Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes (PS4 Version 3.43)

Destiny 2 update is rolling out on PS4(Version 3.42), PC, PS5, Xbox One, and PC players. According to the Destiny 2 update 3.42 patch notes, the latest update brings new weapon rewards and tweaks. Apart from this, Destiny 2 patch also includes stability fixes.

Destiny 2 Patch 3.43 Notes (Version – October 29, 2024

Festival of The Lost

Weapon rewards

  • New:
    • Arcane Embrace – Heavy Burst Arc Shotgun
  • Reprised with new perks:
    • Mechabre – Aggresive Arc Sniper Rifle
    • Jurassic Green – Rapid-Fire Solar Pulse
    • Braytech Werewolf – Precision Kinetic Auto Rifle
    • Acosmic – Rapid-Fire Void Grenade Launcher

Spectral and Manifested pages

  • Spectral pages have been cut to simplify the loop and give players more ways to restore the Forgotten Book during the event.
  • Manifested pages drop from the broad game while Guardian is wearing a FOTL mask, or from Haunted Sectors.
  • Extra pages can be earned from Haunted Sectors by defeating up to ten Headless Ones in a single run.

Mask Rolls

  • Introductory quest masks and Expert Haunted Sector masks drop with spikey high stats and Masterwork level 7 (previously was level 3) to make them more exciting for their limited duration.
  • Base Haunted Sector masks will now drop with high stats (previous was regular stats).
  • Masks purchased from Eva are unchanged (a static high stat roll).


  • Brought back an updated version of the Twilight Memento Triumph with new hidden objectives to earn the Memento.
  • Festival of the Lost Memento storage limit increased from one to three.


  • Any focusing option that costs an Eerie Engram now has a chance to drop the Memento (previously was only the basic engram focusing option).
  • New Exotic Class Items focusing options added.

Forgotten Book

  • Reduced Manifested Page cost for all old volumes to one Manifested Page per chapter.

Expert difficulty

  • Removing matchmaking and added Haunted Sectors to Fireteam Finder.
  • Removed the quest to complete each of the Expert Haunted sectors. Sweetened the Horrific Haunts event challenge with an additional 500 candy as a reward.


  • Fixed an issue where Warlock masks from vendor dropped with random stats.

Episode Revenant

  • Fixed an issue where onscreen tutorials for Fieldworks could not be closed.
  • Fixed an issue where in some instances Major Fieldworks voiceover was playing out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where Eramis’ voiceover was louder than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the H.E.L.M. landing zone spawned players into The Last City hub instead.

Onslaught: Salvation

  • Fixed an issue where the Class Warfare and Shot Caller modifiers would not activate during Expert Onslaught.

Raid and Dungeons

Vesper’s Host

  • Fixed an issue where players that dismantled the Rogue Network quest couldn’t reacquire it.

Salvation’s Edge

  • Implemented a potential fix to an issue where the Memento wasn’t dropping for players other than the fireteam leader.
    • We’ll update this patch note to confirm if the fix was successful.

Exotic Mission Rotator


  • Fixed an issue where players could potentially respawn in the Ancillary Transit Nexus during the final boss encounter and be unable to leave.

Gameplay and Investment


  • Fixed instances of the curated Deadlock that dropped with incorrect perks.
    • Hammer forged will be replaced with Rifled Barrel, High Caliber Rounds will be replaced with Light Mag, Killing Wind will be replaced with Lone Wolf, and Desperate Measures will be replaced with Closing Time.
    • In cases where perks are enhanced, the perk will be swapped to the enhanced perk.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vantage Point Pulse Rifle could equip Rocket Launcher mods instead of Pulse Rifle mods.
    • In some instances, if a rocket exclusive mod was equipped, this mod will be removed and players can add a Pulse Rifle mod of their choosing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vantage Point Pulse Rifle could receive Voltshot instead of the new Jolting Feedback perk.
    • Instances of Voltshot will be replaced with Jolting Feedback and enhanced versions with the enhanced instance.


  • Fixed an issue where Desperate Measures had its damage bonus reduced.


  • Fixed an issue where Artifact power was not being granted by the Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel unless you had acquired the Hunter’s Journal.

Previously, Destiny 2 update 7.1 changes for the economy, weapon sandbox, abilities, exotic armor, quality of life, crucible, and enemy elemental shields. Today’s Destiny 2 update 3.43 will fix a few of these issues.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check the Destiny 2 server status here.

Download free Destiny 2 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.