Cartel Tycoon Update Patch Notes

A new Cartel Tycoon update is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Cartel Tycoon patch notes, the latest update added an optimized Seaport model and a long list of bug fixes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Cartel Tycoon patch will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Cartel Tycoon Patch Notes – August 2, 2022


Temporarily removed 2 tracks from the soundtrack that were being claimed on YouTube and Twitch. We’re still investigating the issue and will add the tracks back as soon as we can.


  • Optimized Seaport model

Bug Fixes

[From players, Reported]

  • FIXED: Game wasn’t displayed in a native resolution in fullscreen after the first boot-up, leading to incorrect mouse positioning.
  • FIXED: The tinyBuild launcher process wasn’t fully terminated in rare instances.
  • FIXED: The mouse is moving when a controller is connected (Xellos).
  • FIXED: Promoting a Volatile Lieutenant to Capos crashes the game (Doug-le-Guedin).
  • Multiple localization fixes and changes, including quest mistakes in French and Chinese languages.
  • Fixed: Some Sandbox settings prevent players from capturing the Los Grandes region. (Rowan)
  • Fixed: The dollar sign is missing in menus of Laundering Buildings and Smuggling Points
  • Fixed: Destroying the university locks all the researched buildings and upgrades the university was used for
  • Fixed: Tier III of Research is unavailable if one of the multiple Universities is destroyed. (Xellos)
  • Fixed: “Make a Deal” with Lyova Fainherz was using an incorrect drug (CamaradeOurs)
  • Fixed: In-game music turns off after loading a save made in Tutorial.
  • Fixed: City Building menu isn’t locked during the Tutorial.
  • Fixed: After-death screen for Cesar Garcetti in the “Needs and Fears” campaign doesn’t show any money or drug types.
  • Fixed: Incorrect pronouns for female Capos used on some occasions. (Xellos)
  • Fixed: Non-existent Capos are shown on the Starting Capos screen. (LORSOLT)
  • Fixed: Incorrect text appears when clicking an Enemy Gang leader descriptions showing they’re managing a farm.
  • Fixed: Players get Addam Gomez as Starting Capo instead of Armando Cruz. (SavageLurva)
  • Fixed: Reloading a game while Research is in progress, will automatically complete Research. (Tyronis)
  • Fixed: Capos can meet their doppelgangers leading Enemy Gangs. (Obiwan)
  • Fixed: Lieutenants don’t get experience after the player finishes the Tutorial and continues playing.
  • Fixed: Incorrect recipes in Manual (TaterTot)
  • Fixed: Area Depot doesn’t have an on/off button in a menu. (CoatMcMutton)

[From Team]

  • Fixed: In Survival Mode players control the Amado River Pier from the start of the game.
  • Fixed: Incorrect visual positioning of enemy cars during fights in River Piers and Indigenous Territory.
  • Fixed: Steam Achievements localization.
  • Fixed: A tooltip explaining why players can’t construct buildings in Enemy and Neutral regions wasn’t displayed.
  • Fixed: Old map was displayed in the Region Selection screen at the start of the game.
  • Fixed: Lieutenant Quests for kidnapping and robbery were completed successfully if players canceled them.

Known bugs

  • Technical text in Tutorial Quest Descriptions in some languages.
  • Missing localization in some instances.
  • Animation spam when re-rolling lieutenants multiple times.
  • No player feedback on why some answers are locked when talking to Gang Leaders.
  • New Capo displays the same status he had when he was a lieutenant.
  • in the “That Sinking Feeling” campaign, certain characters are accessible through the Lieutenant Menu when they shouldn’t be.
  • Lieutenant remains inaccessible in a nearby City if the aerodrome was destroyed before he arrived there.
  • Lieutenants don’t always choose the fastest routes to get to a location.
  • Players can research bonuses that aren’t in the Research Tree. Spooky…
  • Incorrect portrait displayed in some dialogues.
  • The Casino isn’t specified as a Loyalty building in city building filters.

Download free Cartel Tycoon patch on PC (Steam), Xbox One, and Steam.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.