Bloons TD Battles 2 update 2.0 is available to download on PC, iOS, Android & Steam. According to the official Bloons TD Battles 2 patch notes, the latest update adds new features, club membership, and much more. Apart from this, the BTD Battles 2 update 2.0 includes various fixes.
Previously, a major Bloons TD Battles 2 update 1.5 added a new event (Speed Battles and Play with Fire), and Bling Season 6. Recently, BTDB2 update 1.10 also added a new hero: Agent Jericho. Unfortunately, players are still facing some issues with the game. Today’s BTD Battles 2 patch 2.0 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
BTD Battles 2 Patch Notes 2.0 – June 22, 2023

New Features
- Club Membership
- Mix and match custom rules in your private games.
- Ban specific towers and heroes for more control of your private games.
- Unlimited access to special club events featuring mixed rules.
- A one-time purchase for lifetime membership, including a welcome pack of exclusive cosmetics and 2000 Monkey Money.
- Club Events
- New limited-time events featuring multiple custom rules at once.
- Play for free by using tickets. Each game costs 1 ticket which replenishes every 6 hours.
- Club members can play as much as they like, no tickets needed!
- Banana Boost
- Earn double Golden Bananas for completing Bling Quests.
- No limit on the number of Bling Quests you can complete each day.
- If you don’t have the boost, the additional Golden Bananas you would earn are stored so you won’t miss out if you buy the boost later in the season.
- Buying the Banana Boost unlocks these benefits for the entire season.
- New Map: Off-Tide
- A beach soccer-themed map available in all ranked arenas, casual, private and event matches.
- Battles 1 veterans might get a sense of déjà vu when playing on this map…
- New Bling Season
- 12 new season cosmetics including Plushie BADs and the Ghost Ship placement animation for the Monkey Buccaneer.
- Summon the Dark Coven hero showcase for Ezili.
- Make off with the Stealing Hearts hero showcase for Highwayman Jericho.
General Changes
- Universal XP, Battle Chests and Battle Points are now retired.
- Universal XP, Battle Chests and Battle Points are being removed from the game this season.
- All unspent Universal XP will be evenly distributed amongst your unlocked towers as Tower XP.
- All Battle Chests in your queue will be opened for free.
- Towers and Heroes in Private Matches.
- All towers and heroes are now unlocked when playing private matches.
- This affects Standard Rules games as well as games using custom rules.
- Season 1-8 Bling Cosmetic packs
- The Season 1-4 Bling Cosmetic pack and the Season 5-8 Bling Cosmetic Pack are no longer available for purchase.
- These items will return in a future update.
Balance Changes
- Bloon Sends
- Grouped Reds: Income 0.9 -> 1
- We think the current aggressive meta is healthy for the game, but most aggressive strategies require Agent or Highwayman Jericho to work since other strategies are often short of cash. We are undoing an earlier nerf to early game income to give all strategies a little bit more money to work with.
- Rounds
- Rounds now last a minimum of 5.5 seconds.
- Maximum round length changed from 10+2*round number seconds -> 8.5 + round number seconds.
- These changes are to balance out stalling and anti-stalling strategies so that neither vastly outperforms the other.
- Dart Monkey
- xx5 Crossbow Master damage 11 -> 9
- xx5 Crossbow Master attack cooldown 0.16s -> 0.13s
- The previous damage increase meant the Crossbow Master now performs poorly against ceramic bloons. This wasn’t our intention so we are reverting this change and buffing its attack speed instead.
- Boomerang Monkey
- xx3 Kylie Boomerang pierce 18 -> 24
- The Boomerang Monkey is still an underutilized tower and, as we have previously buffed its other tier 3s, we are buffing this one as well.
- Bomb Shooter
- x5x MOAB Eliminator: MOAB class damage from regular attack increased 130 -> 200.
- Bomb Shooter has fallen in popularity recently, and MOAB Eliminator is not considered to be a particularly effective option for dealing with MOAB threats. We are buffing the main attack of this upgrade so that it can be a more reliable tower against late game rushes.
- Ice Monkey
- 4xx Embrittlement: $3200 -> $3000
- The Ice Monkey has lost some of its popularity in recent months. Since it doesn’t have such a dominant place in the meta anymore, we can afford to buff this upgrade which has always been slightly overpriced.
- Monkey Sub
- 5xx Energizer: The cost to instantly level up heroes in range is reduced in addition to the increased leveling speed.
- There is no reason why paying to level up a hero should be less efficient while in range of an Energizer. This change alters how the buff is applied to the hero so that the cost of instantly upgrading is reduced in line with the reduced leveling time.
- Monkey Buccaneer
- 3xx Destroyer: Reduces the x1x Grapeshot attack cooldown by 60% -> 66.7%
- The Destroyer path of the Monkey Buccaneer is all about high speed attacks so we are increasing the attack speed of the cross path grapeshot to keep it in line with this philosphy.
- Monkey Ace
- xx4 Spectre: Bomb Damage 3 -> 4
- xx5 Flying Fortress: Bomb Damage 5->6
- xx5 Flying Fortress: $80k -> $75k
- As some of the most expensive Monkey Ace upgrades, we felt the Spectre and Flying Fortress could do with a damage and efficiency buff to justify their cost.
- Heli Pilot
- 4xx Machine Gun pierce 7 -> 9
- 5xx Machine Gun pierce 13 -> 15
- Similar to the Monkey Ace changes, the Apache Dartship and Apache Prime upgrades are the most expensive upgrades the Heli Pilot has to offer so we felt a slight buff was merited to justify their cost.
- Mortar Monkey
- x5x Pop and Awe: Ability duration 8s -> 10s
- x5x Pop and Awe: Ability cooldown 60s -> 45s
- The Mortar Monkey is routinely one of the least used towers so we are buffing its ability in the hopes that it results in a boost in popularity.
- Dartling Gunner
- 3xx Laser Cannon: $3750 -> $3000
- 3xx Laser Cannon: Damage type changed from energy to plasma, allowing it to pop lead bloons.
- Note: the fix to DoTs described in the Bug Fixes will buff the Dartling Gunner’s Laser Shock ability.
- The Laser Cannon path is the least used among the Dartling Gunner upgrades. The decrease in price and the ability to pop lead bloons should allow it to compete with the more popular Hydra Rocket Pods upgrade.
- Wizard Monkey
- xx4 Necromancer: Upgrading to 104 now allows manual targeting of the zombie bloon spawn point.
- x1x Fireball: damage 3->2 (x3x fireball damage unchanged)
- Wizard remains a dominant force in all arenas with its fireball being one of its early-game strengths, so we are moving some of its damage from the tier 1 to the tier 3. Additionally, allowing manual targeting for zombie bloons was a popular change in BTD6 so we are implementing it here too, except with 1xx required for this targeting option. Both of these changes should make choosing between Necromancer’s crosspaths a more meaningful decision.
- Super Monkey
- Base Cost: $2300 -> $2100
- 3xx Sun Avatar: $15k -> $13k
- The Super Monkey, and particularly the Sun God path, does not see a lot of use outside of Bananza games. Reducing its base cost and the cost of Sun Avatar should hopefully make it more accessible in other game modes.
- Alchemist
- x2x Perishing Potions: damage to fortified MOAB class 20 -> 12.
- 20 damage to fortified MOABs felt like too much of a leap from the 5 damage this upgrade deals to regular MOABs, especially for such a cheap upgrade.
- Druid
- x5x Spirit of the Forest: The life gain effect of the Jungle’s Bounty ability has been split into a separate ability so that they can be activated independantly.
- x5x Spirit of the Forest: ability cash generated $750 -> $1000
- The Druid’s life generating ability clashes with its Heart of Vengeance effect, so we have separated the life and cash giving abilities, allowing players to still earn cash while retaining the buff from having low lives. The ability’s cash gain was mistakenly giving less than the tier 4 ability so this has been rectified.
- Banana Farm
- 5xx Banana Central: Crate values $3000 -> $2800
- 5xx Banana Central: $73k -> $66k
- Our previous change of increasing the price of this upgrade made it much harder to save up for in addition to making it less efficient. It is now far outclassed by the xx5 upgrade so we have made it slightly more efficient to put it on par with the xx5 and make it easier to afford.
- Monkey Engineer
- xx4 Bloon Trap: Cash per natural bloon RBE $2.4 -> $2
- 4xx Sentry Expert: Red sentry spiked ball pierce 22 -> 16
- 5xx Sentry Champion: Sentry attack cooldown 0.05 -> 0.044
- 5xx Sentry Champion: Explosion damage from selling sentry 150 -> 200
- The bloon trap gave too much cash in comparison to other income sources so we are reducing it to be more in line with other towers. To compensate for this, we are buffing its late-game damage output to make it a stronger offensive tower.
- Gwendolin
- Base cost: $800 -> $700
- Gwen is always among the lower-performing heroes so we are giving her another cost reduction to help her compete with other more popular heroes.
- Science Gwen
- Base cost: $800 -> $700
- As with Gwen, we are making Science Gwen a more efficient option to help her compete with the other, more popular heroes.
- Sentai Churchill
- Level 1: Laser Shock effect now only applies to bloons hit by the shell, not the explosions.
- Leaving Sentai Churchill unchanged after the fix to Laser Shock would have resulted in a big increase to his strength which we felt was unnecessary. Therefore, we have adjusted his effect to match how the laser shock effect works on the 230 Dartling Gunner so that the bug fix will have less of an impact on him.
- DJ Ben Jammin’
- Level 10: Beatdown can now downgrade 3 rather than 2 BFBs
- Level 20: Beatdown can now downgrade up to 10 BFBS rather than up to 2 and up to 2 ZOMGs rather than none.
- Benjamin is much more popular than DJ Ben so we are buffing his offensive abilities in the hopes that he will be able to carve out his own niche as a viable alternative to Benjamin.
- Agent Jericho
- Level 3: Ability Cooldown 60s -> 70s
- We made this change to Highwayman Jericho last update and it resulted in Agent Jericho becoming the clear favorite of the two. We are making the change to Agent Jericho as well to keep their power levels similar.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed buttons that require a Reward Boost on Steam from displaying “Get Boosts” rather than their original text when the player does not have enough boosts.
- Fixed damage over time effects, including Burny Stuff and Laser Shock, not working correctly.
- When a bloon weaker than a ceramic had a DoT applied to it, dealing any damage to this bloon would result in the DoT timer being ‘reset’. This meant that in a lot of circumstances, the DoT would never deal any damage, as it would be reset before it could do so. For Laser Shock (2xx Dartling and Sentai Churchill) specifically, this has been changed so that the DoT timer still gets ‘reset’, however just as it does, the previous DoT will immediately deal its damage. For all other DoTs such as Burny Stuff, the DoT timer will no longer get ‘reset’.
- Fixed Striker Jones and Biker Bones’ concussive shells being able to stun Agent Jericho’s decoys.
- Fixed 4/5xx Bomb Shooter being able to stun Agent Jericho’s decoys when paired with Striker Jones or Biker Bones.
- Fixed Fusty the Snowman’s level 10 ability being able to affect Agent Jericho’s decoys.
- Fixed Benjamin’s level 20 ability not affecting DDTs.
- Fixed Gwen’s Flambe Bouquet weapon skin disappearing in her matchup, victory and defeat animations.
- Fixed the banner previews not displaying large enough to fit 3 accolades on them.
- Fixed Captain Churchill’s level 3 ability lowering the collision radius of his shells.
- Fixed DJ Ben Jammin’s level 7 portrait displaying at level 5.
- Fixed some animation previews displaying incorrectly on some devices.
- Fixed Ezili’s mask not displaying when she gets upgraded to level 20.
- Fixed Hotkeys “Default” button text not localising.
- Fixed display issues with Science Gwen’s Zapped animation.
- Fixed display issues with the preview of Wizard Monkey’s Polymorph animation.
Download free BTDB2 update 2.0 on PC (Steam).