Destiny 2 Update 3.55 Patch Notes (Patch

Destiny 2 update 3.55 (Patch is rolling out on PS4, PC, PS5(1.150.000), Xbox One, and PC players. According to the Destiny 2 update 3.55 patch notes, the latest update brings numerous fixes and improvements across activities, raids, dungeons, competitive modes, and weapon functionalities. Apart from this, Destiny 2 patch Patch also resolves multiple bugs affecting Guardian Ranks, perks, exotics, and collections.

Destiny 2 Patch 3.55 Notes (Version 1.150) – March 25, 2025



Episode: Heresy

  • Court of Blades: Fixed a potential soft-lock when defeating a challenger at 0:00 on the timer.

Episode: Revenant

  • Kell’s Vengeance: Fixed a bug where Devouring Essence could duplicate in the Skolas fight.

Raids and Dungeons

  • Vesper’s Host will now correctly appear in the weekly rotations.


Lockdown (Game Mode Adjustments)

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect VO playing when winning rounds.

  • Revives are now enabled.

  • Heavy Ammo spawns at 120s instead of 60s into a round.

  • Spawn points updated.

  • Players must now neutralize a zone to prevent a triple cap instead of just standing on it.


Point Gains / Losses
  • Increased Skill Delta rewards for defeating stronger teams.

  • Removed negative Skill Delta modifiers that reduced points gained or increased points lost.

Solo vs. Fireteam Loss Forgiveness (Competitive & Trials)
  • Fixed an issue where solo players against fireteams sometimes did not receive loss protection.

  • Ongoing investigation into full solo teams vs. trios not receiving loss protection.

  • Matchmaking adjustments to further reduce solo vs. trio occurrences.

Gameplay and Investment


  • Hunter Astral Stasis Drake Helmet: Reverted a recent change.

  • Mark of the Fallen Star Ornament: Fixed an issue where it disabled some Exotic armor effects.



  • Lotus-Eater: Fixed incorrect kill tracker values.


  • Discord Perk: Now properly grants ammo to Glaives on projectile kills.


  • Deterministic Chaos: Fixed an issue where its anti-Champion mechanics were not interacting correctly with mods and Radiant.

  • Thorn: Fixed an issue where the Refined Soul buff was removed upon stowing the weapon.

Power and Progression

Guardian Ranks

  • Master Spelunker Objective: Now correctly requires Sundered Doctrine instead of Vesper’s Host for Guardian Rank 11.


  • Frostflower Sparrow now properly appears in Collections.

Previously, Destiny 2 update 7.1 changes for the economy, weapon sandbox, abilities, exotic armor, quality of life, crucible, and enemy elemental shields. Today’s Destiny 2 update 3.54 will fix a few of these issues.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check the Destiny 2 server status here.

Download free Destiny 2 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.