placed correctly under certain conditions.
Some quests may not progress correctly under certain conditions.
In some quests, the in-progress list and destination markers may not be displayed correctly.
In some quests, NPC dialogue is incorrect.
In some quests, the rewards (ability points) are incorrect.
I can’t get Demon Arm Guard.
In some battle content, enemy actions may not work correctly under certain conditions.
In some battle content, collision detection under certain conditions is incorrect.
In some battle content, camera work during battle may be abnormal under certain conditions.
In some battle content, the frame rate may drop significantly.
Some abilities and Limit Break effects may not occur correctly under certain conditions.
The effects of some accessories may not occur correctly under certain conditions.
In the Kronos Stone Towers, the menu may not be displayed or updated correctly.
In the Kronos Stone Towers, the conditions for obtaining the title “Floating” are incorrect.
In Arcade mode, the menu may not be displayed or updated correctly.
In Training Mode, Clive may not be dressed correctly under certain conditions.
In training mode, menu operations may not be performed correctly under certain conditions.
The AI of the NPC accompanying the player may not work correctly.
Parkour actions may not occur correctly under certain conditions.
In each field or stage, there are parts where the graphics and collision detection are incorrect.
In each field and stage, the timing of the display of some place names is incorrect.
When the game operation is set to “Performance priority” in the graphics settings, the menu display may flicker.
Character motion may not occur correctly under certain conditions.
In Active Time Roar, the update timing of some items is incorrect.
In the Vivienne Report, menus may not be displayed or updated correctly.
In Harpocrates’ memorandum, the menu may not be displayed or updated correctly.
In Harpocrates’ memorandum, the timing of updating some items is incorrect.
Torgal’s navigation may not work properly under certain conditions.
In photo mode, graphics are not displayed correctly when using a specific shooting method.
On the world map, areas are not opened under certain conditions.
In the world map, various texts and icons are not displayed correctly under certain conditions.
The camera may not work properly under certain conditions.
Controller vibration and adaptive triggering may not occur correctly under certain conditions.
The achievement of the trophy “Connected Footprints” is not displayed correctly under certain conditions.
In each howto, the images and videos used are incorrect.
Messages that should be notified under certain conditions may not be displayed correctly.
Sound may not play correctly under certain conditions.
The game may stop under certain conditions.
There are typos or omissions in some text.

Download free Final Fantasy XIV version 1.002.001 on PlayStation 5.
