Bungie has released a new Destiny 2 update 6.2.5 details for PS4, PC, PS5, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Destiny 2 6.2.5 patch notes, the latest update added weapon changes and bug fixes. Apart from this, today’s Destiny 2 patch 6.2.5 also includes performance improvements.
Previously, Destiny 2 update added quality of life improvements and fixes. Recently, hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, some players are still facing several issues with the game. Today’s Destiny 2 version 6.2.5 will fix a few of these issues.
Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check Destiny 2 server status here.
Destiny 2 Version 6.2.5 Patch Notes – October 18, 2022
- Fixed an issue where Crucible and Iron Banner Seasonal kills and deaths were only being updated at match complete, rather than continually during the match.
- Fixed an issue where Guardian eliminations did not progress the Seasonal Greetings Triumph. Fixed an issue in Rumble where some incorrect voiceover lines were playing.
- Shaxx apologies profusely.
- Fixed an issue where Crucible medals were awarded rather than Iron Banner ones.
- Fixed issue where shutdown bonus points were awarded multiple times if more than one player contributed to the shutdown.
- It will now only award points to the team once.
- Fixed an issue where the game type icon did not display on the activity intro screen.
- Ruffians will no longer despawn when drill phases end. Additionally, their spawn rate has increased by 7%.
- Treasure Coordinates will now drop after activity completion.
- Added mitigations for issues where players could inadvertently die after ringing the Bell of Conquest in the Duality dungeon.
- Fixed an issue in Duality dungeon where rapidly interacting with Calus statues could block progression.
- Fixed an issue in King’s Fall where players received confirmation on completion of the Deepsight puzzle but didn’t have the chest spawn.
- Fixed an issue in King’s Fall where players would join in progress at the wrong location before starting the Golgoroth encounter.
- Fixed an issue where Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Overshield allowed players to gain infinite Juggernaut melees, Loreley Splendor Helm Sunspots, and Promethium Spur Rifts.
- Fixed an issue where Ionic Traces Generated from Fallen Star granted Glaive shield energy.
- Fixed an issue where Dawn Chorus was not showing in players Collections.
- Second Chance Anti-barrier shield throw will now fully deplete a Barrier Champions barrier at the Grandmaster level.
- Version of Horrors Least no longer in the game has been removed as a requirement for the Dreaming City badge for all three classes.
- Blood Feud Submachine Gun will no longer appear tiny on the inspection screen.
- Fixed Wish-Ender’s Queens Wrath perk not working in Crucible.
- Fixed Iron Banner Sidearm and Rocket Launcher from the rewards track not having Masterwork slots.
- Fixed King’s Falls Sundered Flesh shader that was applying inconsistently.
- Fixed the glow on the Peacebringer weapon ornament.
- Auto Rifles
- General
- Increased the effects of the stability stat on recoil reduction by around 20% at the high end.
- Precisions
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 1.5 to 1.55 which raises the critical damage from 30 to 31.
- Bows
- General
- Increased Bows stow duration. Duration varies by subfamily and handling stat.
- Before with 0 to 100 handling.
- Lightweight: 0.4 to 0.2s.
- Precision: 0.433 to 0.2s.
- After with 0 to 100 handling:
- Lightweight: 0.45 to 0.3s.
- Precision: 0.48 to 0.33s.
- After with 0 to 100 handling:
- Pulse Rifles
- General
- Rebalanced the effect of the handling across Pulse Rifles.
- Increased effects of handling by 5% at the high end (mostly affects Lightweights and Adaptives).
- Reduced effects of handling by 2% at the low end (mostly affects High-Impacts and Rapid-Fires).
- Adjusted damage falloff scale based on the range stat.
- 0 range: reduced from 16 to 15m.
- 100 range: unchanged.
- Adaptives
- Increased the precision multiplier from 1.6x to 1.65x (crit damage goes from 30.4 to 31.4).
- Rapid-Fires
- Piece of Mind base zoom reduced from 19 to 18.
- Scouts Rifles
- High-Impacts
- Reduced body damage from 42 to 40, and crit damage from 73.5 to 70.
- Sidearms
- General
- Increased auto aim fall-off distance by 30% across the board.
- Previously Sidearms were the only primary weapon where auto aim fell off significantly before damage, this brings them up to parity with other primary weapons.
- SMGs
- General
- Reduced damage fall-off end (the distance at which the damage dealt by the weapon in hip-fire reaches its lowest point, going ADS extends this distance) from 24m to 23m across the board.
- This means damage fall off will begin at the same point, but damage will decrease a bit faster.
- Precisions
- Increased critical damage from 22.4 to 23.8 and base damage from 16 to 17.
- Reduced the zoom of Shayura’s Wrath, Shayura’s Wrath (Adept), and Friction Fire from 16 to 15.
- Lightweights
- Reduced critical damage from 18.2 to 17.9 and base damage from 11 to 10.85.
- Fusion Rifles
- Precisions
- Reduced the effect the intrinsic Precision Frame perk has on recoil direction by 50% for Fusion Rifles only.
- Glaives
- Reduced Glaive shield damage resistance vs players from 75% to 50%.
- Damage from player supers unchanged at 50%.
- Damage from non-players unchanged at 97.5%.
- Sniper Rifles
- General
- Increased the settle time after receiving flinch by 60%.
- Reduced received flinch in PvE.
- Trace Rifles
- General
- Increased effect of the stability on recoil reduction at the low end of the stat by around 10%, at the high end of the stat by around 25%.
- Rocket Launchers
- General
- Increased blast radius by 0.4m across the board.
- Gutshot Straight
- Removed audio cue from activation.
- Rangefinder
- Removed the 30% scalar on aim assist fall off.
- Wish-Ender
- Fixed an issue where the Queen’s Wrath perk was not properly applying Truesight in certain PvP maps, Lost Sectors, and other activities.
- Jade Rabbit
- Reduced aim assist by 20.
- Lord of Wolves
- When Release the Wolves is active:
- Reduced ADS accuracy penalty 10x to 3x.
- Removed the previously existing 25% universal base damage buff.
- Added 40% additional PvE damage buff.
- Removed the 50% critical hit multiplier penalty.
- Fires full auto.
- No Time to Explain
- Reduced recoil direction stat from 90 to 73.
- Reduced aim assist stat from 45 to 40.
- Riskrunner
- Reduced damage resistance versus players when Arc Superconductor is active from 50% to 15%.
- Fixed an issue where some icons were displaying with the wrong background at Ikora.
- Fixed an issue with Burning Mail where the camera sometimes could detach while spinning at specific sensitivities.
- Fixed an issue where both Lightning Surge and Thunderclap abilities were not doing damage to Stasis crystals or Bleak Watchers.
- Fixed an issue where Gathering Storm, Lightning Surge, Thunderclap, and Jolt icons were not showing up in the kill feed.
- Fixed an issue where Combination Blow wouldn’t deactivate when swapping subclasses.
- Fixed an issue where Void Overshield keyword flyout was shown when inspecting Whisper of Rime.
- Fixed an issue where players on PlayStation Network continued seeing the Lightfall pre-order upsell dialog after they had purchased the pre-order. Interacting with the dialog sent them to the store product page, which correctly showed Lightfall as already owned.
- Fixed an issue where the purchase confirmation toast did not appear on Xbox, Microsoft, or Sony platforms after purchasing the Season 18 Season Pass.
- Fixed a photosensitivity issue where the Ketch turrets were flashing in the player’s camera when targeted.
- Fixed an issue where new Hunter characters made on veteran accounts may have incorrect subclass access.
- Fixed an issue where the Deepsight platforms would block a portal in the Throneworld mission, The Ritual.
Weapon Changes
- General:
- Increased the effects of the stability stat on recoil reduction by ~20% at the high end.
- Precision Frames:
- Increased the crit damage multiplier from 1.5x to 1.55x (crit damage goes from 30 to 31).
- General:
- Increased Bow stow duration (varies by sub-family and handling stat):
- Before, 0 to 100 handling stat:
- Lightweight Frame: 0.4s to 0.2s.
- Precision Frame: 0.433s to 0.2s.
- After, 0 to 100 handling stat:
- Lightweight: 0.45s to 0.3s.
- Precision: 0.48s to 0.33s.
- Before, 0 to 100 handling stat:
- Increased Bow stow duration (varies by sub-family and handling stat):
- General:
- Rebalanced the effect of the handling stat across Pulse Rifles (the handling stat affects a weapon’s ready, stow, and aim down sights speed).
- Increased effects of handling by 5% at the high end (mostly affects Lightweight and Adaptive Frame Pulse Rifles).
- Reduced effects of handling by 2% at the low end (mostly affects High Impact and Rapid Fire Frame Pulse Rifles).
- Adjusted damage falloff scale based on the range stat:
- 0 range: reduced from 16m to 15m.
- 100 range: unchanged.
- Adaptive Frame Pulse Rifles
- Increased the precision multiplier from 1.6x to 1.65x (crit damage goes from 30.4 to 31.4).
- This allows a weapon to kill Guardians below tier 4 resilience with 6 crits (two bursts) in 0.60s.
- Rapid-Fire Frame Pulse Rifles:
- Piece of Mind base zoom reduced from 19 to 18.
- Rebalanced the effect of the handling stat across Pulse Rifles (the handling stat affects a weapon’s ready, stow, and aim down sights speed).
- General:
- High –Impact Scout Rifles:
- Reduced body damage from 42 to 40, and crit damage from 73.5 to 70.
- High –Impact Scout Rifles:
- General:
- Increased auto aim fall off distance by 30% across the board.
- General:
- General:
- Reduced damage fall off end (the distance at which the damage dealt by the weapon in hip fire reaches its lowest point, aiming down sights extends this distance by a factor of the zoom) from 24m to 23m across the board.
- Precision Frame SMGs
- Increased base damage from 16 to 17, crit damage goes from 22.4 to 23.8.
- Reduced the zoom of Shayura’s Wrath, Shayura’s Wrath (Adept), and Friction Fire from 16 to 15.
- Lightweights Frame SMGs:
- Reduced base damage from 11 to 10.85, crit damage from 18.2 to 17.9.
- General:
- Precision Frame Fusion Rifles:
- Reduced the effect the intrinsic Precision Frame perk has on recoil direction by 50% for Fusion Rifles only.
- Precision Frame Fusion Rifles:
- Reduced Glaive shield damage resistance vs. players from 75% to 50%.
- Damage from player supers unchanged at 50%.
- Damage from non-players unchanged at 97.5%.
- Reduced Glaive shield damage resistance vs. players from 75% to 50%.
- General:
- Increased the settle time after receiving flinch by 60%.
- Reduced received flinch in PvE.
- Now that this has had sufficient playtest time, we’re making a similar change to Linear Fusion Rifles in Season 19.
- General:
- General:
- Increased the effect the stability stat has on recoil reduction at the low end of the stat by ~10%, at the high end of the stat by ~25%.
- General:
- General:
- Increased blast radius by 0.4m across the board.
- General:
We had multiple reports that the audio was triggering frequently enough to be annoying, so we have removed the audio cue from activation.
- General:
- Removed audio from activation.
- General:
- General:
- Removed the additional 20% bonus on aim assist falloff.
- General:
- General:
- Reduced aim assist by 20.
- General:
- When Release the Wolves is active:
- Reduced aim down sight (ADS) accuracy penalty 10x to 3x.
- Removed the 25% universal base damage buff.
- Added a 40% additional PvE damage buff.
- Removed the 50% critical hit multiplier penalty.
- Added full auto as an intrinsic perk.
- When Release the Wolves is active:
- Reduced recoil direction stat from 90 to 73.
- Reduced aim assist stat from 45 to 40.
- Reduced damage resistance versus players when Arc Superconductor is active from 50% to 15%.
- Special ammo Linear Fusion Rifles (Lorentz Driver and Arbalest):
- Auto aim reduction.
- Flinch tuning.
- Machine Gun balancing:
- Make them a better Heavy option in PvP.
- Reduce the difference between them and other Heavy Weapons in PvE.
- Make them less punishing to use for add clearing.
- Special ammo Linear Fusion Rifles (Lorentz Driver and Arbalest):
- Remove damage penalty to Dead Man’s Tale at five stacks of Cranial Spike.
Note: The full official changelog will be available soon.
Download free Destiny 2 update 6.2.5 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.