COD MW update 1.42 patch notes released for PS4, PC, and Xbox One players. The latest COD MW 1.42 update brings new changes and addressed a wide variety of bugs, including many issues reported by the community. Apart from this, COD MW version 1.42 also includes performance improvements.
Previously, a big Season update added two new operators, an influx of new weaponry, and much more. Recently, a hotfix was also released.
Unfortunately, since the last update, players are facing issues while playing the game online. Today’s COD MW patch 1.42 will fix a few of these issues.
COD MW 1.42 Patch Notes
Hudson Returns – New Operator

Special Agent Jason Hudson added to current and upcoming operations, including a search and rescue.
Get Hudson as part of an upcoming Store Bundle along with three Legendary Weapon Blueprints and more, to be released following the launch of Season Five Reloaded.
NewWarzoneMode: Clash

50v50 combat is back inWarzone.
Building offWarzoneRumble, a deathmatch based in Verdansk, Clash takes select areas from this massive map and pits two teams of 50 v 50 against each other in an unlimited respawn fight to 500 points. Whether it’s Downtown, the Boneyard, or even the popular-drop zone of the Factory, your mission in these Clash areas remains the same: earn points by eliminating enemies and completing Contracts for in-match rewards and collect powerups from defeated enemies that give gaming-changing abilities.
This is Team Deathmatch on an epic scale, with all your loadouts accessible, along with the Ping and Armor System, Cash, Buy Stations, and Vehicles from the regular Battle Royale and Plunder modes.
Get ready for the biggest team fights inWarzoneand consider updating those Loadouts – you’ll have access to them right off the drop, allowing you to use those go-to armaments or level up and complete camo challenges for weapons fromBlack Ops Cold WarandModern Warfare®.
NewWarzoneMode: Iron Trials ’84

Do you consider yourself a Tier One Operator of the highest caliber? Now’s the chance to prove it: Only the strongest survive in the toughest Battle Royale mode to ever come to Verdansk! Flex your mastery over the entire arsenal of weapons, prove you can handle any firefight with any type of armament, and earn an exclusive Calling Card to prove your mettle. The rules have changed. Here how the mode works:
Health and Regeneration:An iron will and a serious constitution is needed to survive, so expect your base health to be increased, and your health regen rate to be changed too. This is set to affect the feel of combat, time to kill, weapon, Perk, and Equipment viability as the entire game is effectively altered!

Loadouts:There are no free passes in this mode! Complementary Loadout Drops have been removed, meaning you’ll need to purchase your preferred weaponry. The cost at a Buy Station has risen, too.
Gulag:The Gulag is open, but the emphasis is on a one-on-one skillful takedown against your opponent. No akimbo. No semi-auto or fully-auto shotguns. Almost no tactical equipment. The only thing standing between you and redeployment is the agility of your trigger finger. Win the Gulag? Then you can drop back into Verdansk… with whatever weapon and equipment you were carrying at the end of your Gulag bout!
Supplemental:Also expect additional changes to environmental elements and a variety of important aspects that impact yourWarzoneexperience. More expansive intel available soon.
Classified Weapons:Be certain you[[REDACTED]] as these can [[REDACTED]], critical information we hope won’t get [[REDACTED]].
There’s no participation trophy for this mode, soldier: Only those placing first will receive the exclusive Calling Card!
The Numbers Event – Embrace Perseus’ Broadcast and Be Rewarded (In-Season)

Initially installed at the start of the season, the Mobile Broadcast Stations around Verdansk will soon begin amplifying the “Dragovich Program” tapes – A.K.A. the Numbers broadcasts – across the region.
These are the focus of The Numbers Event, an upcoming limited-time reward stream for Operators brave enough to investigate these trucks placed by Perseus. This limited-time event will begin on September 21 at 10 AM PT. Although Operators have recently reported odd noises and sights when near them, there are two incentives for anyone willing to interact with these Mobile Broadcast Stations:

The first is an instant $2,000 Cash bonus in the current match, more than enough for a set of Armor Plates at a Buy Station. The second is directly tied to the limited-time Numbers Event: for each unique Mobile Broadcast Station activated during the event, you will receive an exclusive reward such as a Sticker, Calling Card, or Charm, in addition to some XP.
In addition to the nine challenges in Warzone centered around the Mobile Broadcast Stations, the Numbers Event also includes a set of nine challenges withinBlack Ops Cold Warbased around new maps and modes for Season Five Reloaded. Through these challenges, you can unlock even more cosmetic rewards, as well as another arcade cabinet game for yourBlack Ops Cold Warcollection. While this prize is a secret, here’s ourkeyhint: there are no Billy Club patches for those who play this retro arcade classic and hit 35,000 score or more.
The Sai – Unlock a New Melee Weapon Through the Numbers Event

Those who complete all nine challenges withinWarzoneORBlack Ops Cold Warduring the event will receive a new functional melee weapon: the Sai.
This dual-wield Melee weapon, often used in stealthy martial arts, is the first ever functional weapon to be awarded via limited-time event. Hundreds of years ago, it was introduced to the island of Okinawa and eventually became adopted by the local police to aid in arresting criminals. For an outlaw like Kitsune, who grew up nearly 1,200 kilometers away in Kobe, wielding one is an irony she relishes.
Its lightweight design allows for improved agility and fast attacks, which is great for taking out zombies or the competition in Multiplayer andWarzone.
New Limited-Time Outbreak Mode for Hardcore Agents: Survival (In-Season)

While the Black Chest and Rampage Inducer are both set to test Requiem’s most elite Operators, the most hardcore zombie slayers looking for a serious challenge can test their abilities inOutbreak Survivalwhen The Numbers Event launches.
This limited-time Outbreak mode amps up the survival horror aspect of the Zombies experience, fundamentally changing Outbreak to make it a truly punishing-yet-rewarding challenge.
Operators will only bring in the Field Upgrade from their starting Loadout, with their primary weapon being replaced with a single 1911 handgun. Once boots hit the ground in a random Region, more modifiers become clear: the mini-map and overhead map are disabled, music is turned off, and the HUD displays little intel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a visual issue causing Player models to appear to have two left hands after free falling with any akimbo Weapon equipped.
- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across both Verdansk and Rebirth Island that allowed Loadout Drops to fall through them.
- Fixed an issue causing Players to not receive the squad wipe notification when finishing the last member of an enemy squad.
- Fixed an issue causing Players to remain stuck in the blank tablet screen while using the RC-XD Killstreak.
- Fixed an issue causing the audio for certain Finishing Moves to not play properly.
- Fixed an issue causing Thermite damage to persist upon redeployment after exiting the Gulag.
- Fixed an issue where a Bounty Contract would display placeholder text.
- Fixed an issue where a Squad Wipe wouldn’t count if the last enemy was holding a Self-Revive.
- Fixed an issue where Players could regenerate Armor Plates while using the Tempered perk.
- Fixed an issue where Revive and Self-Revive times were incorrect in Private Matches.
- Fixed an issue where some Calling Cards were displaying placeholder text.
- Fixed an issue where trying to customize Reticles would send Players back to the Main Menu.
- Fixed incorrect Blueprint labeling of various Attachments in the Gunsmith Customs.
- Fixed the Reticle alignment for the Swiss K31 (BOCW) “Roman Standard” Blueprint.
- Fixed the visual scaling of the Swiss K31 (BOCW) Diamond Camo.
- Fixed various issues causing the inspect animation on some Blueprints to not work properly.
New Weapon
- Sai: Melee (BOCW)
- During The Numbers Limited-Time Event starting Sept. 21, those who complete all nine challenges within Warzone or Black Ops Cold War will receive this new functional melee Weapon.

Weapon Changes
While assessing the power level of BOCW Weapons, we have observed some disparities between ease of use and efficacy. The Krig 6 (BOCW) has shown an impressive performance at just about every engagement range. While we believe it is important to have a wide array of Weapons which can be utilized by players of all skill levels — it is critical to the health of the game that their effectiveness scales appropriately with the skill required to wield them. If players can be as effective with a Weapon that is pinpoint accurate that has a marginally slower Time to Kill potential than the hardest to wield Weapons, why would they choose another? As we continue to address these Weapons, we will also be making adjustments to BOCW attachments that offer Recoil Control. We feel these changes will provide a fairer, more diverse long-range landscape.
Assault Rifles
- C58 (BOCW)
- Recoil adjusted
High damage Weapons like the C58 (BOCW) tend to adhere to a lower Rate of Fire and higher Recoil, which generally balances out their hasty Time to Kill potential. Much like the Krig 6 (BOCW), the C58 (BOCW) was a tad easier to control than we feel is appropriate for a Weapon with its damage profile. While “Recoil adjusted” can be rather nebulous, the exact details of these changes can often be difficult to quantify with numbers alone. While the C58’s (BOCW) Recoil has been increased slightly, the majority of this change will be felt in the Recoil Pattern deviation. When this deviation is increased, it can create subtle shifts which become increasingly difficult to compensate for given distance from the target.
- EM2 (BOCW)
- Base Optic eye position retracted
The EM2 (BOCW) is not receiving a direct reduction to its efficacy with this change. However, it will result in the Base Optic being a less suitable substitute for higher magnification optics. This, however, in conjunction with the changes to Recoil Control barrels will make the EM2 a slightly less viable option to lesser skilled marksmen.
- Assault Rifle Bravo (MW)
- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1
To the dismay or surprise of some, our data suggests that the Assault Rifle Bravo (MW) is an absolute monster. The Assault Rifle Bravo (MW) will still be capable of achieving an extremely low Time to Kill, though that speed will now be locked behind an additional Headshot. Changes like these align more closely with our goal to shift consistently acquirable TTKs out of the 300ms range.
- Groza (BOCW)
- Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 15%
The Groza (BOCW) has not yet fulfilled the role we had intended for it. As a more ‘bruiser’ oriented, AR-SMG hybrid, its slow base Sprint to Fire Speed has continued to hold it back considerably. With this change, it will be able to more reliably contest SMGs in short-range engagements.
- Krig 6 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage decreased from 30 to 29
- Mid Damage now 25
- Minimum Damage decreased from 25 to 23
- Weapon Kick adjusted
The vast majority of kills with the Krig 6 (BOCW) take place within its Max Damage Range, which unsurprisingly, is the longest of all BOCW Assault Rifles. This change will affect most Time to Kill breakpoints within its Maximum Damage Range by one bullet. Additionally, we have added a third Damage Range. Which is a change we do not suspect to be immensely impactful, as builds that extend Damage Range could push the Mid Damage Range out to nearly 100 meters — which is well beyond the average kill distance for the Krig 6 (BOCW). Though, it is not all bad for the Krig 6 (BOCW); we have reduced some of the Weapon’s ‘bounciness’ while firing which we feel makes it more enjoyable to use.
Light Machine Guns
- Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW)
- Recoil increased slightly
The Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW) had already been an incredibly accurate LMG prior to the changes which added Recoil Control to the Task Force and Match Grade barrels. With a baseline increase to Recoil and a reduction in the total amount of Recoil Control the aforementioned barrels offer, it will be harder to stay on target with Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW) at longer ranges.
Tactical Rifles
- Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW)
- Recoil decreased
The Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW), and many other Tactical Rifles have remained out of the spotlight for nearly three seasons. Given that, we feel now is a good time to reassess their effectiveness, cognizant of the razor’s edge of balance on which Burst Weapons exist. While this change will make the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW) far easier to stay on target with, the reduction in effectiveness to Titanium barrels remains intact, which heavily contributed to the dominance of the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW) and M16 (BOCW) several seasons ago.
- DMR 14 (BOCW)
- Recoil adjusted
Rather than an outright ‘decrease’ to Recoil, this change is more of a rework. The DMR 14 (BOCW) has languished since its changes in season one, but it has not been forgotten. Expect the DMR 14 (BOCW) to feel like a new Weapon. Semi-auto Weapon enthusiasts rejoice, as the DMR 14 (BOCW) may see a real resurgence following this change.
- M16 (BOCW)
- Weapon Kick decreased
Of the Tactical Rifles adjusted in this patch, the M16 received the smallest change. This is partly because we feel the M16 (BOCW) is already in an acceptable spot for Burst Weapons.
- Type 63 (BOCW)
- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 2.1 to 1.58
- Neck Multiplier increased from 1.2 to 1.58
- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1
- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1
- Weapon Kick decreased
The Type 63 (BOCW) has become quite infamous recently — and for good reason. With a single Headshot, Time to Kill could be reduced to 332ms and with two, a mind boggling 166ms. A speed which only Sniper Rifles could compete with a TTK of 0 (only the travel time of the bullet). This should put into perspective how out of line the Type 63 (BOCW) was. While these changes seem extreme, a TTK of 332ms is still possible, it will just require three headshots instead of one.
Submachine Guns
- Submachine Gun Charlie (MW)with 10mm Auto 30-Round Mags
- Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 31
This Maximum Damage change mirrors the adjustment to the base Submachine Gun Charlie (MW) made earlier this season.
- OTs 9 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage Range decreased by 6.2%
The OTs 9 (BOCW) might be a bit stronger than we would like, but we would first like to see how this change broadly impacts the Weapon’s viability. The OTs 9 (BOCW) was always intended to be the quintessence of barrel stuffing Submachine Guns. A Submachine Gun that was intended to challenge Shotguns within their Effective Damage Range. We believe it is achieving that, but its Maximum Damage range, while shorter than each other BOCW SMG, might still be too long. We will continue to closely monitor the performance of the OTs 9 (BOCW) following this change.
- PPSh-41 (BOCW)
- Weapon Kick adjusted
- ADS Sway adjusted
While firing the PPSh-41 (BOCW), the Weapon could kick in a manner that would make it difficult to gauge bullet directionality. This is a subtle change that will have a significant impact on the ability to reliably line up shots.
Sniper Rifles
- Swiss K31 (BOCW)
- Recoil adjusted
We have improved the firing Recoil behavior for the Swiss K31 (BOCW). We expect this change to go largely unnoticed as it does not have a measurable impact on the Weapon’s effectiveness but should improve its overall feel.
- ZRG 20mm (BOCW)
- Recoil adjusted
Much like the Swiss K31 (BOCW), the ZRG 20mm (BOCW) has received some changes to its firing Recoil behavior to ensure that it looks, sounds, and most importantly feels like one of the baddest Sniper Rifles in Verdansk.
- Assault Rifles
- Ranger/Liberator/GRU Composite
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Reinforced Heavy/VDV Reinforced/Contour
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%
- Takedown/Contour M2
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Task Force/Spetsnaz RPK/CMV Mil-Spec
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Ranger/Liberator/GRU Composite
- Light Machine Guns
- Match Grade
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%
- Task Force
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%
- Match Grade
- Tactical Rifles
- DMR 14 (BOCW)
- 16.3” Titanium
- Damage Range decrease reduced from 25% to 20%
- Rate of Fire increase reduced from 16.7% to 15%
- 16.3” Titanium
- DMR 14 (BOCW)
Rear Grips
- Assault Rifles
- Groza (BOCW)
- Serpent Grip
- ADS Speed increase reduced from 9% to 7%
- Serpent Grip
- Groza (BOCW)
To ensure the Groza (BOCW) does not cross too far into Submachine Gun territory following the increase to its Sprint to Fire Speed and given its already SMG-like ADS Speeds, we are reducing the effectiveness of its Serpent Grip.
The following changes were added previously.
Warzone patch notes (Season 5 Patch Notes)
Led by Raven Software,Warzonesaw a fair share of balance changes over the past few months to the 100+ base weapons on offer, all designed to provide the best Battle Royale experience possible.
Season Five starts off with two new Perks to shake up the meta, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for what lies deep beyond the surface of this update.

New Perks – Combat Scout and Tempered
Similar to Lethal and Tactical Equipment, Perks inWarzoneare shared with the Perk selection fromCall of Duty®: Modern Warfare®, albeit with minor adjustments to fit the large-scale battles currently under way in Verdansk. For the first time ever,Warzonereceives two exclusive Perks, each with their own benefits that could definitely change how you choose your Loadouts.
The first isCombat Scout; with this Perk, Operators receive a burst of in-field intel, as damaging an enemy briefly highlights the foe in bright orange and automatically pings them. Whether it’s confirming a callout or finding someone cooped up in a building behind penetrable cover, this Perk only grows stronger if the Operator behind it can communicate effectively to their squadmates.
The other isTempered, which looks to fundamentally change Armor values withinWarzone. When an Operator is under the effects of Tempered, their Armor Plates are heavier and more reinforced – only two of them are needed for an Operator to be considered “fully armored” compared to the standard three. In other words, Tempered allows each Armor Plate to absorb 75 points of damage instead of the standard 50, but an Operator will only be able to wear two at a time instead of three. This unique change also comes at the sacrifice of your Perk 2 slot, so choose your perk setup wisely before bulking up with those reinforced plates.

New Points of Interest – Mobile Broadcast Stations and [[REDACTED]]
To help Stitch and Perseus bring about a new world order, this network of clandestine entities has deployed Mobile Broadcast Stations to boost the numbers signal all around Verdansk.
As the name suggests, these mobile stations can be placed in a variety of locations in Verdansk, differing from match-to-match to keep one area from being signal boosted by the rewards they offer. See what they’re all about by going closer to them, but be sure to keep your head and tune out the broadcast each one emits…
NATO is aware of these recent Perseus efforts and has decided to [[REDACTED]]. Operators should look for [[REDACTED]] when it arrives on [[REDACTED]] within Verdansk, as a highly important [[REDACTED]].

At the start of the season, the Gulag sees an updated format as it converts into the classicBlack Ops IImap, Rush. Specifically comprised of the main speedball arena, Rush should feel right at home for paintball fiends who know how to dart from cover-to-cover toward their enemy.
Need to practice in anticipation of being sent to the Gulag? Head intoBlack Ops Cold Warand play Rush in Multiplayer; you could be a savant of the stadium by the time it arrives inWarzone.

A spiritual successor toWarzoneRumble is ready to bring 50v50 combat back into Verdansk during Season Five.
Featuring select areas around Verdansk, Clash pits quads against each other in an unlimited respawn deathmatch to 200 points. Starting Loadouts are enabled, meaning you can level up your weapons and finish those camo challenges as you work to defeat the opposing platoon.
Eliminating enemies will grant your team one point toward victory, but you may want to keep your ears open for Contracts and public events that can spawn in at any time during games, similar to traditional Battle Royale matches. In fact, plenty of improvements are being taken from the standardWarzonemodes and being added into Clash, including the Ping system, Armor Plate drops, Cash and Buy Stations, and vehicles.
Plus, all damage profiles for weapons directly reflect how they will operate in otherWarzonemodes, compared to just havingModern Warfare®Multiplayer’s damage statistics, making it easy to test out your new favoriteBlack Ops Cold WarandModern Warfaremashup loadouts in a respawn-enabled environment.

The Red Doors Grow Unstable… Mid-Season Event Coming
Whatever broadcast Perseus set up is causing the Red Doors to become more volatile than ever before, as Operators are now reporting [[REDACTED]] in their post-mission briefings.
Beware of these doors sending you to locations other than the main room we all thought to be its lone destination point, and above all else, keep your head.
This event may also have something to do with those Mobile Broadcast Stations seen around Verdansk… but at this time, we cannot declassify further intel for fear of double agents.
Double Agents are running rampant inBlack Ops Cold Warwhile Mobile Broadcast Stations are popping up all over Verdansk inWarzone. And that’s just the tip of the spear for the missions to come across both games.
Fortunately, three new Operators and four new weapons are ready to act as your reinforcements for whatever comes next.

Kitsune: Warsaw Pact (Launch)
This Japanese self-taught cybersecurity expert and world-class thief is ready to make her presence known as a key Perseus operative in Season Five.
Born in Kobe, Kitsune left her family’s organized crime past behind to join Perseus, aligning her values with that set by the new world order they are trying to install. Cautious, thorough, and effective, Kitsune relishes any chance she has to use her enemy’s tools against them.
Get access to Kitsune for use inBlack Ops Cold WarandWarzoneat Tier 0 in the Season Five Battle Pass and unlock an additional Ultra-rarity Operator Skin at Tier 100. New to Season Five, a second, exclusive Kitsune Operator Skin can also be instantly unlocked with the purchase of the Battle Pass Bundle during the first two weeks of the season.

Stryker: NATO (In-Season)
Accompanying Woods in response to the distress signal from the besieged NATO listening station, is Stryker – an ultimate one-man army, who represents the cutting edge of US Special Forces response teams.

Hudson: NATO (In-Season)
Adler’s old colleague and Weaver’s former CIA interrogation partner will arrive to help NATO across Multiplayer and Zombies.
After having Adler and Woods handle the dirty work against Perseus, Special Agent Jason Hudson is set to take the fight into his own hands as he leaves D.C. to finish the fight in Verdansk, Teufelsberg, and even parts unknown within the Dark Aether.
Season Five comes out blasting with two powerful, high-caliber weapons within the Battle Pass. And the hits keep on coming with a notorious pistol-shotgun hybrid secondary and a new melee weapon to be released during the season.

EM2: Assault Rifle (Launch)
Full-auto assault rifle. Well-rounded British rifle with good firing control. Built in low-zoom optic improves accuracy. Slower fire rate with reliable range.
Obtain the EM2 for free and ready to use inBlack Ops Cold WarandWarzoneat Tier 15 of the Season Five Battle Pass.

TEC-9: SMG (Launch)
Semi-auto submachine gun. Improved accuracy from longer ranges with low recoil and slower fire rate. Good damage output with moderate range.
Obtain the TEC-9 for free and ready to use inBlack Ops Cold WarandWarzone at Tier 31 of the Season Five Battle Pass.
Cane: Melee Weapon (Launch)
Also at the start of the season, prepare to settle your disagreements properly and with a modicum of decorum with the Cane, a bludgeoning tool that is classy as it is deadly. Give your enemies a proper sorting with a quick swing from this new melee weapon, which can knock them unconscious after a crack upside the bonce.

Marshal: Secondary (In-Season)
Break action pistol. Hand loaded double barrel pistol fires 12-gauge shells. Excellent damage at close range with a 1-shot kill potential.
The predecessor to a similarly devastating pistol seen inCall of Duty: Black Ops III, the Marshal is the most powerful loadout pistol inBlack Ops Cold War, able to clear rooms with ease despite limited attachments. Available later in the season.
Obtain the Cane and Marshal during Season Five in one of two ways: complete an in-game challenge to obtain the free base weapon or pick up a bundle with a unique Blueprint version when it appears in the Store.

At the start of Season Five, your Season Level will refresh to Level 1, and your progress will resume from the highest Prestige Level you achieved previously. This season offers four additional Prestiges to achieve across the first 200 levels, as well as a new Weapon Blueprint:
·Level 50: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Weapon Blueprint, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
·Level 100: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
·Level 150: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
·Level 190: All Season Challenges Available
·Level 200: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Battle Pass Tier Skip, Master Prestige Calling Card
· Levels 250–1,000: New Prestige Key every 50 levels
This means you can earn four new Prestige Levels during Season Five — now 23 in total — and you can always catch up to the latest available Prestige if you didn’t reach it during the previous season.
Reach Level 200 in Season Five to achieve the title of Prestige Master for this season. This changes your Season Level color and grants you the ability to personalize your Prestige Icon with Legacy Prestige Icons, or customize your Player Profile with Calling Cards from previousCall of Dutygames, simply by spending some of your hard-earned Prestige Keys at the Prestige Shop. Prestige Keys can also purchase exclusive Weapon Blueprints, such as the Legendary “Confrontation” assault rifle or the “Dark Horse” SMG that both came during Season Four Reloaded.
You can continue past Level 200 all the way to Level 1,000 during Season Five, and receive Prestige Key milestone rewards at every 50 levels along the way.
New Points of Interest:
- Mobile Broadcast Stations
- These POIs can be found in a variety of locations in Verdansk, differing from match-to-match to keep one area from being signal boosted by the rewards they offer. See what they’re all about by going closer to them, but be sure to keep your head and tune out the broadcast each one emits…
- [[REDACTED]] has gone off grid and reports suggest [[REDACTED]] is doing [[REDACTED]] in Verdansk – what, we do not know. This is an unauthorized [[REDACTED]] that could jeopardize our [[REDACTED]] in discovering and stopping Stitch.
New Gulag: Rush:
- Based on the classic Black Ops II map, this layout is comprised of the main speedball arena.
Red Doors:
- Beware of these doors sending you to unexpected locations other than the main room. This may have something to do with those Mobile Broadcast Stations seen around Verdansk…
- [Console Only]High-resolution textures are now delivered through On-Demand Texture Streaming. To enjoy a similar visual quality, enable this feature in the Options menu.
- [PC Only]The Windows 7 operating system will stop being supported by Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® and Call of Duty®: Warzone™ on September 8th, 2021.
- Loot that spawns across Verdansk has been adjusted as follows…
- New Gulag and in-game lobby loadouts
- The Sentry Gun Killstreak can now be found in Supply Boxes
- The TEC-9 (BOCW) and EM2 (BOCW) have been added to the loot pool
- Players may now detach from an ascender before reaching their destination.
- Added:
- Combat Scout – Slot 3 (Yellow)
- Damaging an enemy briefly highlights and automatically pings them.
- Tempered – Slot 2 (Red)
- Armor Plates are reinforced and now absorb 75 damage instead of 50. Only two Armor Plates are needed for an Operator to be considered “fully armored.”
- Combat Scout – Slot 3 (Yellow)
- Adjusted:
- Cold-Blooded – Slot 1 (Blue)
- Undetectable by AI targeting systems and thermal optics. Does not trigger High Alert warning and negates Combat Scout.
- This change only applies to Warzone.
- Cold-Blooded – Slot 1 (Blue)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed visual issues with various elements across Verdansk causing them to disappear at certain angles or allowing light to shine through them.
- Fixed an issue allowing Players to hide inside of cash drops.
- Fixed an issue related to the in-game lobby causing Players to turn invisible for the duration of the match.
- Fixed an issue where a Munitions Box could be dropped in the in-game lobby and persist to the live match.
- Fixed an issue where a Player would lose their Weapons when reviving another player if the downed Player gave up.
- Fixed an issue where a Player’s head would disappear when a Plunder bag was on their back.
- Fixed an issue where Dismemberment was not working for the “Solar Flare” Blueprint.
- Fixed an issue where new Text Chat options did not appear in the Accessibility Menu.
- Fixed an issue where sniper glint would sometimes not appear.
- Fixed an issue where the “Solar Flare” Blueprint wasn’t properly applied to the base Weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the Bumper Ping Button Layout would ping when deploying a Field Upgrade.
- Fixed an issue with the Steady Aim Laser descriptions for the AK-47 (BOCW) and C58 (BOCW).
- Fixed an issue where Tracers were not present when using the “Solar Flare” Blueprint.
- Fixed an issue with Akimbo Pistols would spawn with the left Weapon unloaded.
- Fixed an issue with the OTs 9 (BOCW) dynamic icons.

- Added a new Armor Box icon to better differentiate between Ammo Box and Armor Box.

- Added the option to have Steady Aim Behavior be a toggle instead of a hold for Controller and KBM.
- This accessibility feature supports motor disability by eliminating the need to hold a button for extended periods of time in order to stabilize scoped Weapons such as snipers.
- The setting has two options:
- Hold: Press and hold to steady aim.
- Toggle: Press to steady aim. Press again to stop.
- Note: The setting cannot be used if the Change Zoom Shared Input setting is set to Steady Aim (Sprint/Tactical Sprint/Steady Aim Keybind in Warzone).
New Weapons (BOCW):
- EM2: Assault Rifle (Launch)
- Full-auto assault rifle. Heavy British rifle with considerable kick and a built in low-zoom optic. Slow rate of fire and high damage makes the EM2 a solid choice for skilled marksmen.
- Obtain the EM2 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 15 of the Season Five Battle Pass.
- TEC-9: Submachine Gun (Launch)
- Semi-auto submachine gun. Improved accuracy from longer ranges with low recoil and a slower fire rate. Good damage output with moderate range.
- Obtain the TEC-9 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 31 of the Season Five Battle Pass.
The TEC-9 is a unique weapon, in that it sports two muzzles that alter its fire type. When properly equipped, the TEC-9 is highly effective at enabling aggressive hip fire play.
- Cane: Melee (In-Season)
- Lethal walking cane. Where fashion meets function. Adorned with a sterling silver lion’s head, this cane is easy to grip and deadly when swung.
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
- Marshal: Handgun (In-Season)
- Break action pistol. Hand loaded double barrel pistol fires 12 gauge shells. Excellent damage at close range.
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
New Weapon Unlock Challenges (BOCW):
- MG 82: Light Machine Gun
- Using LMGs, kill 3 or more enemies without reloading in 15 different completed matches.
- C58: Assault Rifle
- Using Assault Rifles, get a Long Shot kill in 15 different completed matches.
- AMP63 (BOCW)
- 20 Rnd
- Ammo Capacity increased from 20 to 25
- STANAG 25 Rnd
- Ammo Capacity increased from 25 to 30
- 20 Rnd Speed Mag
- Ammo Capacity increased from 20 to 25
- Salvo 23 Rnd Fast Mag
- Ammo Capacity increased from 23 to 30
- 20 Rnd
New Operators:
- Kitsune: Warsaw Pact (Launch)
- Get access to Kitsune for use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 0 in the Season Five Battle Pass and unlock an additional Ultra-Rarity Operator Skin at Tier 100.
- Stryker: NATO (In-Season)
- Get access to Stryker as part of upcoming Season Five Store Bundle offerings, to be detailed at a later date.
- Hudson: NATO (In-Season)
- Get access to Hudson as part of upcoming Season Five Store Bundle offerings, to be detailed at a later date.
The following changes were added with the Mid Season update.
Free: Two New Weapons
Close-quarters Operators will have two new armaments in their arsenal during Season Four Reloaded.
OTs 9: SMG (Launch)

Full-auto submachine gun. Impressive firepower at close range with good visibility when firing. Reliable recoil control with smaller magazine size.
Sacred among CQB Operators for its ability to deal solid damage at a high fire-rate, the formerly-classified OTs 9 can be compared to the Bullfrog in terms of damage and fire rate (slightly more power and over 100 RPM more in fire rate), but with a lesser magazine capacity.
The standard 20-round magazine is enough to deal with a few Operators, especially if headshots are mixed in, but it may be worth looking at unlocking its optional 30 or 40 round attachments when playing modes with bigger squad sizes.
The OTs 9 is primed to compete with the best SMGs acrossBlack Ops Cold WarandWarzone. It can either be unlocked via in-game challenge or have one of its Weapon Blueprints purchased via theInside JobStore Bundle.
Mace: Melee (In-Season)

Rounding out this season’s weapon offerings is the Mace, the latest melee tool to join over a dozen options inWarzone, and over a half dozen blades and blunt instruments inBlack Ops Cold War.
A weapon ill fit for the weak, the Mace can inflict critical damage on command — no 20-sided dice rolls are needed to determine whether it can bludgeon your rivals in a single blow within Multiplayer. And in Zombies, this weapon is perfect for getting medieval on the undead’s decomposing cadavers.
Obtain the Mace later this season either by in-game challenge, or by acquiring one of its Weapon Blueprints through theMystic’s ScepterStore Bundle.
Weaver: NATO

Requiem needs every last agent to rescue Raptor-1 from Kravchenko, even if it means calling in strike team leader Grigori Weaver to get the job done.
Weaver will venture beyond Requiem’s classified HQ and become a playable NATO Operator acrossBlack Ops Cold WarandWarzoneas part of theTracer Pack: Weaver Operator Bundle, available in the Store at the start of Season Four Reloaded.
Raised in America after his mother fled the USSR with him in tow, CIA Clandestine Service Officer Grigori Weaver straddles both sides of the Cold War divide, losing an eye to Kravchenko during a covert mission to steal space-race secrets.
Within this bundle is his “Kremlin’s Eye” Operator Skin based on his originalBlack Opsincarnation, in addition to three Legendary Weapon Blueprints and a new Finishing Move, where he fools the undead into ripping an enemy limb from limb!
Arriving in the Store: CDL Team Supporter Pack, Special Ops Pro Pack, and More
In addition to the two new weapons and Weaver, the Store will be fully restocked for Season Four Reloaded.
Warzonehas received several innovations since its launch, from in-game events like the Haunting of Verdansk to Resurgence modes, and even a bit of 50v50 rumbling.
Now, as part of Season Four Reloaded, the massive free-to-play experience introduces its newest objective based mode: Payload.
Inspired by previous traditionalCall of Dutygame modes likeCall of Duty®: WWII’s War Mode, Payload pits two teams of 20 players against each other in a race against time for crucial intel, as these vehicles carry satellite parts that could help shift the balance of the war between Perseus and NATO.
If the attacking team escorts all vehicles across all Checkpoints within the time limit, they win the match. The defending team can not only pick attackers off the payload vehicles to slow them down, but also buy and build obstacles to stall these vehicles on the tracks.
This all happens as Operators are dropping in constantly with their own custom loadouts, searching for items across Verdansk like Cash and Killstreaks to aid their team in escorting or stopping the Payloads.
Look for Payload in the Featured Playlist Rotation as part of Season Four Reloaded.
Ahead of Season Four Reloaded, we’re here to warn you that theWarzonecan, and will, turn into a Blueprint Blitz.
Similar to Double XP weekends, Raven Software is planning to activate a new special global event where Contraband Contracts automatically spawn after you complete two regular Contracts. Contraband Contracts award you with a permanent Weapon Blueprint reward if you’re able to extract it from the DZ, in addition to tons of Cash within your current match.
Blueprint Blitz should give you the opportunity to earn plenty of Weapon Blueprints from prior seasons. If you missed out or didn’t playWarzoneduring the time these were originally available, Contraband Contracts award you with previous Seasonal rewards after you complete the Contract.
Brave Operators across Verdansk have gone through the Red Doors, stepping out into parts unknown…
Further intel suggests that these Red Doors will appear [[REDACTED]] and take you to [[REDACTED]].
As Perseus sleeper cells are still at large in Verdansk, we caution you to [[REDACTED]].

Need an automated fifth squad member in the form of a rapid-fire turret? Don’t trust a squadmate toactuallywatch your six? Then the Sentry Gun, the latest Killstreak to be introduced inWarzone, is readying for deployment.
Similar to how it operates inBlack Ops Cold WarandModern Warfare®, the Sentry Gun scans in a near-180-degree radius in front of itself to seek and destroy enemies. It executes this kill pattern for at least a minute after deployment before it collapses via harmless explosion.
Find the Sentry Gun as an extremely rare Legendary item drop within a Red Door room Supply Box.

Want to experience the wealth of content inBlack Ops Cold War, but aren’t yet an owner of the game?
From July 22 to July 29,Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Warwill have a Free Access period featuring various Multiplayer and Zombies experiences, including playlists around the new map Rush and the entirety of “Mauer Der Toten!” Those who playWarzonewill find all theirBlack Ops Cold Warweapons and global level progress intact within the trial, and any progress earned during the trial will carry right back over toWarzone.
More intel to come next week about the exact playlists within the Free Trial, in addition to instructions on how to download and access it across all platforms.
Download free COD MW update 1.42 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.