Dayz Update 1.41 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox One – July 14, 2022

Dayz update 1.41 (ver 1.18 Hotfix 3) is now available to download on PS4 and Xbox One players. According to the official Dayz 1.41 patch notes, the latest update resolves game crashes and a game error related to inventory containers. Apart from this, today’s Dayz patch 1.41 also includes various other minor issues.

Previously, a major update 1.39 added a new M79 grenade launcher, Derringer pistol, Sawed-off Revolver, and much more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing bugs with the game. Today’s Dayz version 1.41 will address a few of these issues.

Dayz Console Update 1.41 Patch Notes – July 14, 2022


  • Fixed two game crashes.
  • Equipping the plate carrier or smersh vests could cause inventory management issues.
  • The character was shaking while covering other players’ heads with a burlap sacks or gagging them.
  • Fixed a game error related to inventory containers.
  • Fixed a server crash when corrupted character logs in (character is removed instead).


  • The inventory of the smersh vest and attached backpack is falsely displayed as one container, but still separated

Download free Dayz PS4 update 1.41.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.