Dying Light 2 Update 1.48 Patch Notes (Version 1.048.000)

Dying Light 2 update 1.48 (1.048) is rolling out on PS4, PS5, PC(1.16.1), and Xbox. According to the official Dying Light 2 version 1.48 patch notes, the latest update addresses various issues, including missing objectives, spawn points, and vendor item duplication glitches. Apart from his Dying Light 2 patch 1.48 also ensures rewards for Nightmare difficulty aren’t tied to a single save file and improves formatting for the Message of the Day.

Previously, a major Dying Light 2 patch 1.34 added a new Bloody Ties DLC. Unfortunately, some players are still facing bugs and various issues with the coop and multiplayer. Today’s DL2 update 1.48 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details here.

Dying Light 2 1.48 Patch Notes (1.16.1) – April 25, 2024

Here are some of them:

  • Fixed the missing objective at the start of the X13 quest
  • Fixed missing cordyceps spawn points at Roof Groves
  • Fixed the vendor item duplication glitch when using the “Buy Max”option
  • Reward for completing the game on Nightmare difficulty is no longer tied to a single save file
  • Added missing pop-up after completing Daily or Weekly Bounties
  • Removed the redundant “Continue” text display on the event participation screen in the main menu
  • Improved formatting for the Message of the Day found on the event participation screen
  • Scaled the Message of the Day icons in the main menu to match the screen on the Steam Deck
  • Fixed the issue with the Demolisher disappearing during Survivor Missions
  • Fixed the Teleport Player sensor prefab in Dev Tools
  • Fixed the issue with Nightmare difficulty appearing as Easy difficulty

Download free DL2 update 1.46 on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox, and PlayStations 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.