D2R Patch 1.28 Notes (New Update Today)

[Diablo 2] D2R patch 1.28 is now available to download on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One. According to the official D2R 1.28 patch notes, the latest update brings minor tweaks and changes. Apart from this, today’s D2R update 1.28 (version 1.028.000) also includes performance improvements.

Previously, an update was released that added queue functionality to consoles. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing login and server issues.

Today’s D2R version 1.28 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.

D2R 1.28 Patch Notes (1.028.000)

  • Added stability fixes.
  • Added gameplay performance improvments.
  • Other minor tweaks.

The following changes were added previously.


Following the successful launch of Ladder Season One, the team has turned their focus to features that required the most attention. Console Party Finder was the top item on our list by a large margin. Patch 2.4.3. brings multiple improvements to the console multiplayer experience, providing new and improved ways to create and find games by replacing Party Finder with Game Creator and Game List.

Three Options Lie Before You

Selecting the “Play” button on the main menu with your selected online hero will now present three options for online play:

Private:Enter a private game that will not populate to the Game List. The only way for others to join your game is through the Friends List or by being invited.

Game Creator:Create a public game that will populate on the games list.

Game List:View the games list, use the search feature, or join a public game.



You feel an intense rush of energy coursing through your veins, a faint internal humming overriding your own pulse. FromJune 30–July 4, a mysterious energy source will grant you a50% buff to Magic Find, providing an increased chance to receive Legendary, Magic, Rare, Set, or Unique loot as a drop from slain foes. This bonus stacks with any additional increases to Magic Find provided by your items.



  • Players can now start a new Whirlwind, Leap, or Leap Attack immediately after a Whirlwind ends.
  • Changed the logic for determining how often Whirlwind attacks occur. Whirlwind now incorporates Increased Attack Speed (IAS) from all equipment. The frames between each Whirlwind attack are equal to the attack frame of a basic attack for that character (modified by increased attack speed). While dual wielding, the attack frame for each weapon will be averaged (rounding up). Overall, Whirlwind attacks should be at least as fast as they were before. Slower weapons will attack notably faster.
  • Added a new “Loot to Cube” skill for controllers in the general skills menu. Using this skill on an item will pick it up and place it in your Horadric Cube, if there is space.
  • Added a bindable hotkey for mouse and keyboard to directly open the Horadric Cube if it is in your inventory.
  • Added a new button shortcut to open the Horadric Cube from the inventory menu.
  • Players can now bulk assign stat points using a controller.
  • A confirmation prompt will now appear when bulk assigning all remaining stat points on both PC and console. This option is unavailable while using legacy graphics.
  • Added an Automap Auto Open setting to allow players to set their preferred Automap position.


  • You can now double click on a game to join it in the PC lobby.
  • Players on Switch can now join a friend’s game via the in-game Friends List.
  • Game List size has been doubled from 20 to 40.
  • Game list details in both the details panel and in the Game List now load faster upon selecting a game.
  • Friends playing D2R are now sorted to the top of the Friends List.
  • Console players now have an option in the options menu to toggle Game Name visibility.



  • Addressed a bug where Deckard Cain was not able to identify items in the Horadric Cube. Now he will do so when the Cube is in your main inventory.
  • Addressed a bug where short-distance whirlwinds could end without executing a single attack.
  • Addressed a bug where Whirlwind would still apply properties and damage from a broken weapon.
  • Addressed a bug where the first attack of Whirlwind was treated different from the rest. When dual wielding, the first attack will choose two targets, just like all the other attacks.
  • Addressed a bug where resurrect costs were inconsistent for high-level mercenaries.
  • Addressed a bug where corpse skills were not auto-targeting corpses when using just right click.


  • Addressed a bug where you couldn’t select and join lobby games on PC with a controller.
  • Addressed a bug where players could impersonate developers by mimicking the chat font color used to display system messages.
  • Addressed a bug where lobby figurines would disappear while whispering.
  • Addressed a bug that would rarely prevent players from joining a private game.
  • Addressed a bug in Hardcore where both players had to mutually flag each other to be able to loot a corpse, even if the dead player had the other player flagged.
  • Addressed a bug where ladder rankings with six or more digits would begin to overlap the character name.

Character Select

  • Addressed a bug that would sometimes cause the most recently played characters to not sort to the top of the list.
  • Addressed a bug where an off-hand flail could fail to animate on the front end.


  • Fixed miscellaneous localization bugs.

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed a performance issue that could occur when spamming refresh at a vendor for an extended period.
  • Miscellaneous crash and stability fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Audio
    • Addressed a bug where the Amazon Valkyrie skill sound effects were too loud
  • Character selection
    • Any remaining characters that were still affected by the name capitalization issue caused by the 2.4 server deploy should now be repaired
  • Chat
    • Addressed a bug where game chat functionality could break for some players if they had a pending friend request or joined games very quickly alongside another player
  • Controller
    • Addressed a bug where allies were extremely difficult to target with Holy Bolt using a controller. Allies can now more easily be auto-targeted by the skill. They are weighed less than enemies to prevent them from being accidentally targeted too often
    • Addressed a bug that caused the player to unintentionally move towards their mercenary if they pressed the bottom face button on their controller while they had Holy Bolt bound to a non-bottom face button, and the mercenary was nearby
    • Addressed a bug that caused the player to unintentionally cast Holy Bolt towards their mercenary if they pressed the bottom face button on their controller while they had Holy Bolt bound to a non-bottom face button, and the mercenary was far away
    • Addressed a bug where the ‘Gold Max’ string was misaligned in Classic Character stashes when using a controller
  • Map Generation
    • Addressed a bug where certain seeds could generate an Underground Passage or Pit map without an exit
  • Quick Cast
    • Addressed a bug where key mappings with modifier keys (e.g. Shift/Ctrl/Alt plus another key) could get stuck in the active state. This was especially noticeable with Quick Cast skills.
    • Addressed a bug where clicking the left or right mouse button while holding a Quick Cast skill hotkey could cast the wrong skill.
  • Settings
    • Addressed a bug where keybindings would not save if the player exited the game too quickly after changing their keybinds
  • Skills
    • +1% synergy bonus from Find Potion is now properly communicated on the Find Item skill tooltip
  • Stability
    • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur on level transitions, most commonly seen in the Forgotten Tower
    • Fixed a rare crash in the mercenary equipment UI related to mods

Download free D2R update 1.28 (1.028.000) on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.