Bloons TD 6 (BTD6) Update 36 Patch Notes

Bloons TD 6 update 36 (BTD6 36) details released for PC(Steam), Android, iOS, macOS players. According to the official BTD6 36 patch notes, the latest update brings changes for Beast Handler, quest system, Polyphemus map and much more. Apart from this, the BTD6 update 36 also includes stability improvements.

Previously, a major update 32 added a new boss, new changes and quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, players are facing various bugs and gameplay changes. Today’s Bloons TD 6 patch 36 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Related: Bloons TD 6 servers are currently down. Check BTD6 server status here.

BTD6 Update 36 Patch Notes – April 2, 2023

Key New Features
  • New Tower – The Beast Handler

    • chomp, rawr, kakaw!

    • So much to say about this tower, but mainly we so hope you enjoy it!

    • The first never before seen tower to join the BTD universe since the Druid and Alchemist at launch almost 5 years ago.

    • This tower plays and gains power in a completely unique way, and there are intentional tradeoffs along the way – you need to choose the right time to Merge beasts or just like any other tower whether more separate and lower-power beasts are situationally better.

    • This is a Support class tower, so seeing how it works with your favorite builds is part of the fun.

    • BTW making cool-looking giant beasts pop Bloons has been pretty awesome, even though it took us twice as long as expected. Thanks for your patience!!!

  • Quests! Quests are self-contained challenges with their own special rules, difficulty, and unlock requirements. Patch joins the main menu and acts as the entry point for the Quest system. The intent along with fun gameplay is to sprinkle more story into the game, teaching certain strategies, introducing game modes, trying out items before unlocking them, as well as being a place for us to experiment with new mechanics. Did someone say special missions? No we didn’t say that for 36, but definitely downstream.

  • With the launch of the Quests system we have 3 beginner Quests aimed towards newer players. In future updates we will expand this with mid-rank, high rank, and expert level Quests that will introduce higher level ideas and challenges.

    • Beast Handler Quest – The Dartling Gunner unlocks via a basic pop target objective, but this was a simple system and had nothing to do with the tower itself. To unlock the Beast Handler with this update, rank 40+ players will take on a short adventure using the lower tiers of this tower.

    • Race Introduction – When Races unlock at rank 20, they can be quite an intimidating system to start learning. Now rank 20+ players will be able to access their first persistent race, available from the Quest menu. This is a short introduction aimed at new players, or players new to Races. More challenging Race Quests will be added in the future.

    • Quincy’s Trial – All players start the game with Quincy available, and now from the Quest menu or from Quincy’s profile on the Hero menu players will be able to engage in a short mission showcasing his strengths

New Awesome
  • New Map – Polyphemus

    • No, Lotus Island was never going to be the only stop on that epic journey

    • Your next adventure is Polyphemus, whose one great eye closes over any towers in its site. Never fear, unlike Monkdyseus, your crew is not dead, just out of play until you can open the eye again.

    • Another one made with challenges in mind, and yes, we’ll look for other uses for this mechanic in the future.

  • New Achievements – a simple intro to quests with: Side Quest, World League Training

  • New Trophy Store Items

    • Monkeys: Tack Shooter Hedgehog pet

    • Bloons: Lobster BFB skin

    • Game & UI: Avatar73 – Necromancer, Avatar74 – Darts, Avatar75 – Gravelord Lych, Avatar76 – Sun Hat Adora

  • Competition Winning items

    • Banner29 – community banner by ratcrunch – Avatar of Darkness

  • Limited Time only

    • Alchemist Flower splash projectiles, Banner29 – Blossom Temple

  • New CT Team Store items

    • Base Props: Dino Spring Egg, Cake Baker Monkey

    • Icons: Overclocked Icon, Choc Bunny icon

    • Frames: Bloon From The Dead frame, Flower Burst frame

Game Changes / Additions
  • Reworked towers with secondary attack target options to use a smaller icon for this target that is no longer linked to the target priority display. We apologize to the players who were comfortable with the “buttonized” target priorities, but many players were confused by that implementation, so we’re hoping this is a better, clearer UI for all.

  • Beast Handler: we’ve done a major revamp to the Beast Handler’s UI and beast mechanics for ease of use – still in deep testing and balancing
  • Quest System: making its debut for Beast Handler’s unlock, plus additional story quests if time
  • Polyphemus map: tying in with both Beast Handler and Lotus Island; Monkdysseus’ journey continues!
  • Wizard Paragon
    • It is simply too much art and testing to put a new Monkey Tower and a new Paragon into the same update, so Wizard must wait until update 37.0; we know you have been waiting ages for this but the concept art on this is worth it!
  • Map Editor
    • Great progress already underway on this, with placeable objects and water terrain already working
    • Scoping this for an Octoberish release so we have most of the year on it
  • Console
    • Work from home is having the biggest impact on console but we are making progress toward Xbox submission, with PlayStation following closely
  • Other Goals
    • New Hero: several ideas in consideration here, for the latter part of the year
    • Paragons: one more after Wizard Magus Perfectus
    • Bosses: one new Boss plus new victory conditions like Least Tiers and Least Cash to mix up the focus of play (and yes arbitration of ties)
    • Teams: one new event, with a completely different cadence and feel to Contested Territories, based on aggregated damage
    • Contested Territories: adding themes to CT events, to lean further into certain rules, Bloons, and/or maps
    • Creators: looking to expand the Nexus program to more creators in the front half of this year

Bloon TD 6 (BTD6) apk 36.0 release date and download will be available soon.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.