Dead by Daylight Chapter 23 update (Sadako Rising/Ringu) will soon roll out on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official DBD Chapter 23 patch notes, the latest update added a new killer, a new survivor, and various new features. Apart from this, the Dead by Daylight Chapter 23 patch also includes stability and performance improvements.
Previously, a big update was released which added a new Killer (The Artist), a new survivor ( Jonah Vasquez), and more.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing various issues with the game. Today’s Dead by Daylight Chapter 23 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.
What is new in DBD Chapter 23 patch notes?
Added a new Killer – Sadako (The Onryo)
Unspeakable horrors lurk beneath the water. Spread the curse to Dead by Daylight with Sadako Rising, a new Chapter inspired by Kōji Suzuki’s novel Ringu and the original film adaptation.
Through the medium of a mysterious videotape, Sadako spreads her curse to unwitting viewers and causes their untimely deaths.
Before Manifesting, The Onryō gains the Undetectable status effect and is invisible to Survivors, but becomes intermittently visible when within 32 meters of them.
The Onryo must physically manifest to attack Survivors. Press and hold the Power button to Manifest into material form in your current position. For a brief duration after Manifesting, The Onryo will continue to be intermittently visible to Survivors when within 32 meters. Afterward, she will be fully visible within 32 meters for as long as she remains Manifested. The Onryo can Demanifest by pressing and holding the Power button.
The Onryo can also take material form by Projecting herself through a TV. Press the Ability button while looking at a powered TV to Project into it, shutting the TV off in the process. All Survivors within 16 meters of the TV gain Condemned progress. A fully Condemned Survivor is revealed by Killer Instinct and can be killed once downed. Survivors can temporarily turn off TVs with the Retrieve Tape action. This adds Condemned progress to the Survivor. While holding a Tape, the Survivor can continue turning off other TVs, further gaining Condemned for doing so.
One specific TV will have its aura highlighted to the Survivor. This TV allows the Survivor to spread The Onryo’s message by inserting their Tape. Doing so removes some Condemned progress.
Perks –
- Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage.
- Call of Brine
- Merciless Storm

Added a new Survivor – Yoichi Asakawa
- Perks – Parental Guidance
- Empathic Connection
- Boon: Dark Theory

New Features
- Forum and support links now redirect based on your selected language when applicable.
- Added new custom SFX Intros to all Maps.
- Added an option to lock viewport aspect ratio to 16:9.
- Improved detection of modified or corrupted game files.
- Daily Rituals will be reset the first time a player starts the game
- Dev Note: The tracking system for Daily Rituals has been reworked, which requires all rituals to be reset with this patch.
Download free Dead by Daylight Chapter 23 on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One.