Dead Cells Update 1.42 Patch Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

Dead Cells update 1.42 is rolling out on PS4, Xbox One and PC (Steam). According to the official Dead Cell patch notes, the latest Boss Rush update added 6 new outfits, weapons, a shovel knight, a new weapon and much more. Apart from this, today’s Dead Cells patch 1.42 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major ‘Breaking Barriers’ update added loads of new options to improve accessibility, such as adjustable font type & size, input customization and individual adjustment of sound effect volumes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Dead Cells version 1.42 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Dead Cells Update 1.42 Patch Notes – November 17, 2022

Important features
  • 6 new Outfits and Weaponsbased on6 indie games crossovers!
  • Shovel Knight
    New Brutality Weapon: King Scepter.Mimic King Knight as you dash around and bounce on your enemies’ head.
    New Shovel Knight Outfit.
  • Hotline Miami
    New Brutality/Survival Weapon: Baseball Bat.Attack a stunned or rooted enemy to deal flashy critical damage.
    New Modernized Bomber Outfit.
  • Katana Zero
    New Tactic/Survival Weapon: Throwable Objects. Pick up whatever you can find on the ground and chuck it at your foes with all your strength!
    New Zero Outfit.
  • Risk of Rain 2
    New Brutality/Tactic Weapon: Laser Glaive.Throw a seeking glaive that bounces up to a certain amount of times for a certain amount of damage. Damage increases by a certain amount per bounce.
    New Commando Outfit.
  • Terraria
    New Brutality/Tactic Weapon: Starfury.Each melee hit summons a star targeting a nearby mob. Make them rain!
    New Familiar Outfit.
  • Slay the Spire
    New Colorless Power: Diverse Deck.This one’s a doozy to explain, bear with me here.The deck is composed of 4 different cards, each with a Draw, Passive and Discard effect. The current card has its Passive in effect permanently, press the power button again to Discard it and Draw the next one, triggering the corresponding effects.
    New Ironclad Outfit.
  • 6 new Lore Rooms, based on iconic in-game locations, to unlock the weapons!
  • 6 new entries in the Mysterious Bookto unlock the outfits!
  • Reduced modifiedTime Keeper’sHP.
  • Balanced modified bosses’ HP when at higher BC levels, by adding a life reduction of 5% per BC, from BC2 and onward (up to -20% in BC5).
  • Removed some mutations fromBoss Rush:
    Get Rich Quick
    Midas Blood
  • IncreasedBoss Rushweapon level by +1.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a crash when entering the first door ofBoss Rush.
  • Fixed the player not taking any damage when inPollo Power.
  • Fixed being able to skipConciergewithWings of the Crow.
  • FixedItem PedestalsinBoss Rushsometimes not having the right color or gear level.
  • FixedQueensometimes being stuck after being attacked by turrets.
  • Fixed theOutfit Selection UIbeing broken on high resolutions.
  • FixedWishworking onHunter’s GrenadeorBlueprint Extractor.
  • FixedHunter’s Grenadegetting unwanted stat ups when killing a transformed enemy without using theBlueprint Extractor.
  • Fixed a crash when jumping on aThornywithPorcupackand theGoomba Stompaffix equipped.
  • FixedTentaclesattacking duringCunjunctuvius’scream, inBoss Rush.
  • Fixed player taking damage whenQueendestroys a deployable.
  • Fixed items from theEveryone is Herelore rooms not matching the currentMajor Forgeprogress.
  • Fixed the “Shoots an arrow” affixes displaying negative damage on certain weapons.
  • Fixed scarves and capes displaying behind props and NPCs.
  • Fixed a visual problem with theNutcracker’sanimations.
  • Fixed the “+15% damage” affix not displaying in the DPS calculation.
  • Removed a small white line below some enemies’ HP bar.
  • Fixed theGit Gudlore room not spawning enemies as intended when generating inAncient Sewers.
  • FixedAspectsnot disablingGiant’s Flawless Outfit.
  • FixedCrowbarnot getting crits when destroying a door withLightspeed.
  • Fixed background tiles onThe Crownnot generating properly.
  • Fixed reforging modifiers on a two-handed weapon resetting its counterpart’s quality level.
  • FixedHattori’s Katanadash attack not scaling properly.
  • FixedChallenge Riftportals visual glitch.

Download free Dead Cells patch 1.42 on PlayStations 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.