Evil Dead Update 1.31 Patch Notes

Saber Interactive has released a new Evil Dead update 1.31 on PS4, PS5, Xbox, and PC players. According to the official Evil Dead The Game patch notes, the latest update added new features as well as resolved various issues with the game. Apart from this, Evil Dead version 1.31 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a major update added a new “Castle Kandar” map that’s based on the Army of Darkness movie.

Unfortunately, players are experiencing a number of bugs and issues. Evil Dead The Game update 1.31 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Evil Dead 1.31 Patch Notes (1.100.100)

New Feature

  • Parties are now maintained between games, no need to re-invite your friends to each match


We’ve made changes to our region servers to allow both West and East coast players to join matches together. This will help with the long queue times some players have been experiencing.


  • Several fixes for vaulting fences and their animations
  • Fixed a bug where roads would disappear
  • Pings placed on the map while sitting in the car are now displayed in the world
  • Fixed an issue causing a blurry flickering visual glitch on supply crates
  • The Dark Ones will now execute the correct attack animation as well as display their UI indicator correctly for their AOE attack
  • Removed duplicated portal trap in Castle Kandar

Change in the ratio-appearance of maps: 50% Castle Kandar, 25% Caravans, and 25% Cabin

Kandarian Demon

  • Demon movement will no longer stutter and have interruptions after being exorcised indoors
  • Demon movement speed indoors increased from 500 to 700
  • Demons can no longer accumulate units indefinitely
  • Warlord Elite units no longer have an input lock when pressing the attack and arm swipe buttons

Puppeteer will not be able to obtain Infernal Energy while possessing a survivor and shooting another survivor in a bleeding state while having the skill “Puppet Master: Invigorating Possession”

  • Puppeteer and Necromancer basic units can no longer chain hits indefinitely
  • Demons will no longer be forced to spectate a survivor
  • Deadites will no longer spawn from portals before said portal has fully opened
  • Demons are no longer able to use the active ability of the possessed survivor

Demi-Eligos Thunderstruck attack will be canceled if Demi-Eligos is stunned and will not deal damage to survivors.

  • Possessed Demon Basic and Elite units can vault windows when sprinting toward them


  • Survivors will no longer be forced to aim if an objective was collected while aiming
  • Fixed Survivor input loss after being possessed while interacting with a vehicle
  • Survivors will no longer be resurrected and stay in bleeding-out animation
  • AI Survivors will no longer stop interacting with players or vehicles during the Dark One’s battle
  • Lord Arthur Battle Prep Outfit now has the correct SFX and VFX after being hit by an evil unit

AI Survivor will no longer stay in bleeding-out animation without status in UI after being revived and will be able to be resurrected by collected objectives

  • Kelly Maxwell has now the correct additional melee damage value in her skill “Battle frenzy” (previously 80% now 60%)


  • After being resurrected by the objective, the bleeding-out UI no longer stays on the hud.
  • Video settings will no longer be saved after exiting the options menu without applying them
  • Ed Getley’s “The Collector” skill icon is now displayed for all survivors
  • The cursor on the map interface moves now without stutter (Xbox only)
  • “Not enough points” text is no longer stuck in UI for Demon after the player adds all skill points and switches to another tab in Collection
  • Fixed the button prompt not appearing for one objective in the Cabin Map

Balance Changes

  • Reduced balance damage of Ash glove from 40 to 20
  • Reduced balance multiplier of heavy fists attacks from x3 to x2

Download free Evil Dead The Game update 1.31 on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.