Evil Dead The Game Patch 1.07 Notes – June 28, 2022

Saber Games has released a new Evil Dead The Game patch 1.07 on PS4, PS5(1.000.700), Xbox and PC players. According to the official Evil Dead 1.07 patch notes, the update resolves issues related to gameplay, survivors, Kandarian Demon, and more. Apart from this, Evil Dead the game update 1.07 (1.000.700) also includes various stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added new Anti-Cheat measures and added a new “Report Player” option to the game. Unfortunately, since the release players are experiencing a number of bugs and issues. Today’s Evil Dead Game update 1.07 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Evil Dead The Game Update 1.07 Patch Notes – June 28, 2022

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where Survivors get stuck after being revived from bleeding out state.
  • Fixed a bug where Demon receives Infernal Energy during Possession for shooting bleeding out survivor.
  • Addressed an issue where survivors stay in bleeding out state if healed after completing the Page or Dagger has been collected.
  • Addressed an issue where survivors stay in a ragdoll state if a Possessed Survivor shoots at them in bleeding out state right before they die.
  • Balance Bar Damage for the Rare (Blue) Hunting Rifle has been corrected.

Infernal energy is no longer regenerated on Dark Ones when both Demon and Survivors were nearby before objectives have been completed.

  • Mini Ashes Demon trap now takes the correct number of items from your inventory.
  • Addressed a bug where if a weapon is picked up by another Survivor outside render range, you will not still see it on the ground.


  • Fixed title crashing right before the result screen in 4 vs. AI mode.


  • Ed Getley’s active skill now deactivates traps immediately after they are illuminated by a flashlight.
  • Ed Getley’s active skill can now disarm a trap in a supply crate if it was not previously placed by Demon.

Kandarian Demon

  • Fixed an issue where Infernal Energy orbs were not respawning if Demon had “Infernal Revenue” skill obtained.


  • Fixed shortcut icon showing as the Anti-Cheat icon.

Download free Evil Dead The Game version 1.07 on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.