Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes (Version 3.23)

Destiny 2 update is available to download on PS4(Version 3.23), PC, PS5, Xbox One, and PC players. According to the Destiny 2 update patch notes, the latest update brings several fixes and adjustments to various aspects of the game, including activities, raids and dungeons, gameplay, and investments. Apart from this, Destiny 2 patch also includes gameplay performance improvements.

Previously, Destiny 2 update 7.1 changes for the economy, weapon sandbox, abilities, exotic armor, quality of life, crucible, and enemy elemental shields. Today’s Destiny 2 update will fix a few of these issues.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check the Destiny 2 server status here.

Destiny 2 Patch Notes (Version 3.23) – April 23, 2024




  • Fixed an issue where a single player would be unable to spawn every-other round on Burnout in the Elimination playlists.


  • Fixed an issue where Mercy ruling was present in Competitive playlists.
  • Fixed an issue where Special ammo crates were not respawning on Wormhaven in 3v3 Clash Competitive playlists.


Warlord’s Ruin

  • Fixed issue where solo players were unable to complete Warlord’s Ruin due to blocked doors at the imprisoned puzzle after the first encounter is completed.


  • Fixed an issue where two players could receive the Unstable Light debuff at the same time during the Golgoroth encounter.


  • Adjusted reward drops to ensure a guaranteed weapon drop within a 50-wave run and an additional bonus weapon drop upon completion of wave 50 in any difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue where the portal out of the Pyramid arena would occasionally not spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where the activity would end after looting the default reward chest in wave 50 instead waiting for all chests to be looted.
  • Fixed an issue where players could access unintended locations in the Pyramid arena boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where players could duplicate batteries using class abilities.
  • Fixed a crash caused by environmental objects.
  • Fixed an issue where repeatable Onslaught bounties would take up two quest slots and only allowed players to abandon one of them.



  • Updated the reticle bounce behavior on the BRAVE Recluse to more closely match the behavior on the original Recluse.


  • Fixed an issue where the Gilded Cage ornament was missing spikes on one side of the barrel.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping and interacting with a vendor would not display the vendor screen correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where picking up a New Light Kit would override existing abilities for that subclass in saved loadouts.
  • Fixed issue where the Vanguard node was locked for New Light players after completing the Tower tutorial.

Download free Destiny 2 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.