Escape Simulator versus update is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Escape Simulator patch notes, the latest update adds a new game mode where players can challenge each other in escape rooms. The update also includes a Build-A-Room contest and various additions, such as new rooms, outfits, and fixes.
Since the last Escape Simulator patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Escape Simulator patch will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Escape Simulator Patch Notes – August 1, 2023
New Content
- 3, 2, 1, Race! Two Versus specific rooms just landed in the game.
- Immerse yourself in Versus mode with new customization options featuring 2 racer outfits.
- Try the newRandom Game finderif you can’t find players to play with.
- Use Versus props in room editor to create thrilling racing rooms.
Room Editor & Workshop
- New Roulette Logic Prop! Finally some randomness. Activate one random target from the Targets list!
- Camera movement speed setting! Now you can modify the camera movement speed setting while holding right click and scrolling. Use shift/ctrl while moving to temporarily modify the speed.
- Added tooltips for all targets. Now you can tell which target is which by setting it’s Descriptive name and checking the tooltip.
- Right click prop selection window UX fixes. Modified when the window is closed, how it reacts to other right clicks, right clicking over gizmo and more.
- No more double clicking after using the prop search field.
- Fixed highlighting hovered props behind tranform gizmo which cannot be selected.
- Fixed some props rotations.
- Fixed some props being in multiple groups.
- Fixed loading older rooms not opening due to wrong serialized data.
- Added a new Host screen with additional options.
- Added option to change lobby options while already in a lobby.
- Added option to choose game difficulty in lobby – Normal or Hard
- Added new a hover outline type that is less intrusive. You can change it in Options -> Hover Effect Type.
- Added interaction when clicking the dial that moves the dial for one step.
- Changed versioning system to one number, removing prefix 1.0. For example v1.0.27288n became v27288n.
Level Fixes
- Fixed game crash when spamming water turning on and off in “The Lab”.
- Removed Steam Cats in Time popup in “Cats in time”.
- Fixed not exiting zoom on specific locks in “Leonardo’s Workshop”.
- Fixed wrong lock click direction in “70’s Room” and “Treasure Island”.
Core Game Fixes
- Fixed flashing objects when selecting them in inventory.
- Fixed custom models changing size in certain conditions.
- Fixed invisible items when being dragged in zoom.
- Fixed bug where you could lose an item when spamming click on zoomed item while throwing it out.
- Items no longer shrink if you leave zoom while they animate.
- Fixed bug where you could duplicate item while spamming E and changing item via numpad.
- Fixed bug where you could end some interactions too soon if you click alt.
- Added error screen if you try to enter a lobby with corrupted data or the lobby doesn’t exist anymore.
UI Fixes
- Fixed Steamdeck UI bugs in co-op screen.
- Fixed UI bug where some dropdowns would have extra white elements on edges.
- Fixed rare case of UI overlapping after finishing room (“Use” was behind room stats on the top right).
- Fixed buttons staying highlighted in the in-game menu when exiting the menu with ESC.