Dayz update 1.25 (v1.11) for PS4 and Xbox One is now available to download for players. According to Dayz 1.25 patch notes, the latest update added VS-89 rifle and magazine as well as tweaks, fixes, and gameplay enhancements. Apart from this, Dayz version 1.25 also includes general stability improvements.
Previously, a big update 1.10 added various new features and gameplay changes. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Dayz patch 1.25 is expected to fix a few of these issues.
Dayz 1.25 Patch Notes
- VS-89 rifle and magazine
- Support for game crash reporter
- Aim with weapon while gesture wheel open
- Repair sea chests and wooden crates with “disableContainerDamage” enabled
- Trap deployment issues near players
- Several wall exploits
- Server time translation in server browser
- Muted players still audible on PlayStation
- Accessibility of items in nested containers
- Sound sets for shotguns, crossbows, and M79 grenade launcher
- Attenuation of character action sounds
- Character reconciliation between client and server
- Game credits update
- Width of weapon collection triggers
- Connection error explanations
- Added new server config parameters for network object batch management
- Fixed server crash related to loot points
- Improved replication statistics
- DayZ client port assignment now dynamic
- Addition of new functions and classes
- Security parameter for entity tracking
- Optimization and native calls for object creation and vehicle seat events
- Updates to DayZPlayerTypeRegisterItems function behavior
The following changes were added previously.
- Added the SVAL rifle
- Added the 20 round magazine for SVAL and VSS
- Added new textures for the static (abandoned) M3S truck
- Added abandoned truck parts for M3S
- Starting a vehicle engine now slightly depletes the battery
- Added flags of the winners of our base building contest
- Garden plots can now be removed with shovels and pickaxes
- Fixed an exploit to look/glitch through walls
- Plants could not become infested
- Fixed a server crash related to pulling corpses out of vehicles
- Fixed a game crash connected to item attachments
- The player can no longer execute certain actions when their legs are broken
- The player can no longer dance with a broken leg
- Preparing Mackerels or the Carp did not stain the player’s hands with blood
- An applied splint would disappear if the player’s inventory was full at the moment the healing was completed
- The Pumpkin Helmet was still shining when ruined
- Flares shot by the flare gun often disappeared inside objects
- The glow of the flare was immense when seen from up close (now scaled with the distance)
- Getting out of a car could result in the character appearing on the roof when an object was on the exit position
- Fixed a server error caused by repeated crouching during an ongoing action.
- The inventory of improvised shelters could be accessed from the closed-off sides
- Infected could hit the player through shelters and tents
- Infected could enter closed-off containers (variants 2A and 2B)
- Infected would glitch into players during combat
- Dead bodies getting stuck in mid-air
- Bodies of infected would sometimes rotate while already dead
- The wrong particle effect was displayed when hitting infected with a Pipe, Wrench, or a Lug wrench
- Adjusted collisions and occluders of buildings against unwanted behavior.
- Removed collisions of low-hanging tree branches for better navigation
- Exploit allowing players to get infinite plant seeds
- The Frying Pans and Cooking Pots would disappear from fireplaces upon server restart.
- The inventory of the M3S truck did not refresh after removing attached containers from it
- The dashboard on certain vehicles would disappear after certain actions
- Ruined hatchets showed the wrong texture
- The contents of the fireplace would not always be displayed correctly in the world
- The indoor fireplace could sometimes get wet during rain
- Land mines were not dealing damage when placed in the doorways of specific houses
- Barbed wire could block the damage of grenades.
- Sounds were missing when skinning with some tools
- It was possible to build overlapping fences and watchtowers
- Swapping materials attached to base building objects could trigger a desynchronization
- Fixed a server error when checking the pulse of a disconnecting player
- The battery charger is not a heavy item anymore
- The battery charger could not recharge car and truck batteries
- Items could not be rotated and placed on the same space
- Placing a connected battery into the inventory would not disconnect it
- It was possible to use items placed in attachment slots for crafting operations
- Entering a vehicle with a Chemlight or Road Flare turned on would ruin them
- It was problematic to open/close the doors of certain vehicles when in third person view
- It is no longer possible to cut a raincoat into armbands when its inventory isn’t empty
- Attempting to throw a handheld plugged device would unplug it, preventing it from being turned back on
- Slicing a rotten pumpkin produced edible pumpkin slices.
- Preparing spoiled fish would produce edible fish
- Players were unable to remove some car parts from close range
- An engine belt was displayed in the ADA 4×4.
- It was possible to craft a long torch from a sharpened stick with food attached, causing the food to disappear
- Items split in the inventory of the truck would appear below it
- Items were appearing on the roof when swapped while inside specific buildings
- It was not possible to open cans that were upside down while in full inventory
- Character hand slot become broken after exiting a vehicle in the water
- Endless white cable appeared after placing a Spotlight
- It was possible to sometimes light a fireplace underwater
- Fishing in sea was frequently interrupted, making it difficult to find a place to fish
- The revolver was not dealing consistent damage
- It was problematic to place a Medium / Party Tents too close to the player
- Issues with fertilizing garden plot slots
- The magazine of a weapon on the players back was detached after relog
- The immunity system was not updated on the player.
- The spotlight could be plugged into a battery that was inside of a vehicle
- It was possible to place two tents inside each other
- It was possible to stack up stone ovens
- It was possible to sometimes place objects inside furniture of buildings
- Epinephrine was not working correctly.
- Improved the client performance when holding an item in hands
- Continued damage from a fireplace or barbed wire after moving away from it
- Packing a tent while having an item in the hands would not hide the item
- Resuscitation while having an item in hands caused it to appear in the middle of the action
- Blurred text on the logout dialog window
- Camera clipping issues in the big ATC building and airfield service hangar
- Infected walking through service hangar doors
- Several object placement issues on the Chernarus terrain
- Updated the Tarp (Fabric) durability, textures, and inventory view
- More tools can be used to slice pumpkins
- Reduced initial velocity of the 5.56x45mm ammunition by 9% to match real values
- Barbed Wire and Fire now deal damage to infected and animals
- Deployed Barbed Wire can only be dismantled from inside on Fence and Watchtower
- The fireplace now warms a larger area, with the maximum heat reaching further
- Lowered the maximum heat of the fireplace
- Updated the credits
- The flare from the signal pistol now falls down slower
- Changed: Reduced the amount of ammunition and magazines
- Tweaked: Deagle and Revolver now spawn in Towns only
- Tweaked: Repeater tiers adjusted from Tier 1,2,3 to 2,3,4 (Chernarus)
- Tweaked: Batteries won’t spawn with a full charge anymore
- Fixed: Spawn points on Land_Castle_Stairs_nolc
- Fixed: BearPelt was missing
- Added: timeStampFormat now supports two additional options “ShortTZ” and “FullTZ” which will append the time zone in UTC (RPT log only)
- Fixed: Server startup freeze when using too many mods
- Language fixes for the Russian localization.
- Added: IsBoxCollidingGeometry, an extended version of IsBoxColliding, with parameters to fill in what geometries to check against (primary and secondary)
- Added: Moved cargo conditions for Clothing into separate functions for modders to override
- Added: Road parts for the terrain making on the sample GitHub repository
- Fixed: FPS dropping down to 1 when using the backward compatible SetActions implementation
- Changed: the ActionDismantleGardenPlot has been added to the items that could build it
- Changed: Created new base recipe PrepareFish to limit the script duplication in prepare mackerel and carp Do methods
- Removed: Unused internal organ classes from the character config DamageSystem >> DamageZones
- Entering a vehicle might cause a black screen
- Addressed a server performance.
- Fixed an issue where the attachments of the Gas Stove were disappearing upon reconnect.
- Addressed a bug where the character could not regain the ability to jump and sprint after healing a broken leg.
- Fixed a bug with the character customization menu.
- Fixed a bug with the unconsciousness state when falling on steep terrain.
- An exploit for fast cooking, using smoking slots is now addressed.
Download free Dayz update 1.25 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.