FIFA 22 Update 1.26 Patch Notes (Official)

FIFA 22 update 1.26 is now rolling out on PS4, PS5(1.000.015), and Xbox One players. According to the official Fifa 22 version 1.26 patch notes, the latest update resolves issues related to FUT, gameplay, and other bugs. Apart from this, Fifa 22 patch 1.26 also addressed general, audio and visual issues.

Fifa 22 servers are currently down. Check FIFA 22 server status here.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with online gameplay. Today’s Fifa 22 patch 1.26 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

FIFA 22 Patch 1.26 Notes for PS4 & PS5(1.000.015) – June 27, 2022

FIFA Ultimate Team

  • Fixed a bug where when viewing the Captain’s Squad in a Co-Op lobby, chemistry links did not always display correctly.
    – This was a visual issue only.


  • Fixed a bug where in some rare cases, goalkeepers would attempt to make a save with their hands outside of the box.

General, Audio, and Visual

  • Addressed some instances of incorrect lighting occurring during a match.

Download free Fifa 22 update 1.26 on PlayStation 4, PS5, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.