Destiny 2 Update 3.52 Patch Notes (Patch

Destiny 2 update 3.52 (Patch is rolling out on PS4(Version 3.52), PC, PS5(1.147.000), Xbox One, and PC players. According to the Destiny 2 update 3.52 patch notes, the latest update brings Trials of Osiris matchmaking improvements, guaranteed boosts for Finality’s Auger drop rates, Zero Hour reenabled, Exotic weapon and armor fixes. Apart from this, Destiny 2 patch also includes general quality-of-life improvements across multiple activities.

Destiny 2 Patch 3.52 Notes (Version 1.147) – February 25, 2025


Episode: Heresy

  • Fixed an issue where Sigil Stones dropped too quickly from defeated combatants.


Trials of Osiris

  • Reduced the impact of going Flawless on Weekly Performance-Based matchmaking for solo players.
  • Lighthouse Passages can no longer be reset without recording a loss.
  • Fixed incorrect Seasonal and Lifetime Flawless Passage trackers.
  • Fixed an issue where wins weren’t granting correct progress towards Ghosts dropping.


  • Adjusted rank point gains and losses.
  • Increased effectiveness of quitter compensation in contribution scaling.
  • Reduced the effect of the skill modifier on point adjustments.

Dungeons and Raids

Sundered Doctrine

  • Mission completion now triggers shortly after Kerrev’s defeat and loot collection unless players attempt to open the vault door.
  • Fixed Finality’s Auger drop rate scaling issue with Triumph boosts.
  • Added an additional boost to the initial drop rate for all players completing the dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a hidden chest could block character from acquiring focused gear for the week.
  • Fixed an issue where hidden chests could despawn after opening.
  • Fixed an issue where Pyramid Switches were affected by AOE damage sources.

Exotic Missions

Zero Hour

  • Fixed an issue preventing activity completion, affecting rewards and pursuit progress.
  • Zero Hour is now reenabled.

Gameplay and Investment

Exotic Armor


  • Blight Ranger: Cancelling Arc Staff now triggers Bolt Charge.


  • Arbor Warden: “Barri-nade” now benefits from Storm’s Keep.


  • Speaker’s Sight: Fixed excessive healing from Speaker’s Sight turret in The Nether.
  • Solipsism – Spirit of Filaments: Fixed issue preventing proper class ability energy rewards.
  • Solipsism – Spirit of Necrotic: Fixed unintended Devour effect.



  • Redrix’s Estoc can now roll with random Stocks.
  • Fixed Deepsight mod socket still appearing after unlocking a pattern from Vault of Glass.

Exotic Weapons

  • Lodestar: Reduced hip-fire damage falloff range and balanced aim assist between mouse/keyboard and controller.
  • Finality’s Auger: Fixed lingering turret issue when swapping Heavy weapons.
  • Barrow-Dyad: Fixed incorrect particle rendering on Phalanx shields.



  • Fixed Ionic Sentry turret damage/kills not counting as ability damage/kills.
  • Fixed Bolt Charge discharging when healing allies with Rift.


  • Fixed an issue where Ascension caused roaming Supers to end early.


  • Flashover no longer increases Bolt Charge lightning bolt damage in PvP.
  • Volatile Marksman: Fixed incorrect class ability energy boost from splash damage.
    • Increased Class Ability energy on Volatile detonations to 9% (from 7%).
    • Reduced cooldown to 0.1s (from 0.35s).
  • Fixed Particle Reconstruction stacking with other debuffs.
  • Fixed issue preventing Particle Reconstruction from applying to certain Fusion Rifles.

General Fixes

  • Fixed Facet of Hope causing BIRD errors.
  • Fixed Eris vendor on the Moon appearing in a T-pose.
  • Fixed shield regen audio loop issue in The Nether.
  • Fixed Wish-Ending Bundle and Rat King Bundle incorrectly appearing owned.
  • Fixed labeling issues for some Weapon Ornament bundles.

Previously, Destiny 2 update 7.1 changes for the economy, weapon sandbox, abilities, exotic armor, quality of life, crucible, and enemy elemental shields. Today’s Destiny 2 update 3.52 will fix a few of these issues.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are down for maintenance. Check the Destiny 2 server status here.

Download free Destiny 2 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.