Diablo 4 Version 1.015 Patch Notes for PS5

Diablo 4 version 1.015.000 patch notes released for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Accroding to the official Diablo 4 1.015 patch notes, the latest update adds a long list of bug fixes and changes. Apart from this, today’s Diablo 4 update 1.015 also includes balancing changes.

Previously, Diablo 4 version 1.009 added minor tweaks and changes. Unfortunately, since the release, players are experiencing various bugs, error codes (315306) and connection issues. Today’s D4 patch 1.015 will address a few of these issues.

Related: Read Diablo 4 day 1 patch notes.

Diablo 4 version 1.015 Patch Notes – July 26, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where several Focus off-hand items could only have an aspect imprinted on them once.
  • Fixed an issue where combining the Dark Dance and Punishing Speed Malignant Powers could cause the player to stun themselves.
  • Fixed an issue where the Grim Reward Season Journey objective could be repeated by dropping and picking up the same stash.
  • Fixed an issue where the Werebear and Werewolf fur color was too bright in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue where movement on specific controllers was often not functioning correctly.
  • Updated the activation of the Premium Battle Pass with a confirmation pop-up.
  • The default focus (the button the controller will first highlight) on the Battle Pass screen is now the Season Journey button.
  • Acquiring or re-allocating Seasonal Blessings will now clear the vendor buyback inventory.
  • Fixed multiple instances where players were encountering crashes.
  • Further stability improvements.
  • Fixed an interaction with the Agitated Winds Malignant Heart power which led to automatic Cyclone Armor casts to ignore its own cooldown.
  • Acquiring or re-allocating Seasonal Blessings will now clear the vendor buyback inventory.

Gameplay Update

We are implementing a reduction to overall monster power levels in Nightmare dungeons. The new top range for tier 100 will feel like what tier 70 was previously.

Tier 35

  • HP reduced by ~2%
  • Damaged reduced by ~1%

Tier 50

  • HP reduced by ~20%
  • Damage reduced by ~13%

Tier 70

  • HP reduced by ~60%
  • Damage reduced by 54%

Tier 100

  • HP reduced by ~82%
  • Damage reduced by ~79%

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where additional Blood Lances from the Gore Quills aspect could sometimes not deal damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the Answers in the Ashes quest could have progression blocked if Varshan was killed before the quest updates to the step to defeat him.
  • Fixed an issue where the dungeons Buried Halls and Endless Gates dungeons were not giving players proper rewards upon completion.
  • Fixed an issue where the Akhan’s Grasp Nightmare Dungeon was not giving players proper rewards upon completion.
  • Fixed an issue where the Moonrage Malignant Power would cause the Wolves power to be unequipped from the action bar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Subterranean Legendary aspect was dealing far less damage than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Frozen Terror Malignant Power could also fear the player with it equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where Malignant Hearts could be duplicated when salvaging them, logging out immediately, and logging back in.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier Skips wouldn’t be properly rewarded in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where Whispers sometimes wouldn’t grant experience on completion.
  • Further stability improvements

The following changes were added previously.

Dungeons, Events, and other Activities:

  • Dead Man’s Dredge boss engagement issue resolved
  • Completion issues with certain Whispers fixed
  • Those Who Call the Storm event registration and de-buff issues addressed
  • Enemy spawns behind the Sealed door in Cultist Refuge fixed
  • Stronghold completion cutscene damage and Pinnacle Boss re-appearance issues fixed
  • Progression blockage in Cathedral of Light Capstone dungeon resolved
  • Crash/freeze issue in Untamed Thicket dungeon during Fangs of Corruption quest fixed

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Transformation prevention issue for Druids resolved
  • Spider Host enemy upright position after exploding fixed
  • Mass-salvaging issue for equipment with socketed Gems addressed
  • Teleportation issue to Cerrigar in specific subregions resolved
  • Disappearing corpse visual caused by Corpse Tendrils fixed
  • Camera zoom issue in World Boss encounters resolved
  • Stuck between Bone Walls issue for Barbarians fixed
  • Invisible Rogue players issue after using Concealment Skill addressed
  • Stuck in knockback state issue caused by Airidah’s tornados resolved
  • Halting of player input while Dazed issue fixed
  • Progression issue with Caches and World Tiers resolved
  • Thorns damage upgrade for Skeleton Warrior fixed
  • Damage calculation issue for Burning Instinct power on Sorcerer Paragon board resolved
  • In-game movement during Leave Game countdown issue fixed

Local Co-Op:

  • Locking in World Map issue for second player fixed
  • Progression issues with quests in Local Co-Op play resolved
  • Display issue with item upgrade preview slot addressed
  • Un-interactable buttons in the store for player 2 fixed
  • Inconsistent health bar display for targeting the same enemy resolved
  • Closure of Spirit Boons menu by player 2 while player 1 had it open fixed
  • Mount movement issue for remaining player when the other player exits the game addressed


  • NPC duplication issue during multiple quests with Lacthan fixed
  • Progression blockage in Malign Devotion, Apex of Misery, and Demon Ledger quests resolved
  • Odd movement of Brol and Mother’s chosen during eavesdropping cutscene fixed
  • Re-entering boss area after Follower joins during Storming the Gates quest allowed
  • Un-interactable Illusion Woods Statue issue during Wayward quest resolved
  • Completion issue with True Potential Rogue Class Quest addressed


  • Expanded Chat issue when not visible resolved
  • Incorrect HP bar display for party members issue fixed
  • Broken text issue in “GPU not Supported” message resolved
  • Persistence of Druid’s Spirit Boons particles after closing menu addressed
  • Display issue with cross-network play notification on Xbox Consoles fixed
  • Empty notification issue for new players during world bosses resolved
  • Missing Potion Upgrade icon issue when playing with a controller fixed
  • Visibility of Town Portal progress bar while in menus issue addressed
  • Tab key issue not opening Map with Materials panel open on PC fixed
  • “Not yet learned” display issue for Spur ability on mounts resolved
  • Persistence of Linked Item menu when switching input methods fixed
  • Improper messaging issue when undoing deletion of Hardcore character resolved
  • Interact wheel prompt issue over vases near Fate’s Retreat Waypoint fixed
  • Persistence of Socket button when swapping tabs addressed
  • Multiple instances of non-functioning Pins on map and text display issues fixed
  • Health bar display accuracy issue during PvP activities resolved
  • Various improvements to UI experience and localization


  • Clan creation issue with Russian or Spanish language settings addressed
  • Shop loading issue when player dies in Checkout resolved
  • Cutscene play issues in larger parties on consoles fixed
  • Functionality issues with Randomize Look, Swap Body Type, and PlayStation 5 screen reader resolved
  • Emotes from the Shop functionality issue with a controller fixed
  • Player character’s eye display issue during Lorath’s cabin cutscene in Prologue resolved
  • Various stability, performance, and visual improvements across platforms

Gameplay Adjustments:

  • Increased experience rewards for Nightmare Dungeons and Whispers
  • Increased bonus experience from Helltide chests
  • Increased rewarded experience from completing individual Whispers
  • Consistent higher quality loot drops from Helltide Roaming bosses
  • Direct teleportation to Nightmare Dungeons through the map
  • Removal of level requirement for opening weekly bonus caches from world bosses.

Balancing Changes

Druid Balancing Changes:

  • Adjustments to multiple skills, including Earthspike, Wind Shear, Claw, Maul, Lightning Storm, Shred, Wolves, Hurricane, Rabies, Cataclysm, Lacerate, Petrify, and Pummel.
  • Improvements to various passives like Bestial Rampage, Nature’s Fury, and Lupine Ferocity.
  • Enhancements to legendary aspects such as Runeworker’s Conduit, Mangled, Seismic-Shift, and Blurred Beast.

Rogue Balancing Changes:

  • Skill improvements for Invigorating Strike, Blade Shift, Heartseeker, Forceful Arrow, Barrage, Caltrops, Smoke Grenade, Rain of Arrows, and Volley.
  • Adjustments to the Close Quarters Combat passive.
  • Enhancements to legendary aspects like Escape Artist and Umbrous.
  • Changes to the Eyes in the Dark item.

Necromancer Balancing Changes:

  • Skill adjustments for Reap, Decompose, Hemorrhage, Bone Splinters, Sever, Blood Lance, Bone Prison, Iron Maiden, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Spikes, and Raise Skeleton and Golem.
  • Changes to the Kalan’s Edict, Rathma’s Vigor, and Spiked Armor passives.
  • Improvements to legendary aspects including Bursting Bone, Flesh-Rending, Fastblood, and other items.

Barbarian Balancing Changes:

  • Skill modifications for Lunging Strike, Bash, Frenzy, Flay, Double Swing, Kick, Charge, Leap, Iron Skin, Call of the Ancients, Iron Maelstrom, and Bounding Slam.
  • Enhancements to the Enhanced Bash and Enhanced Charge skills.
  • Improvements to the Iron Maelstrom and Bounding Slam abilities.

Download free Diablo 4 patch 1.015 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.