Blade Assault Update 1.01 Patch Notes – January 19, 2022

Blade Assault update 1.01 (January 19, 2022) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Blade Assault patch notes, the latest Blade Assault update resolves a long list of issues and added gameplay optimizations.

Previously, a big update was released with various bug fixes and changes.

Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. Blade Assault patch 1.01 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

What is fixed in Blade Assault January 19 Update?

1. Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where Jenny’s weapon chain sickle was not shining.
  • Fixed a bug where during Kil’s chainsaw skill, Kil’s chainsaw weapon grade [Top Blade], Kil’s axe weapon upgrade [Whirlwind], and Jenny’s chain sickle weapon upgrade [Blade Dance], the skill ends and damage not dealt when knocked back, frozen, or shocked.

[Stage & Monster]

  • Fixed a bug where within the Esperanza’s Hall map, the activate interaction UI appears on the box object.
  • Fixed a bug where Jenny’s dash clones passes through the green vine obstacle in the Abandoned Hospital map.
  • Fixed a bug where players could avoid boss Electra ‘s thunderbolt attack when sitting down.
  • Fixed a bug where the burrow worms could not attack when the player is standing on the stairs.
  • Fixed a bug where boss Cyclops’ name does not appear.
  • Fixed a bug where Ratmotan’s first jump attack sometimes strikes downwards.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to move before the cut scene ends when meeting Ratmotan for the second time.

[Core & Gear]

  • Fixed a bug with Eternal Flame where the max stack amount is not shown according to level.
  • Fixed a bug where HP was not recovered even when Tenacious Core [Healing] was above Lv 2.
  • Fixed a bug where if one Restocks at one showcase when there are multiple core showcases after selecting Character Traits sub – [Core Type Changer], the amount of stock remaining is not updated after going to another showcase.
  • Fixed a bug where if one Restocks at one gear box when there are multiple gear boxes after selecting Character Traits sub – [Jack in the Box], the amount of stock remaining is not updated after going to another gear box.
  • Fixed a bug where the DMG of active gear [Iron Maiden] increases when the risk gear [Poisoned Cleaver] that adds DMG is obtained.
  • Fixed a bug where the Linear Rocket DMG increase for Linear Rocket Lv 4 was applied as a skill DMG increase.


  • Fixed a bug where after obtaining rewards during the stage heading towards the boss Cyclops, the interaction option “activate” becomes possible at the stage port.
  • There was an issue where activating EO’s core showcase in the Jazz Bar the text “Upgrade cores by using Roses.” was not shown.
  • Fixed a bug where when Freeze : Execute is leveled up, the Core Case shows the current level’s chance instead of the increased chance even though the information window UI shows the increased chance.
2. Balance Modifications

[Chapter 5 Monster]

  • Deleted super armor trait.
  • Black Templar, Colossus, Tyrant, Missile Drone
  • Reduced HP of Chapter 5 enemies.

[Chapter 6 Monster]

  • Increased thunderbud projectile cooldown from 1.8 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  • Reduced HP of Chapter 6 enemies.

[Character – Kil]

  • [Destroyer] Increased normal ATK. (24 -> 30)
  • [Destroyer] Increased skill ATK. (56 -> 70)
  • [Evil hunter] Increased normal ATK. (15 -> 20)
  • [Evil hunter] Increased skill ATK.(60 -> 80)

[Character – Darcy]

  • [Silence] Increased normal ATK. (35 ->38)
  • [Silence] Increased skill ATK.(175 -> 200)

[Character – Jenny]

  • [Sidewinder] Increased normal ATK. (32 -> 36)
  • [Sidewinder] Increased skill ATK. (56 -> 68)

Download free Blade Assault patch 1.01 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.