Factorio Update 1.1.68 Patch Notes – August 29, 2022

Factorio update 1.1.68 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Factorio patch notes, the latest update added SRV records support as well as a long list of bug fixes and changes.


Previously, a major update was released with various fixes for crashes and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch.

Today’s Factorio patch 1.1.68 will address a few of these errors.

Factorio Update Patch Notes – August 29, 2022

Minor Features

  • Added support for SRV records on Windows.
  • Added support for SRV records on Linux and MacOS.


  • The game no longer requires re-entering server passwords when restarting to sync mods or mod settings.
  • When joining modded games mods and settings are synced at the same time reducing the number of restarts needed.
  • Integrated SDL_Mixer for audio mixing, which is now the default mixer.
  • Added PulseAudio driver for the SDL audio backend.
  • Added Wayland driver for the SDL video backend.
  • Updated the –audio-driver command line option description for Windows, and added the option for Linux and Mac.
  • Storage tanks can now show fluid connection info.


  • Fixed server getting stuck at “Saving the map for player” for 20 seconds sometimes if a client disconnects shortly after connecting.
  • Fixed server getting stuck at “Saving the map for player” forever in some rare situations.
  • Fixed highlight box on curved-rail would not render selection box correctly.
  • Fixed heavy-mode when character dies in multiplayer.
  • Fixed that the “run forest, run” achievement could be unlocked by shooting trees instead of running them over.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to read LuaEntity::neighbours on a WallConnectable when one of the neighbours is a ghost.
  • Fixed recipe highlights in the assembling machine GUI.
  • Fixed an issue with the prototype explorer GUI and guns.
  • Fixed false-positive desyncs when using mods and running /c game.force_crc() or /toggle-heavy-mode.
  • Fixed a crash when defining a fluid stream prototype with zero particles.
  • Fixed a GUI layering issue related to some error messages.
  • Fixed not being able to open blueprint books in books through the quickbar.
  • Fixed LuaSurface::find_entities_filtered would fail to find entities by collision mask if they only collide with tiles.
  • Fixed that pump that cannot interact with fluid wagons would crash on save after position change.
  • Fixed a desync when canceling deconstruction of cliffs when a robot has already thrown the explosive.
  • Fixed startup mod settings would show as being able to be reset while the game is running.
  • Fixed an issue when installing mod dependencies related to base-game dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue with biter AI that could freeze the game.
  • Fixed a crash when viewing other player inventories when changing controllers.
  • Fixed that the LuaPlayer::remove_alert ‘prototype’ parameter wouldn’t accept an actual prototype instance.
  • Fixed character inventory was not auto sorted when changing armor.
  • Fixed that the reset-to-default tooltip for string mod settings wasn’t fully localised.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to draw a wire connected linked container in a blueprint.
  • Fixed linked containers with filters would not preserve filters while there are no containers placed.
  • Fixed a crash when using SDL audio backend with configurations other than stereo.
  • Fixed a desync when using LuaGameScript::get_train_stops when there are multiple stops found.
  • Fixed a crash related to transport belts and item entities.
  • Fixed linked container content was cleared when entity dies leaving a ghost.
  • Fixed linked container content was cleared when fast-replacing through script.
  • Fixed locomotives on curved rails would not snap to train stops.
  • Fixed a crash related to audio.
  • Fixed that it was possible to provide invalid path_resolution_modifier value to LuaSurface::request_path.
  • Fixed double click interaction with number input.
  • Fixed teleporting spidertrons across surfaces while also changing their position.
  • Fixed manual filter insertion logic with modded container entities.
  • Fixed a crash related to multiplayer latency and modded selection tools.
  • Fixed an inserter activity progress being incorrect for certain orientations.
  • Fixed a sound instance leak.
  • Fixed integer mod settings would allow decimal values.
  • Fixed that renaming a spidertron wouldn’t include the player during the Lua event.
  • Fixed a lag spike when finishing selection of entities in chart view far from the center of the map.
  • Fixed a crash related to copy tool when cursor stack was cleared during setup blueprint event.
  • Fixed multiple instances of the same working sound syncing up, causing “phasing” artefacts.
  • Fixed fluid wagon fluid tooltips would round the amount shown incorrectly.
  • Fixed some sounds playing in fog-of-war when they shouldn’t.
  • Fix modded entities not showing input-output fluid connection arrows.
  • Fixed LuaControl::enable/disable_flashlight when LuaPlayer points at a player with CharacterController.
  • Fixed incorrect fluid arrows on chemical plants, pumpjacks and oil refineries.


  • The mod settings GUI will now show the ‘tooltip’ icon for any settings that have tooltips.
  • Added a reset button to each mod setting in the mod settings GUI.
  • Modded tips and tricks information is remembered when the associated mods are temporarily removed/disabled.
  • Added support for container entities with filters by using inventory_type = “with_bar” or “with_filters_and_bar”.
  • Added EntityPrototype::build_grid_size. Supported values are 1 (for 1×1 grid) and 2 (for 2×2 grid).
  • Added EntityPrototype::use_exact_mode.
  • Added support for circuit connections to linked containers.
  • Added the entity prototype flag not-in-made-in to allow hiding things from the ‘made in’ recipe tooltip.
  • Added FluidBox::hide_connection_info. When true the blue fluid connection arrows will not be drawn.


  • Added LuaControl::crafting_queue_progress write.
  • Added LuaTile::tile_ghost.
  • Added ‘to_be_deconstructed’, and ‘has_tile_ghost’ filters to the options for LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::indexed_guns. It works as LuaEntityPrototype::guns but returns an array.
  • Collision-mask prototype filters for Entity, Tile and Decorative now support a ‘contains-any’ and ‘contains-all’ modes.
  • Added support to set player.opened to script inventories.
  • LuaEntity::get_connected_rail also returns rail_direction and rail_connection_direction going back to origin rail.
  • Added on_pre_ghost_upgraded event.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_rail_segment_rails.
  • Added LuaEntity::is_rail_in_same_rail_segment_as.
  • Added LuaEntity::is_rail_in_same_rail_block_as.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_parent_signals.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_child_signals.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_inbound_signals.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_outbound_signals.
  • Added LuaEntity::rocket_silo_status read and defines.rocket_silo_status
  • Added LuaBootstrap::register_metatable.
  • Added LuaLogisticNetwork::can_satisfy_request.
  • Added LuaLogisticNetwork::get_supply_counts.
  • Added LuaLogisticNetwork::get_supply_points.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::use_exact_mode read.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::active_energy_usage, idle_energy_usage, lamp_energy_usage reads.
  • Added rocket_silo_input, rocket_silo_output, rocket_silo_modules inventory defines.
  • Added LuaEquipmentGrid::unique_id read.
  • Added LuaForce::color read.
  • Added LuaForce::custom_color read/write.
  • Added target to on_pre_ghost_upgraded.
  • Added target and direction to on_cancelled_upgrade.
  • Added LuaEquipmentGrid::find/count methods.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::tile_width/tile_height reads.
  • Added LuaEntity::tile_width/tile_height reads.
  • Added range_modifier, cooldown_modifier, consumption_modifier fields to AmmoType concept.
  • Added LuaEntity::stop_spider().

Download free Factorio update 1.1.68 for PC(Steam).