Dread Hunger update 5 is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Dread Hunger patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes.
Previously, a major update added a new character model, emotes, and an improved tutorial.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues. Today’s Dread Hunger patch 5 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
Dread hunger Patch Notes – January 28, 2022
New stuff:
- Reviving now time based instead of health based
- Added five new tutorial chapters
- Added crosshair feedback when damaging nitro
- Body parts now look like the person they were cut from
- Added ‘Whetstone’ item that replaces steel and upgrades multiple melee weapons
- Added new inventory item “Nails”
Balance stuff:
- Repairing hull breaches now requires nails
- Crafting barrels now requires nails
- Crafting shovel now requires nails
- Crafting ice axe now requires nails
- Removed extra bullet from the Royal Marine’s starting kit
- Cannibal limbs are now decorative only
- Boiler sabotage no longer random, each gunpowder will double the time till the sabotage
- Fixed an issue where the boiler UI would get stuck on the screen at game end
- Fixed an issue that was causing the iceberg to receive inconsistent damage from nitro
- Fixed an issue that was causing corpses to become stuck in the air
- Fixed an issue that was causing AIs to get confused when attacking multiple downed players
- Fixed boiler consumes non-fuel items
- Fixed an issue where Thralls do not get points for moving the ship backwards
- Fixed an issue where Explorers did not get points for assisting nitro carry when a thrall was carrying
- Fixed an issue where poisoning as a Explorer did not give expected points
- Fixed an issue where warmth decreases when in bed on ship
- Fixed an issue where totems destroyed while a thrall is in brig doesn’t get removed from spell charge
- Fixed an issue where items can be dropped while in spirit walk
- Fixed coal in barrel doesn’t give points
- Fixed ghosts gain points for escaped/stowaway
- Fixed an issue where can you dig and build campfire at the same time
- Fixed poison doesn’t apply to a dead players inventory items
- Fixed filling the last workbench slot mid craft cancels craft but consumes materials
- Fixed swapping inventory items with external inventory holsters equipped item
- Fixed holding ctrl while moving poison doesn’t move whole stack
- Fixed an issue where holstering bone charm stops bone charm access (unless scroll first)
- Cosmetics
- Improved gore effects
- Improved nitro iceberg destruction effect
- Improved water splash effects
- Improved campfire effects
- Added smoke to the ship’s exhaust pipe
- Added particle effect to bear’s ground slam attack
- Added playtester and early access emotes
- Changed Royal Marine’s uniform to red so he’s distinct from the Captain/Engineer at a distance
UINew stuff:
- Added new end of match victory screens
- Added “Compendium” UI which provides detailed information about the game
- Added “Stats” UI which provides detailed information about the player
- Updated “Journal” and added hyperlinked compendium terms
- Added more keybind images
- Added rejoin party button (for when voip goes wrong)
- Crew board invites show when coming back from a tutorial
- Can accept a steam invite while in the tutorial
- Added show mute icon over players when their volume is at zero
- Added cosmetics menu within role selection menu
- Added new role icons
- Adding region select to launch expedition
- Added auto select for last remaining role when joining a lobby
- Added upgrade icon to the slot icons
- Added Browse All Expeditions button
- Added no XP message for custom expedition settings
- Added message other thralls keybind
- Added boiler sabotage and powder keg sabotage to the ship progress widget (visible only to thralls)
- Added level up animation for Thrall charge tier change
- Fixed ship fuel gauge can fail to appear
- Fixed ESC menu can fail to open
- Fixed pressing Enter on title screen does nothing
- Fixed long usernames moving lobby slots
- Fixed lobby loading up bar appears over the date in the lobby map
- Fixed replay text can go off screen in some languages
- Fixed Doctor’s perk in Russian moves UI in character select
- Fixed opacity on tutorial concepts sometimes being too low
- Fixed thrall chat cut off in some languages
- Fixed “No expeditions” message in the lobby browser goes off the screen in some languages
- Fixed the “days until blizzard” changes but the day and date does not
- Fixed custom map settings showing 4 days before blizzard, not 3 as default
- Fixed days until blizzard widget doesn’t show at start of game on 4 days in a custom game
- Fixed player settings UI cut off when opened while browsing lobbies
- Fixed thrall UI hotkeys don’t dynamically change when keybind changed
- Fixed can’t read emote name under poker countdown timer
- Fixed UI for pick up downed player reads “interact with corpse”
- Fixed no indication of poisoned food when held
- Fixed “Launch Expedition” is available for host after map selected
- Fixed swapping a held item with another inventory item changes held item but keeps slot highlighted
- Fixed last player to join shows as marine and doesn’t have character selected
- Fixed shadow setting in video settings being misaligned in various languages
- Fixed “Workbench” cut off by repair button in some languages
- Fixed character names in character select exceed allocated space in some languages
- Fixed P keybind doesn’t hide some UI
- Fixed dragging an item onto itself flashes full indicator
- Fixed mousing over the bottom of the screen when in settings shows inventory information
- Fixed ship fuel icon sits inward when thrall on helm with spell charge showing
- Fixed “Already crafted” on satchel is hard to read
- Additional Poker emotes
- New walk cycles (8 directions + run)
- New downed animations (8 directions)
- Removed camera shake from first person downed state
- Added 13 crew activity animations for the Tutorial
- Animation and cinematic sequences for Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Syringe | Added (1P/3P) animations for equip, in/out aim transitions and tweaked idle (3P)
- Lantern | Added (1P/3P) animation for equip, in/out aim transitions, aim idle
- Bear traps | Added (1P/3P) animation for equips, in/out aim transitions, idle tweaks
- Axe/Ice Axe | Added in/out aim transition animations and equips (1P/3P)
- Spyglass | Added equip animation (1P/3P)
- Barrels, Powder Keg | Added new equip (no longer has shoulder clipping camera) added aim enter animations (1P)
- Rock, Coal | Added (1P/3P) animations for equip, in/out aim transitions, and shared attack animations
- Poison, Laudanum, Antidote | Added shared (3P) equip animations
- Wood | Added (3P) animations for equip, in/out aim transitions and aimed idle
- Ingots x3 | Added shared (3P) animations for equip, in/out aim transitions, and shared attack animations
- Cooked, Animal, Human Meat | Added (1P/3P) animations for equip, in/out aim transitions, tweaked aimed idle and idle (3P)
- Sabre | Tweaked equip animation (1P)
- Tweaked head holding animations (3P)
- Tweaked Cloth for Chaplain’s scarf
- Tweaked the facial expression when firing a Muskets
Level DesignNew stuff:
- New Map :3
- Various fixes to Approach and Summit
- Optimization fixes
- AI pathing fixes
OtherNew stuff:
- Added support for Steam Game Language
- Can now prestige roles
- Added Hong Kong server region
- Added 11 new achievements
- Added music player to ship lobby
- Added timeouts for login steps
- Fixed attempting to rejoin a nonexistent lobby (map ended, everyone left) sends player to lobby then kicked to title
- Fixed host rejoining party in lobby after rejoining in map are told they are new host, they are not host
- Fixed if host migrates to new lobby quicker than minion, minion is kicked
- Fixed showing 0 player lobbies from search results
- Fixed re-merging lobbies gets players stuck
- Did not fix my sleeping pattern
- Fixed accepting invite from closed client doesn’t put player in lobby
- Fixed host leaving mid map doesn’t notify new host at end of map
- Fixed attempting to return to host who merged lobbies and left sends to title
- Fixed accepting invite from closed client when inviter in map shows no message
- Fixed hosts globally game banned can still play games as host
- Fixed players cannot be kicked sometimes
- Fixed attempting to join full lobby via friends list leaves player on joining
- Fixed host rejoining party after map selected removes selected map
- Fixed declined pending invites will continue to appear each time player enters own lobby
- Fixed attempting to join full lobby via friends list leaves player on joining
- Fixed host migration after map selection uses previous host’s name as ship name
- Fixed failing to join a lobby via invite because it is full will leave “Failed to join party” message
- Fixed rejoining non-existent lobby leaves player on “joining” for two minutes
- Fixed invites received while in map don’t show after map end
- Fixed after map, minions can’t send Steam invites to lobby; join game unavailable
- Fixed host rejoining in map still has map selected after game end
- Fixed open invite screen prompt displays after invite screen open
- Fixed invites pending after return to lobby after map, show on subsequent lobby returns