Dying Light 2 Update 1.54 Patch Notes (1.054)

Dying Light 2 update 1.54 (1.18) is available to download on PS4, PC, Xbox and PS5(1.054). According to the official Dying Light 2 version 1.54 patch notes, the latest update addresses major Co-op, gameplay, and technical issues, alongside several environment and UI improvements for a smoother experience. Apart from his Dying Light 2 patch 1.54 (1.054.000) also includes stability fixes.

Patch Summary

  • Fixed multiple Co-op joining issues and quest-related bugs.
  • Gear pieces are now droppable, excluding premium items.
  • Resolved various gameplay and environmental bugs, including Volatiles spawning and NPC positioning issues.
  • Fixed technical crashes and graphical corruption, especially in ray tracing and lighting.
  • Improved user interface consistency and functionality, such as backpack slot issues.

Dying Light 2 1.54 Patch Notes (1.18) – August 21, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t join using Quick Join.
  • Fixed the inability to complete some quests in Co-op during certain conditions (e.g., Epilogue).
  • Resolved the issue causing “Find Games” to be grayed out after dropping out of a Co-op session.
  • Fixed crash when switching tabs in the Join Game menu.


  • Gear pieces are now droppable, except for Premium items.
  • Added the immunity bar to the Extended HUD in Nightmare Mode.
  • Fixed Volatiles spawning in different locations at night, causing quests to be unfinishable.
  • Resolved GRE HP reset when the player moves too far during missions.
  • Fixed issues with the ‘Bloody Ties’ DLC detection and items being removed on PS5.
  • Fire Bolts from Hakon Bundle are now restored if lost.
  • Added hint to remind players about removing Spectral Goggles.
  • Fixed issues with chest encounters failing to complete after defeating Renegades/Bandits.
  • Corrected multiple interactions, including weapon pick-up from shallow water and crosshair movement during bow charge.
  • Fixed enemies not getting impaled after Vault Kick kills.
  • Adjusted various quest-related glitches, including characters’ positions and elevator functionality.
  • Improved camera behavior during “X13” quest.
  • Fixed throwable splash FX and Infected melee reach inconsistencies.


  • Fixed red chests clipping into terrain, making them unlootable.
  • Resolved duplicated assets at crossroads on Saint Paul Island.
  • Fixed rain appearing inside interiors.
  • Addressed multiple environment issues, including floating plants, UV lights without a source, and floating trees over chemicals.
  • Fixed lanterns floating during “Firestarter” Survivor Mission.


  • Fixed texture overlaps with open chests in Survivor Missions.
  • Resolved crashes on Nvidia GPUs and lack of Frame Generation options.
  • Fixed graphical corruption in “Priceless” Elite Mission.
  • Removed unused prefabs still present in the game files.
  • Addressed flickering lighting and misplaced occluders in the Central Loop.
  • Resolved issues with menu camera zoom and black textures when boosting with Paraglider.
  • Adjusted item order consistency in the store.


  • Fixed the fourth row appearing in the backpack when all slots are occupied with ammo.

Previous Dying Light 2 Update

Previously, a major Dying Light 2 patch 1.34 added a new Bloody Ties DLC. Unfortunately, some players are still facing bugs and various issues with the coop and multiplayer. Today’s DL2 update 1.54 will fix a few of these issues.

Download free DL2 update 1.18

Download free DL2 update 1.54 on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.