Bloons TD 6 (BTD6) Update 43 Patch Notes (43.0)

Bloons TD 6 update 43 (BTD6 43) is available to download on PC(Steam), Android, iOS, macOS players. According to the official BTD6 43 patch notes, the latest update adds a new event (Boss Rush), new hero rosalia, new code redemption system, new hero rosalia and more. Apart from this, the BTD6 update 43 also includes a new beginner map tinkerton, new quest and new trophy store items.

Previously, a major update 32 added a new boss, new changes and quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, players are facing various bugs and gameplay changes. Today’s Bloons TD 6 patch 43 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Related: Bloons TD 6 servers are currently down. Check BTD6 server status here.

BTD6 Update 43 Patch Notes – May 24, 2024

r/btd6 - Bloons TD 6 v43.0 - Update Preview!

Key New Features

  • New Event, Boss Rush!
    • We are so psyched to release this event! We have heard the many requests for more Team activities, and after testing some functionality in Quests, we are so happy to release a very different way to play as a Team. Thank you for your feedback and patience, and we truly hope you enjoy!
    • Band together with allies to defend against the powerful Boss Rush threatening your Team. With multiple Boss threats looming on the horizon, you and your Team must work together to defend nearby islands from a variety of invaders!
    • To assist in pushing back the threat players are outfitted with Relic Knowledge to leverage and a number of Revive Shields that will recover you from 0 lives! But be careful, Revives are limited and each time one is triggered the Boss will rush closer to the exit.
    • These Bosses cannot be destroyed alone, so when defending any island your goal is to deal as much damage as you possibly can before they make it past. When your Team reaches enough combined total damage the island is successfully defended and you can progress to the next island, with a new Boss to defend against!
    • Between islands some monkey types must stay behind to defend, but additional Relic Knowledge will be acquired to assist in the next challenge.
    • Defend 5 islands, each with a fast paced Boss challenge against different Bosses out of the initial 3 available: Bloonarius, Dreadbloon & Phayze. (Vortex & Lych to be coming at a later date!).
    • Immediately after defending an island, all Team members can claim the island rewards!
    • For launch we are releasing with a pure Team focus without competitive leaderboards. This allows us to review balance and get feedback from players before making changes in future updates. Boss Rush has evolved to be much bigger than the minigame-like concept it was initially planned to be and we look forward to seeing all of your Teams defend their islands together!
  • New Code Redemption System
    • This new system will allow us to create gift packs that can be redeemed by anyone with the code for free in-game rewards, so keep an eye out for any codes we may share (or hide…) in future!
    • Due to privacy requirements, certain platforms won’t be able to enter the codes directly in the game. Instead, you will need to visit a Ninja Kiwi website where you can log in to your LiNK account and redeem the code.

New Awesome

  • New Hero Rosalia
    • Jetpack Monkey joins the team! Try out Rosalia right away in her new trial quest!
    • Rosalia freely jumps around her large workshop area, attacking faster the more Bloons are nearby while swapping between a powerful single target laser & bouncing cluster grenades to deal with different threats!
    • Enhanced special attacks for the 10th shot fired on either weapon, showering Bloons in a fog of explosions, or Shocking and pushing them back with powerful Plasma blasts
    • Reduce all upgrade costs for Monkey Ace & Heli Pilot, plus one other friend!
    • Lv3 Scatter Missile ability, to clean up Bloons with a barrage of powerful stuns
    • Lv7 Hover ANYWHERE and gain the Flight Boost ability to temporarily pursue Bloons everywhere around the track and temporarily boost the flight speed of Aces & Helis
    • Lv10 Kinetic Charge ability, which sticks MOAB-class Bloons with a charge that explodes after a short duration and amplifies this explosion based on the amount of damage that hits the target before the charge explodes. Focus fire!
  • New Beginner Map Tinkerton
    • Explore Rosalia’s main workshop and help defend it against Bloon incursion! Who knew orange juice had so many uses?
  • New Quests
    • Tinkerer’s Tutorial: discover Rosalia’s strengths and weaknesses
    • A Strange Bloonomaly: Dr. Monkey wants your help investigating some unusual Bloons
  • New Trophy Store Items
    • Heroes: Obyn Wolf Dance placement animation for Standard Obyn
    • Monkeys: Boomer ‘Roo pet for the Boomerang Monkey
    • Bloons: BAD Scarab skin
    • Game & UI: Boomer and ‘Roo profile banner, Distinguished Gentlemonkey avatar
  • Limited Time Trophy Store Item
    • Druid of the Rainbow avatar
  • New CT Team Store items
    • Icons: Battle Monkey Icon
    • Frames: Boss Rush Clouds Frame

Game Changes / Additions

  • Map Editor Beach Pack
    • Beach water path x1
    • Areas x2
    • Stamps x3
    • Props x22
  • Map Editor ‘full path’ settings to modify how entire paths work
    • Set paths to be alternating, sequential, or a specific pattern
  • Map Editor ‘path node’ settings to modify small sections within a path
    • Invulnerable MOABs: MOABs will not be targetable until the next node
    • Invulnerable Bloons: Bloons will not be targetable until the next node
    • All Bloon Speed: Speed modified by a set multiplier until the next node
    • Scale Bloon: Bloons will increase in visual size until the next node
    • Scale MOAB: MOABs will increase in visual size until the next node

Bloon TD 6 (BTD6) apk 43.0 release date and download will be available soon.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.