Dying Light 2 Update 1.39 Patch Notes (v1.12)

Dying Light 2 update 1.39 (1.039) is rolling out on PS4, PS5, PS, and Xbox. According to the official Dying Light 2 1.39 patch notes, the latest DL2 Summertime update adds Payday 2 Crossover Event with Infected Robbers and Red Diamonds as rewards, running until September 21st. Apart from his Dying Light 2 version 1.39 (1.039.000) also includes Mod.io In-Game Console Integration for Community Maps on consoles and Steam Deck.

The DL2 patch 1.12 also adds new knife animations, Dying Light Points for skin bundles, Brutality Level settings, Prologue skipping, Alterations, and various gameplay, technical, and UI fixes and improvements.

Previously, a major Dying Light 2 patch 1.34 added a new Bloody Ties DLC. Unfortunately, some players are still facing bugs and various issues with the coop and multiplayer. Today’s DL2 update 1.39 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details here.

Dying Light 2 1.39 Patch Notes (1.12) – September 7, 2023

  1. Payday 2 Crossover Event: A Payday 2 crossover event has been introduced. Players will encounter Infected Robbers in the streets and Dark Hollows who aim to take their lives. Defeating them allows players to loot special Red Diamonds to complete event goals. This event will run until September 21st.
  2. Mod.io In-Game Console Integration: The Summertime Update brings the long-awaited feature of in-game console integration with mod.io. Players on Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam Deck can now access and play Community Maps created by the game’s community members. However, not all maps may be fully compatible with consoles at launch, with optimization efforts planned for the future.
  3. New Knife Animations: The update introduces new animations for knives, with plans to incorporate more weapons of this type in upcoming updates.
  4. Introduction of Dying Light Points (DL Points): DL Points have been introduced, making it faster and more convenient to acquire skin bundles without leaving the game. Players will receive 500 DL Points upon launch, which can be used to purchase skins from the in-game store. These points need to be redeemed by October 7th.
  5. Brutality Level: A new setting allows players to choose between Full, Limited, and Minimum brutality settings in the Preferences. This option is not available in Germany and Japan due to restrictions on gore.
  6. Prologue Changes: Players can now skip the Prologue and start the game directly with the “Getting Stronger” quest, allowing quicker access to co-op mode. Tutorial pop-ups will still be available for those who want to refresh their survival skills.
  7. Alterations: A new occasional game modifier called “Alterations” is introduced to add short-time activities to the game, enhancing the world of Dying Light with vibrancy and fun. Players can deactivate Alterations in the Settings if they prefer not to participate.

Game Update Highlights: In addition to the major changes mentioned in the Summertime Update above, we’ve implemented several fixes and enhancements to enhance your gaming experience:


  • Resolved an issue where a player connected to your game would appear multiple times on the Dynamic Challenge score while the challenge was active.
  • Consumable item usage no longer disrupts the process of reviving other players in co-op.
  • Fixed a problem where a co-op partner would encounter an extended black screen after fast traveling if the host initiated a cutscene.
  • Dynamic Challenges no longer obstruct the revival of other players.
  • Corrected player animation stuttering when utilizing a lift.


  • Addressed vibrations on the Dual Sense controller while playing on PC.
  • Fixed a bug where objects in the game world were colliding with the environment.
  • Unstuck previously immobile enemies; they are now mobile.
  • Enemies will now spawn out of players’ sight to prevent jump scares caused by Volatiles appearing directly in front of players.
  • Adjusted the speed and animation of players crawling through vents or crawlspaces after using Afterboost.
  • Improved the naturalness of weapon animations after using Afterboost.
  • Resolved an issue where the Physical Parkour option prevented players from climbing ladders.
  • Reduced the resilience of Volatiles, making fights challenging yet more manageable.
  • Enhanced environment accessibility with Assisted and Physical Parkour.
  • Several accessories will no longer exhibit glass-like VFX effects while held.
  • Biters now properly bounce off walls when thrown into them.
  • Fixed numerous instances of excessively dark screens.
  • When crafting items with a full inventory on PS5, items will automatically transfer to the Stash.
  • Rectified missing textures in various parts of the game world.


  • Fixed the Nutcracker’s appearance when crafting the weapon.
  • Resolved various in-game crashes.
  • Corrected Aiden’s irregular breathing after a chase sequence in UV light without enemies present.
  • Adjusted the volume of the sounds produced when grabbing metal rooftops, reducing their loudness.
  • Fixed swimming sound effects.
  • Addressed a situation where Bloody Ties was inaccessible after changing the console language.
  • Fixed frame rate drops caused by fire on Resolution presets for XSX and PS5.
  • Rectified camera placement during various parkour movements.
  • The Physical Parkour option now correctly overrides custom parkour settings.
  • Fixed an animation issue where the camera could clip into Aiden after dropkicking.
  • Community Maps will no longer be listed as installed after deleting their local files.
  • Corrected Aiden’s hand animation when dodging with a spear equipped.
  • Weapons will no longer disappear when using boomsticks.


  • Key Bindings now provide accurate instructions for manual sprinting.
  • Fixed weapon tooltips, ensuring they display information about various effects.
  • Addressed multiple localization translation errors in the game.
  • Rectified stuttering in the Dynamic Challenges’ UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn’t change Color Grading settings.
  • The custom HUD will no longer be empty.
  • Challenges are now correctly marked on the 3D Map.

Download free DL2 update 1.39 on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox, and PlayStations 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.