Bloons TD Battles 2 update 2.2 is available to download on PC, iOS, Android & Steam. According to the official Bloons TD Battles 2 patch notes, the latest update adds a new hero (Star Captain Jericho), a new map (Precious Space), a new bling season and more. Apart from this, the BTD Battles 2 update 2.2 also includes a long list of bug fixes and changes.
Previously, a major Bloons TD Battles 2 update 1.5 added a new event (Speed Battles and Play with Fire), and Bling Season 6. Recently, BTDB2 update 1.10 also added a new hero: Agent Jericho. Unfortunately, players are still facing some issues with the game. Today’s BTD Battles 2 patch 2.2 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
BTD Battles 2 Patch Notes 2.2 – October 11, 2023

New Features
- New Hero: Star Captain Jericho
- The space-faring winner of the community hero vote!
- Send trapped bloons that put your opponent into debt when popped.
- Smuggle your rushes through hyperspace to get them past your opponent’s front line.
- New Map: Precious Space
- Inspired by u/SuperPsou’s winning entry to the community map contest!
- Activate the lasers to destroy placeable asteroids in exchange for cash.
- How many can you afford to destroy while keeping enough room to defend?
- You can find Precious Space in Ranked games in White Wasteland and above, as well as Casual, Private, and Event games.
- New Bling Season
- 12 new season cosmetics including the Too Early emote and the Magical Teleportation placement animation for the Wizard Monkey.
- Get sneaky with Quincy’s Silent Hunter showcase.
- Make them an offer they can’t refuse with the Don Obyn showcase for Ocean Obyn.
General Changes
- Club Membership
- Club Membership is now better value than ever!
- Club members now get x2 Monkey Money from all sources. That’s game rewards, events, purchases, and everywhere else!
- Club Membership now includes the Banana Boost, earning 2x Golden Bananas from Bling Quests with no daily quest limit.
- Named Monkey and Prestige Toggles
- It is now possible to hide your monkey names and prestige badges.
- Find this option in the settings menu.
Balance Changes
- Tower Boost
- Tower Boost initial cooldown 30s -> 20s
- We have reduced tower boost’s initial cooldown so that it is more accessible in the tricky early rounds of Speed Battles, as a lot of towers struggle here.
- Dart Monkey
- 3xx Spike-o-pult now allows re-hitting targets after bouncing
- 4xx Juggernaut now allows re-hitting targets after bouncing
- 5xx Ultra-Juggernaut now allows re-hitting targets after bouncing
- Allowing juggernaut projectiles to re-hit bloons after bouncing is a core mechanism of the tower in BTD6, so we are adding it to Battles 2 as well. We are also extending this to the Spike-o-pult like btd6 recently did, as Dart Monkey could definitely do with this small improvement.
- Boomerang Monkey
- xx5 MOAB Domination: $55k -> $52k
- We have given MOAB Domination some decent damage buffs in the past, but it’s still pricey for what it does, so we think a small price cut is a fair adjustment.
- Tack Shooter
- x4x Blade Maelstrom: crosspathing with xx1 now changes the ability rotation direction to counter-clockwise
- 5xx Inferno Ring: 510 Tack’s Meteor has 1 -> 2 pierce, 520 has 2 -> 3 pierce, 501 has 700 -> 1000 damage, and 502 has 1000 -> 1400 damage.
- This Blade Maelstrom change was made to add greater versatility and limit any side advantages. Despite Tack being an incredibly popular tower, Inferno Ring still feels lacking in damage, therefore we have upped its Meteor damage and pierce values when crosspathed.
- Monkey Sub
- xx5 Sub Commander: attacks 2x -> 3x faster than xx4
- Sub Commander is a very underutilised tier 5. Since its main strength is buffing other Monkey Subs, it lacks versatility as there are often situations where it isn’t practical to build up an army of subs with it. Therefore, we opted to buff its individual strength so that it can shine more on its own.
- Monkey Buccaneer
- 031 Cannonship: cannonball pierce 28 -> 35
- 031 Cannonship: frags pierce 1 -> 2
- We’re bringing over some changes from BTD6 that felt reasonable for this game too, buffing the rarely-used Cannonship upgrade.
- Heli Pilot
- x5x Special Poperations: cash crate ability will now also trigger all other cash crate abilities
- x5x Special Poperations: cash crate ability no longer shares button space in the ability quickbar with tier 4 cash crate abilities.
- We’ve extended the change that we did to Sniper’s ability to Heli Pilot, as it is a nice quality of life change that fits here as well.
- Mortar Monkey
- 3xx Shell Shock: $950 -> $1100
- xx2 Burny Stuff: $600 -> $700
- Mortar has still been incredibly strong even with the previous nerfs. The last 3xx stun duration change didn’t appear to have much of an impact, so we have opted for a price increase as well. Burny stuff and signal flare also stand out as being exceptionally efficient options, so we have increased the xx2 price. Also note that we have fixed a bug that caused mortar’s targeting to be significantly more accurate than intended.
- Dartling Gunner
- 5xx Ray of Doom: now deals +55 bonus damage to the first target hit
- Ray of Doom is designed to be a high-pierce tower that effectively deals with large amounts of grouped bloons. However, due to this, it performs incredibly poorly against individual tough bloons, such as a single BAD. We felt that it should perform better against these types of bloons considering its extremely high price tag, therefore we added this change to improve its single target damage considerably.
- Druid
- x5x Spirit of the Forest: Jungle’s Bounty ability will now also trigger all other Jungle’s Bounty abilities
- x5x Spirit of the Forest: Jungle’s Bounty ability no longer shares button space in the ability quickbar with tier 4 Jungle’s Bounty abilities.
- x5x Spirit of the Forest: Jungle’s Bounty ability cash $1k -> $1.5, end of round cash $3k -> $2.5k
- Like with Heli Pilot and Sniper, this nice quality of life change fits very well for Druid’s ability too. We’ve also shuffled some of the cash amounts to distinguish the tier 5 ability from the tier 4, so that it can have its own button space in the ability quickbar.
- Sentai Churchill
- Level 1: Pierce per explosion 5 -> 4 (carries over to future levels, so 7 -> 6 at level 2, 10 -> 9 at level 11)
- Level 3 High Energy Shells: ability reduces attack cooldown by 45% -> 42%
- Sentai Churchill is extremely strong in the early game for its cost. Not much gets past its ability either, so minor adjustments have been made to both.
- Pat Fusty
- Level 6: stuns bloons for 0.3 -> 0.45 seconds
- We’re making a small buff to encourage Pat Fusty to be utilised more, since he has fallen off in popularity in the highest arenas.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Mortar attacks being significantly more accurate than they should be.
- Fixed Sentai Churchill using Captain Churchill’s voice lines when tapped.
- Various text fixes
- Fixed Banana Farmer icon appearing with low resolution in game.
- Fixed Engineer Traps, Obyn’s trees, etc spawning over the empty lift shaft on Bloon Bot Factory.
- Fixed bloons sometimes getting stuck in a loop when affected by the Ninja Monkey’s distraction.
- Fixed Engineer’s sentries not spawning with the same targeting as the Engineer.
- Fixed incorrect sell values for towers in No Pain, No Gain games.
Download free BTDB2 update 2.2 on PC (Steam).