Counter-strike 2 (CS2) Jump Throw Bind Guide

Jump throw bind in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is a technique that allows players to execute a jump and throw a grenade simultaneously. This action is crucial for precise grenade placements, especially for smokes and molotovs. While Valve has claimed that jump throws are consistent without a bind, many players find it challenging to get the timing right.

Why Use Jump Throw Bind in CS2?

In CS2, jump throw binds are essential for several reasons. First, they ensure that you release your grenade at the exact moment you intend to, not a millisecond early or late.

This precision is critical for landing smokes and molotovs in specific spots. Second, jump throw binds offer a level of consistency that’s hard to achieve manually. Lastly, they give you an edge in competitive gameplay, allowing for more strategic plays.

How to Create a Jump Throw Bind in CS2

Step 1: Locate the CS2 Folder

Navigate your way to the CS2 folder. For most PCs, you’ll find it here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

Step 2: Create a Config File

In the CS2 folder, go to game\csgo\cfg. Create a copy of any existing config file and rename it to ‘jumpthrow’.

Step 3: Edit the Config File

Open the newly created config file with Notepad and delete all existing text. Add the following commands:

+jump -attack -attack2 -jump

Step 4: Save and Execute

Save the file and launch CS2. Open the developer console and type the following command:

bind [key] "exec jumpthrow"

Replace [key] with the key you prefer for executing a jump throw. For example, you can use ‘Q’.

Step 5: Test the Bind

Now, when you hold a grenade in your hand and press the designated key, you should execute a perfect jump throw.

Advanced CS2 Jump Throw Techniques

Alias Commands

Alias commands allow you to bind multiple actions to a single key. To set this up, follow the first three steps as above. Then, add the following text to the config file:

alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;"
alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"
alias "-jumpaction" "-jump"
bind c "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"

This will enable you to both jump throw and run throw your grenades.

CS2 Jump Throw Tips and Tricks: September 29, 2023

    1. Timing is Everything: Make sure to release the grenade at the peak of your jump.
    2. Audio Cues: Listen for the in-game character’s “grunt” noise to know if your throw was successful.
    3. Practice Makes Perfect: Use practice maps to perfect your jump throw skills.


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