Elite Dangerous Update 1.61 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox (Dec 13, 2021)

Elite Dangerous PS4 update 1.61 (Horizons Update) is now available for players. According to the official Elite Dangerous 1.61 patch notes, the latest hotfix added some stability fixes to the game. Apart from this, today’s Elite Dangerous PS4 version 1.61 also includes performance improvements.

Also, read about Elite Dangerous Odyssey update 9 patch notes here.

Previously, a major update was released with new changes and quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Elite Dangerous patch 1.61 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Elite Dangerous 1.61 Patch Notes – December 13, 2021

  • A stability issue encountered while cycling through Fire Groups was fixed.
  • A crash encountered while attempting to access modules in Outfitting was fixed.
  • A text error regarding a new Community Goal-related commodity was fixed in English and French.
  • A crash while encountering Guardian Sentinels at Guardian Sites was fixed.
  • A stability issues caused when opening the Orrery View in the System Map was fixed.

Known Issues

The above fixes are designed to address the bulk of stability-related issues that arose following Update 9. We’re aware of other issues and are currently planning how to address them. They include but are not limited to:

  • Hostile ships not being correctly marked on the radar
  • Some deceased NPCs cannot be scanned or analysed
  • “Floating” Guardian Materials at Guardian Sites
  • The on-foot tutorial not completing
  • Multi Limpet controllers having more mass than Commanders expected
  • The Scorpion SRV is affected by texture issues around the chassis

Download free Elite Dangerous version 1.61 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.